TENTATIVE PROJECT TIMELINES. The following are the anticipated timelines for the Local Indigent Care Needs Grant Program and are subject to change: Planning Project Grants: Round 1 Date Activity 11/07/2019 Round 1 RFP Released 11/21/2019 1st RFP Assistance Webinar at 1:00 PM 12/04/2019 2nd RFP Assistance Webinar at 10:00 AM 12/12/2019 Final Q & A RFP Webinar at 1:00 PM 12/06/2019 Letter of Intent Due by 5:00 PM 12/20/2019 Grant Applications Due by 2:00 PM 1/30/2020 Applications Approved by Board 2/03/2020 Notices of Award Sent 3/01/2020 Grant Contracts Begin/Project Period Begins 9/15/2020 Interim Report and Interim Expenditure Report Due 2/28/2021 Project Period Ends 3/15/2021 Final Report and Final Expenditure Report Due 3/31/2021 Grant Contract Ends Implementation Program Grants: Round 1 Date Activity 11/07/2019 Round 1 RFP Released 11/21/2019 1st RFP Assistance Webinar at 1:00 PM 12/04/2019 2nd RFP Assistance Webinar at 10:00 AM 12/12/2019 Final Q & A RFP Webinar at 1:00 PM 12/06/2019 Letter of Intent Due by 5:00 PM 12/20/2019 Grant Applications Due by 2:00 PM 1/30/2020 Applications Approved by Board 2/03/2020 Notices of Award Sent 3/01/2020 Grant Contracts Begin/ Project Period Begins 9/15/2020 Biannual Progress Report and Expenditure Report Due 3/15/2021 Biannual Progress Report and Expenditure Report Due 9/15/2021 Biannual Progress Report and Expenditure Report Due 3/15/2022 Biannual Progress Report and Expenditure Report Due 9/15/2022 Biannual Progress Report and Expenditure Report Due 2/28/2023 Project Period Ends The next Planning Grant Application cycle (Round 2) is expected to be released in March 2020 with applications due back in May 2020. LICN Program Planning Project Round 2 contracts are expected to start August 2020 and end July 2021. Three additional Implementation Grant Applications cycles are expected to be released in accordance with this tentative timeline: Type Due Date Contract Start Contract End Implementation Program Grants: Round 2 June 2020 August 2020 July 2023 Implementation Program Grants: Round 3 April 2021 July 2021 June 2024 Implementation Program Grants: Round 4 October 2021 February 2022 January 2025 Any anticipated timeline is subject to change at the discretion of the Governing Board.
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  • Project Timeline The Project Timeline establishes a start and end date for each Phase of the Project. Developed during the Initiate & Plan Stage and revised as mutually agreed to, if needed, the timeline accounts for resource availability, business goals, size and complexity of the Project, and task duration requirements.

  • Construction Progress Schedule; Overall Project Schedule The Contractor shall submit for review by the Design Professional and approval by the Owner a Construction Progress Schedule based upon the Design Professional’s Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule and prepared using a CPM (Critical Path Method) process within sixty days after the Effective Date of the Contract, utilizing a full-featured software package in a form satisfactory to the Design Professional and Owner, showing the dates for commencement and completion of the Work required by the Contract Documents, including coordination of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical disciplines, as well as coordination of the various subdivisions of the Work within the Contract. Milestones must be clearly indicated and sequentially organized to identify the critical path of the Project. The Construction Schedule will be developed to represent the CSI specification divisions. It shall have the minimum number of activities required to adequately represent to the Owner the complete scope of Work and define the Project’s (and each Phase’s if phased) critical path and associated activities. The format of the Construction Progress Schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, inspections for Material Completion and Occupancy Date, and Final Completion Date. The Contractor shall submit, along with the Construction Progress Schedule, the Submittal Schedule for approval by the Design Professional, correlating the associated approval dates for the documents with the Construction Progress Schedule. Upon recommendation by the Design Professional and approval by the Owner, the Construction Progress Schedule shall become the Overall Project Schedule, which shall be utilized by the Design Professional, Owner and Contractor. The Contractor must provide the Design Professional and the Owner with monthly updates of the Overall Project Schedule indicating completed activities and any changes in sequencing or activity durations, including approved change orders. See also Article 3.3.5.


  • Construction Progress Schedule A schedule indicating proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information, preparation, submittal, and processing of Shop Drawings and Samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long-lead time procurement, and proposed date(s) of Material Completion and Occupancy and Final Completion. The schedule will be developed to represent the sixteen or seventeen CSI Specification Divisions. It shall have a minimum number of activities as required to adequately represent to Owner the complete scope of work and define the Project’s critical path and associated activities. If the Project is to be phased, then each individual Phase should be identified from start through completion of the overall Project and should be individually scheduled and described, including any Owner’s occupancy requirements and showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. The format of the schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, Material Completion and Occupancy Date, final inspection dates, Punchlist, and Final Completion date.

  • Construction Budget The total amount indicated by the District for the Project plus all other costs, including design, construction, administration, financing, and all other costs.

  • Project Construction Budget The project construction cost allowance specifically stated in writing as the ‘revised’ or ‘current’ ‘Project Construction Budget’ by the Trustees at each applicable phase of plan development.

  • Overall Project Schedule The Construction Progress Schedule that is approved by the Owner.

  • Project Budget A Project Budget shall be prepared and maintained by Grantee. The Project Budget shall detail all costs for which the Grant will be used during each calendar month of the Term. The Project Budget must be approved in writing by the Project Monitor. Grantee shall carry out the Project and shall incur costs and make disbursements of funds provided hereunder by the Sponsor only in conformity with the Project Budget. The current approved Project Budget is contained in Attachment B. Said Project Budget may be revised from time to time, but no Project Budget or revision thereof shall be effective unless and until the same is approved in writing by Project Monitor. The funds granted under this Grant Contract cannot be used to supplant (replace) other existing funds.

  • Project Schedule Construction must begin within 30 days of the date set forth in Appendix A, Page 2, for the start of construction, or this Agreement may become null and void, at the sole discretion of the Director. However, the Recipient may apply to the Director in writing for an extension of the date to initiate construction. The Recipient shall specify the reasons for the delay in the start of construction and provide the Director with a new start of construction date. The Director will review such requests for extensions and may extend the start date, providing that the Project can be completed within a reasonable time frame.

  • Project Changes 1.8.1. All changes shall be administered per the UGC.

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