Recognition and Negotiation Procedures Sample Clauses

Recognition and Negotiation Procedures. 1 1.01 Recognition 1 1. 011 Special and General Education Tutors 1 1.012 Long Term Substitutes 4 1.013 Hiring of Retired Buckeye Teachers 4 1.02 Requests for Negotiations 5 1.03 Negotiation Meetings 6 1.04 Representation 6 1.05 Information 6 1.06 News Release 6 1.07 Agreement 7 1.08 Impasse 7 1.09 Definition of Days 7 1.10 Exclusivity of Procedure 7
Recognition and Negotiation Procedures. A. Recognition B. Negotiation Procedures C. Negotiating Team D. Labor Management Committee E. Calendars
Recognition and Negotiation Procedures. 3 2.1 Recognition ................................................................ 3 ARTICLE 3 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY AND DUES DEDUCTIONS 4 3.5 Dues and Service Fee Deductions ............................. 4 3.7 Hold Harmless Provision.............................................. 5 3.8 Deductions - Other Purposes ..................................... 6 ARTICLE 4 WAGES .......................................................................... 7 4.1 Salaries ...................................................................... 7 4.1.1 Salary Schedules ............................................ 7 4.2 Overtime ..................................................................... 7
Recognition and Negotiation Procedures. 3 2.1 Recognition ................................................................ 3
Recognition and Negotiation Procedures. 2.1 Recognition‌ 2.1.1 For those employees included in the unit for the negotiations as set forth in Section 1.1.8, the Board hereby recognizes the Association as the certified exclusive negotiating representative of the members of the unit pursuant to the Educational Employment Relations Board election held May 3, 1977. 2.1.2 No other group or organization or representative thereof shall be permitted to engage on behalf of any employee included in the unit in any meeting and negotiating with the District regarding matters within the scope of representation. 2.1.3 The Exclusive Representative recognizes the Board as the duly elected representative of the people and agrees to negotiate only with the Board or the duly authorized representative(s) designated by the Board to act in its behalf.
Recognition and Negotiation Procedures 

Related to Recognition and Negotiation Procedures

  • RECOGNITION AND NEGOTIATIONS The Employer or anyone authorized to act on their behalf recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agency for its employees classified and covered by this Agreement. The Employer agrees to negotiate with the Union or anyone authorized to act on behalf of the Union, in any and all matters affecting the relationship between the parties to this Agreement.

  • NEGOTIATION PROCEDURES A. At least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement, the parties will begin negotiations for a new Agreement covering wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment of employees covered by this Agreement. B. In any negotiations described in this article, neither party shall have control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party and each party may select its representatives from within or outside the school district. It is recognized that no final Agreement between the parties may be executed without ratification by the Board and the Association. The parties mutually pledge that representatives selected by each shall be clothed with necessary power and authority to make proposals and concessions in the course of negotiations, subject only to such ultimate ratification. C. If the parties fail to reach an agreement in any such negotiations, either party may invoke the procedures established under Public Act 379 as amended. D. Members of the Association’s negotiating team and/or consultants thereto, who are employees of the Employer, shall be released from their normal duties without loss of salary when meetings of the two negotiating teams are scheduled during their normal working hours. E. The parties hereby agree that their Teams shall meet at least quarterly during the school year to attempt to resolve problems. The topics for these meetings shall be established by the group at the previous quarter’s meeting whenever possible. Topics will remain on the agendas until resolved or until deleted by mutual agreement. F. Prior to the establishment of any new position in the bargaining unit, the Employer shall notify the Association of such a contemplated action, and meet with the Association to negotiate workload for the position. This provision does not preclude the Employer’s ability to create and post positions. If the timing of the decision to establish the position precludes such a meeting, the Employer shall meet with the Association as soon as possible. The parties may agree that the position should be allowed to operate without a defined workload for some defined period of time to determine what a reasonable workload might be. G. By mutual consent of both parties any section of this agreement may be reopened.

  • NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES 3.1 The Board and SEE shall each exchange, in writing, at the first negotiations session, the names of persons who shall serve as their respective representatives for negotiations, up to ten (10). Each party shall also designate the person on its team who will serve as spokesperson. Other persons may be permitted to attend negotiation sessions for resource purposes upon prior mutual agreement of the parties. (revised 2012-13) 3.2 No later than April 15 of each ensuing year, either SEE or the Board shall submit a written request for negotiations to commence to the other party, if it desires there to be negotiations for that year. If no such request is made during the time period above, negotiations will not take place for the ensuing year. (revised 2012-13) 3.3 The first negotiation session shall occur on a mutually agreeable date. (revised 2012-13) 3.4 The Board and SEE shall share their initial written concerns at least one week prior to scheduled negotiations. Subsequent initial concerns may only be submitted upon mutual agreement of the parties. (revised 2012-13) 3.5 Only those members who comprise the negotiation teams will be present in the room during negotiations except for the OEA advocate and clerical assistance. Other parties may be permitted to be present only by mutual agreement of the parties. (revised 2012-13) 3.6 Negotiations shall be conducted in closed sessions. No recordings or official transcripts shall be made without mutual agreement of the parties. 3.7 Negotiations will only be conducted between the designated representatives of the parties and only in regular negotiations sessions at the times, dates, and places mutually agreed upon by the parties. The time, date, place and agenda of subsequent sessions will be set by mutual agreement of the parties prior to the close of each negotiations session. 3.8 Negotiations sessions shall be scheduled outside the regular work day of the representatives of the bargaining unit, except by mutual agreement. 3.9 Releases to the news media will be by mutual agreement only. However, neither the Board nor SEE shall be prohibited from communicating with its own members. 3.10 When tentative agreement is reached on any item, it shall be reduced to writing, and signed and dated by the spokesperson of each team. When tentative agreement is reached on all items, they shall be submitted first as a package by SEE to the bargaining unit for ratification and then by the Superintendent to the Board for ratification.

  • Dispute Resolution Procedures (a) In the event a dispute arises about the interpretation, application, calculation of Loss, or calculation of payments or otherwise with respect to this Single Family Shared-Loss Agreement (“SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item”), then the Receiver and the Assuming Institution shall make every attempt in good faith to resolve such items within sixty (60) days following the receipt of a written description of the SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item, with notification of the possibility of taking the matter to arbitration (the date on which such 60-day period expires, or any extension of such period as the parties hereto may mutually agree to in writing, herein called the “Resolution Deadline Date”). If the Receiver and the Assuming Institution resolve all such items to their mutual satisfaction by the Resolution Deadline Date, then within thirty (30) days following such resolution, any payment due as a result of such resolution shall be made arising from the settlement of the SF Shared-Loss Dispute. (b) If the Receiver and the Assuming Institution fail to resolve any outstanding SF Shared-Loss Dispute Items by the Resolution Deadline Date, then either party may notify the other of its intent to submit the SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item to arbitration pursuant to the provisions of this Article VII. Failure of either party to submit pursuant to paragraph (c) hereof any unresolved SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item to arbitration within thirty (30) days following the Resolution Deadline Date (the date on which such thirty (30) day period expires is herein called the “Arbitration Deadline Date”) shall extinguish that party’s right to submit the non-submitted SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item to arbitration, and constitute a waiver of the submitting party’s right to dispute such non-submitted SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item (but not a waiver of any similar claim which may arise in the future). (c) If a SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item is submitted to arbitration, it shall be governed by the rules of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”), except as otherwise provided herein. Either party may submit a matter for arbitration by delivering a notice, prior to the Arbitration Deadline Date, to the other party in writing setting forth: (i) A brief description of each SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item submitted for arbitration; (ii) A statement of the moving party’s position with respect to each SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item submitted for arbitration; (iii) The value sought by the moving party, or other relief requested regarding each SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item submitted for arbitration, to the extent reasonably calculable; and (iv) The name and address of the arbiter selected by the moving party (the “Moving Arbiter”), who shall be a neutral, as determined by the AAA. Failure to adequately include any information above shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the parties right to arbitrate so long as after notification of such failure the moving party cures such failure as promptly as reasonably practicable. (d) The non-moving party shall, within thirty (30) days following receipt of a notice of arbitration pursuant to this Section 7.1, deliver a notice to the moving party setting forth: (i) The name and address of the arbiter selected by the non-moving party (the “Respondent Arbiter”), who shall be a neutral, as determined by the AAA; (ii) A statement of the position of the respondent with respect to each Dispute Item; and (iii) The ultimate resolution sought by the respondent or other relief, if any, the respondent deems is due the moving party with respect to each SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item. Failure to adequately include any information above shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the non-moving party’s right to defend such arbitration so long as after notification of such failure the non-moving party cures such failure as promptly as reasonably practicable (e) The Moving Arbiter and Respondent Arbiter shall select a third arbiter from a list furnished by the AAA. In accordance with the rules of the AAA, the three (3) arbiters shall constitute the arbitration panel for resolution of each SF Loss-Share Dispute Item. The concurrence of any two (2) arbiters shall be deemed to be the decision of the arbiters for all purposes hereunder. The arbitration shall proceed on such time schedule and in accordance with the Rules of Commercial Arbitration of the AAA then in effect, as modified by this Section 7.1. The arbitration proceedings shall take place at such location as the parties thereto may mutually agree, but if they cannot agree, then they will take place at the offices of the Corporation in Washington, DC, or Arlington, Virginia. (f) The Receiver and Assuming Institution shall facilitate the resolution of each outstanding SF Shared-Loss Dispute Item by making available in a prompt and timely manner to one another and to the arbiters for examination and copying, as appropriate, all documents, books, and records under their respective control and that would be discoverable under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

