NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. 3.1 The Board and SEE shall each exchange, in writing, at the first negotiations session, the names of persons who shall serve as their respective representatives for negotiations, up to ten (10). Each party shall also designate the person on its team who will serve as spokesperson. Other persons may be permitted to attend negotiation sessions for resource purposes upon prior mutual agreement of the parties. (revised 2012-13) 3.2 No later than April 15 of each ensuing year, either SEE or the Board shall submit a written request for negotiations to commence to the other party, if it desires there to be negotiations for that year. If no such request is made during the time period above, negotiations will not take place for the ensuing year. (revised 2012-13) 3.3 The first negotiation session shall occur on a mutually agreeable date. (revised 2012-13) 3.4 The Board and SEE shall share their initial written concerns at least one week prior to scheduled negotiations. Subsequent initial concerns may only be submitted upon mutual agreement of the parties. (revised 2012-13) 3.5 Only those members who comprise the negotiation teams will be present in the room during negotiations except for the OEA advocate and clerical assistance. Other parties may be permitted to be present only by mutual agreement of the parties. (revised 2012-13) 3.6 Negotiations shall be conducted in closed sessions. No recordings or official transcripts shall be made without mutual agreement of the parties. 3.7 Negotiations will only be conducted between the designated representatives of the parties and only in regular negotiations sessions at the times, dates, and places mutually agreed upon by the parties. The time, date, place and agenda of subsequent sessions will be set by mutual agreement of the parties prior to the close of each negotiations session. 3.8 Negotiations sessions shall be scheduled outside the regular work day of the representatives of the bargaining unit, except by mutual agreement. 3.9 Releases to the news media will be by mutual agreement only. However, neither the Board nor SEE shall be prohibited from communicating with its own members. 3.10 When tentative agreement is reached on any item, it shall be reduced to writing, and signed and dated by the spokesperson of each team. When tentative agreement is reached on all items, they shall be submitted first as a package by SEE to the bargaining unit for ratification and then by the Superintendent to the Board for ratificat...
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. A. The parties agreed to implement a Collaborative Bargaining Process beginning with the 1998- 99 fiscal year within the authority of Chapter 447 of the Florida Statutes and any appropriate rules and procedures. Salary and fringe benefits shall be automatically reopened each year, as well as any provisions imposed by the Board. In compliance with requirements that tentative agreement items must be formally ratified, the parties agree to establish the following protocol: 1. Formal ratification votes on tentative agreement(s) by the parties shall be held as needed. 2. Interim decisions to implement agreements before formal ratification shall be confirmed in writing in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding. 3. Issues may be raised for consideration through an appropriate process at any time during the length of this ratified agreement. B. If negotiations reach impasse, the procedures as set forth in the Florida Statutes and/or the rules of the Public Employees Relations Commission shall be followed. At the request of either party, a mediator shall be appointed. C. Neither party shall have any control over the selection of the bargaining representatives of the other party, and the parties mutually pledge that their representatives will be empowered to reach tentative agreement on items being negotiated. Should either party utilize the services of outside consultants to assist in negotiations, the party using the consultants shall pay for any cost incurred for such services. D. This Contract may not be modified in whole or in part except by mutual written agreement. E. If any provision or application of this Contract is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect. The parties shall either immediately meet to reopen negotiations on that provision or application or mutually agree to deal with the matter in subsequent negotiations. F. The agreements in this Contract shall supersede any rules, regulations, or practices of the Board which are contrary to or inconsistent with the terms recorded herein. G. There shall be two official signed copies of the final ratified Contract, one to be retained by each of the parties. The Board agrees to print one thousand five hundred (1,500) copies of the current Contract for distribution to new hires. A link will be provided to all employees during...
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. The parties also agree to negotiate in good faith on all matters properly presented for negotiations. Should an impasse develop, the procedures available under law shall be utilized exclusively in an orderly manner in an effort to resolve such impasse.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. A. It is agreed that terms and working conditions provided in this agreement shall remain in effect until altered by mutual agreement in writing between the parties. Nevertheless, because of the special nature of the public educational process, it is likewise recognized that matters may from time to time arise of vital mutual concern of the parties which have not been fully or adequately negotiated between them. It is in the public interest that the opportunity for mutual discussion of such matters be provided. The parties accordingly undertake to cooperate in arranging meetings, selecting representatives for discussion, furnishing necessary information and otherwise constructively considering and resolving any such matters. B. During the school year in which this agreement expires, the Board agrees to begin negotiations with the Federation over a successor agreement in accordance with the procedure set forth herein in a good faith effort to reach agreement concerning teachers' salaries and all other working conditions. Such negotiations may include, but not be limited to, the subjects covered by this agreement and any other matters mutually agreed to be negotiable by the parties. Any agreement so negotiated will apply to all teachers, and will be reduced to writing and signed by the Board and the Federation. C. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party, and each party may select its representatives from within or outside the school district. While no final agreement shall be executed without ratification by the Federation and the Board, the parties mutually pledge that their representatives will be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make concessions in the course of negotiations. D. If the parties fail to reach an agreement in any such negotiations, either party may invoke the mediation machinery of the State Labor Mediation Board or take any other lawful measures it may deem appropriate.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. Negotiations shall commence pursuant to Article 4 of this Agreement and the Parties will structure their Agreement per the four (4) Agency groups set forth below: ODOT: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Forestry, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD), Oregon Department of Aviation (ODOA), Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW), Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), Department of Agriculture, Water Resources Department, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board; SPECIAL AGENCIES: Justice, Revenue, Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Workers’ Compensation Board, Department of Consumer & Business Services (DCBS), Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI), Veterans’ Affairs, Board of Nursing, Oregon Medical Board, Board of Dentistry, Board of Pharmacy, Mortuary and Cemetery Board, Oregon Mental Health Regulatory Agency, Board of Medical Imaging, Board of Massage Therapists, Occupational Therapy Licensing Board, Board of Examiners for Speech Pathology & Audiology, Board of Naturopathic Medicine, Education, Library, Treasury, Commission for the Blind, Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), Special Schools, State Scholarship, Department of Administrative Services, Oregon Housing & Community Services (OHCS), Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying (OSBEELS), and Teachers Standards and Practices Commission.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. Section 1. Negotiations shall commence pursuant to Article 4Term of Agreement of this Agreement. Section 2. The Employer agrees to grant leave with pay for one employee per university to represent the Union for actual negotiating table time including caucuses, negotiation work sessions and a reasonable number of membership meetings relating to negotiations starting on the October 15 prior to the current contract expiration. In addition, the Employer agrees to grant leave with pay for a bargaining team chairperson designated by the Union. The Union agrees, as a prior condition to the release of the employee from work, to notify the Employer in writing of the member designated for negotiations. The Employer is not responsible for travel, per diem, overtime or other benefits beyond that which the employee would have received had the employee not attended bargaining sessions. Subject in each case to prior approval by the university, the Employer further agrees to grant leave without pay to additional employees determined necessary by the Union to attend negotiating sessions. Should it become necessary for the Employer to replace an employee scheduled for swing or graveyard shift so as to permit that employee to participate in collective bargaining negotiations, the Union agrees alternatively as follows: (A) Seven (7) work days’ notice shall be given by the Union to the Employer so as to allow the Employer to avoid payment of penalty pay for the schedule change of the replacement employee; or (B) If the Union does not give notice prescribed in (A) above, the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the penalty pay paid to the replacing employee.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. In an effort to reach understanding and agreement, both parties agree to exchange points of view and to conduct negotiations in good faith on all matters.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. 1. There shall be negotiations with the Board in accordance with the recognition procedures set forth herein carried out in good faith effort to reach mutual understanding and agreement. Such negotiations shall include matters relative to terms and conditions of employment. Both parties agree to negotiate in good faith efforts to reach agreement concerning said conditions. Disputes over the conditions set forth in this agreement shall first be brought to the office of the Superintendent. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all members of the respective department where applicable, or in certain cases when agreement is applicable to all members of the Association, such agreements shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Board and the Association. It shall be understood that any such agreement is binding only to the extent permitted under the laws of the State of New York and the United States. 2. The Board and the Association agree that both parties will exchange proposals on or before February 1st of the last year of the contract, or at a date mutually agreed to. 3. If either party of this agreement determines that negotiations under this agreement have reached impasse, written notice shall be provided to the other party. The provisions of Section 209 of the Public Employees Fair Employment Act shall apply. 4. The Board recognizes the Association as the bargaining agent for all those who are eligible to be members of the unit. 5. The parties agree that all negotiable items have been discussed during negotiations leading to this agreement, and therefore agree that negotiations will not be reopened on any items whether contained herein or not during the life of this agreement, except to change or amend language which will have no financial impact on the district. 6. The association will be notified of any negotiations and/or job changes within the Association during the year and a representative of each group may be present at the bargaining table.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. 3.1 In any negotiations described in the Agreement, neither party shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party. It is recognized that no final agreement between the parties may be executed without ratification by a majority of the Board and by a majority of the members of the bargaining unit voting, but the parties mutually pledge that their representatives shall have all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make concessions in the course of negotiations. Throughout negotiations, all tentative agreements shall be signed by representatives designated by each party. There shall be two (2) signed copies of any final agreement. One (1) copy shall be retained by the Board and one (1) by the Association. 3.2 Following tentative agreement of the Contract, the Board agrees to print a copy for the Association. The Board will post the draft on the district website. 3.3 Within thirty (30) days after this agreement has been ratified by the Board and the teachers, the Board shall place the Master Contract on the District website. The Association shall receive one (1) paper copy of the agreement.
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES. 4.1. The Board and the Association shall each designate in writing the names of not more than seven (7) persons who shall serve as their respective representatives for negotiations pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Each party shall also designate the person on its team who will serve as spokesperson. Alternates may be designated; however, alternates will attend meetings only when serving in the place of a regular team member or by mutual agreement of the parties.