  • Termination Procedures The Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement may be terminated for Convenience or Default.

  • NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE 3.1 On or before September 1 of the prior year in which this agreement is to expire either party may initiate negotiations in accordance with RSA 273:A. The parties shall meet not later than September 15th, at which time the Association shall submit its proposals, unless another date is mutually agreed to by the parties. 3.2 The Negotiating Committee of the Board and the Negotiating Committee of the Association shall have authority to reach a complete agreement, subject to ratification by the Board and the qualified voting members of the Association covered by this Agreement. 3.3 Any agreement reached shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Board and the Association. Any agreement reached which requires the expenditure of additional public funds for its implementation shall not be binding on the Board, unless and until the necessary appropriations have been made by the Annual School District Meeting. The Board shall make a good faith effort to secure the funds necessary to implement said agreements. 3.4 If, after discussion of all negotiable matters, the parties fail to reach agreement, either party may declare impasse. In the event of impasse, the rules and procedures for “Resolution of Disputes” as outlined under RSA 273: A-12 shall be followed. 3.5 The cost for the services of the mediator and/or fact finder including per diem expenses, if any, will be shared equally by the Board and the Association. 3.6 Determinations and/or recommendations under the provision of Section 3.4 of this Article III will not be binding on the parties in accordance with RSA 273: A 3.7 If the monies to fund the economic provisions are not appropriated as provided in this Article III, Section 3.3 and/or if either party rejects the recommendations set forth in this Article III, Section 3.6, then the parties shall do the following: A. The appropriate party shall notify the other party of its intent to renegotiate the provisions of this Agreement, and: B. If either negotiating team rejects the neutral party’s recommendations, his/her findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the full membership of the employee organization and to the Board of the public employer, which shall vote to accept or reject so much of his/her recommendations as is otherwise permitted by law. C. If either the full membership of the employee organization or the public employer rejects the neutral party’s recommendations, his/her findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the legislative body of the public employer, which shall vote to accept or reject so much of his/her recommendations as otherwise is permitted by law. D. If the impasse is not resolved following the action of the legislative body, negotiations shall be reopened. Mediation may be requested by either party and may involve the Board of the public employer if the mediator so chooses. 3.8 The parties may, by mutual agreement, pass over mediation and go directly to fact finding. 3.9 Neither party in any negotiations shall interfere with the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party.

  • Transaction Procedures All series transactions for the Designated Series shall be consummated by payment to, or delivery by, the Custodian(s) from time to time designated by the Fund (the “Custodian”), or such depositories or agents as may be designated by the Custodian in writing, of all cash and/or securities due to or from the Series. The Subadviser shall not have possession or custody of such cash and/or securities or any responsibility or liability with respect to such custody. The Subadviser shall advise the Custodian and confirm in writing to the Fund all investment orders for the Designated Series placed by it with brokers and dealers at the time and in the manner set forth in Schedule A hereto (as amended from time to time). The Fund shall issue to the Custodian such instructions as may be appropriate in connection with the settlement of any transaction initiated by the Subadviser. The Fund shall be responsible for all custodial arrangements and the payment of all custodial charges and fees, and, upon giving proper instructions to the Custodian, the Subadviser shall have no responsibility or liability with respect to custodial arrangements or the act, omissions or other conduct of the Custodian.

  • NEGOTIATING PROCEDURES 1. Prior to the time set for entering into the process for negotiations, the Board through the Superintendent, and the Association, through its President, shall each designate in writing the names of not more than seven persons who shall serve on their respective negotiating teams and be responsible for negotiations pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Each party shall also designate the person on its team who will be the chief negotiator. If either party finds it necessary to change members of the team during negotiations, the party shall so inform the other party in writing, each party agreeing to keep changes as minimal as possible. 2. Negotiation meetings shall be closed to all except the Association and the Board designated negotiations team members and consultants. 3. Negotiation meetings will be conducted at the times and places mutually agreeable to the negotiators named by each party. A maximum time limit of two hours will be set for each session; however, an extension of time may be taken, if such extension is mutually agreeable to both teams. Any emergency meeting can be called by mutual consent of the spokesperson of both teams. 4. Negotiation meetings shall be scheduled at times which will not interfere with the teacher work day and the education program. 5. The requests for negotiations by the Association or by the Board of Education shall be in writing. The written requests shall be submitted by the President of the Association to the Superintendent, or by the Board of Education to the President of the Association, no later than April 1st of each year. 6. When using non-collaborative bargaining, the Association and the Board of Education will submit their packages of proposals to be negotiated by April 1st with the first meeting to be held no later than May 1st. However, when collaborative bargaining is being utilized, both parties will come to an agreement upon the date for beginning negotiations. At this meeting, proposals and/or issues requested for negotiations shall be within the scope of negotiable items as previously set forth. 7. Each team is responsible for the disposal of its' own respective proposals and/or issues in one of the following methods: a. Agreement on the item b. Agreement to withdraw the item c. Sending the item to impasse In case of collective bargaining, all non-monetary items shall be disposed of by June 15. By mutual agreement of both teams, the June 15 date may be altered by written notification. In the case of either collective or collaborative bargaining, all items shall be disposed no later than the first day of school. By mutual agreement, all timelines may be extended. 8. Tentative agreements reached as a result of such negotiations shall be reduced to writing to be presented to the Association for ratification. Following such ratification, the agreements shall be presented to the Board for ratification. The Board shall act upon the agreements within two regular board meetings following Association ratification. Upon ratification and after necessary action by the Board, terms of the agreement shall be implemented. The Board recognizes that wages, hours, fringe benefits and terms and conditions of employment are negotiable items and such negotiated items will not be changed except through the negotiations process as outlined in this agreement. 9. Negotiations shall begin upon the first meeting between the duly appointed teams. 10. All negotiation items sent to impasse by the respective teams shall be sent to fact-finding as a package at the conclusion of discussions.

  • Dispute Resolution and Governing Law This Section provides for resolution of Disputes through final and binding arbitration before a neutral arbitrator instead of in a court by a judge or jury or through a class action. You may continue to have certain rights to obtain relief in small claims court or from a federal or state regulatory agency. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures and in accordance with the Expedited Procedures in those rules. If no disputed claim or counterclaim exceeds $250,000, not including interest or attorneys’ fees, the arbitration shall be administered under the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures as modified by this Agreement. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any JAMS rule to the contrary or any other provision in arbitration rules chosen by agreement, we each agree that all issues regarding the Dispute are delegated to the arbitrator to decide, including any disagreements regarding the scope and enforceability of this agreement to arbitrate. In conducting the arbitration and making any award, the arbitrator shall be bound by and strictly enforce the terms of this Agreement and may not limit, expand, or otherwise modify its terms. You and Xxxxxxxx agree that each may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. Further, unless both you and Xxxxxxxx agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. The arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual claim. If any portion of this paragraph is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this Section 9 shall be null and void. The arbitration process established by this Section 9 is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16. You and Xxxxxxxx each agree that the FAA’s provisions—and not state law—govern all questions of whether a Dispute is subject to arbitration. To the extent this Agreement conflicts with the JAMS Policy on Consumer Arbitrations Pursuant to Pre-Dispute Clauses Minimum Standards of Procedural Fairness (the “Minimum Standards”), the Minimum Standards in that regard will apply. However, nothing in this paragraph will require or allow you or Xxxxxxxx to arbitrate on a class-wide, representative, or consolidated basis.

  • Notification Procedures To address non-compliance, the receiving Competent Authority would notify the providing Competent Authority pursuant to Article 5 of the IGA. The notification procedures would differ depending upon whether the receiving Competent Authority seeks to address administrative or other minor errors or significant non-compliance.