TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. Grove may, at any time and without further liability, terminate a Purchase Order or any part thereof for its sole convenience, at which xxxx Xxxxxx shall immediately stop all work related to a Purchase Order. Grove shall pay Seller’s actual direct costs for goods produced or work performed up until the date of termination, provided that such costs were incurred by Seller in good faith to fulfill a Purchase Order in accordance with its terms. Xxxxxx’s claims under this section must be provided in writing with sufficient detail within thirty (30) days of receipt of Xxxxx’s termination notice. Further, Grove may rescind or cancel a Purchase Order, in whole or part, at any time and without penalty or liability if: (a) Seller breaches any terms or conditions of a Purchase Order, including without limitation, late delivery; (b) Seller ceases operations or fails to make progress or meet progress milestones; or (c) a petition in bankruptcy is filed by or against Seller, Seller is declared insolvent or has a receiver or trustee appointed for it or its assets, or Seller makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or commences proceedings under any insolvency or similar laws. Payments to Seller hereunder shall be the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller in the event of a termination by Xxxxx. Seller shall protect Xxxxx’s property, work or goods in Seller’s (or Seller Party’s) care, custody or control until final transfer of such property, work or goods has been made to Grove. Seller shall at Grove’s sole option, direction and benefit deliver to Grove or dispose of any partially completed goods or obsolete materials.
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TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. This Permit may be terminated by SFRTA for convenience, upon seven (7) calendar days of written notice by SFRTA to the Permittee. In the Event that the Permittee abandons this Permit or causes it to be terminated, Permittee shall indemnify SFRTA against loss pertaining to this termination. This Permit may be terminated by SFRTA for cause if the Permittee violates any material requirement of the Permit or creates a safety and/or security hazard (as determined solely by SFRTA), upon immediate verbal notice by SFRTA to the Permittee or upon no more than two (2) business days of written notice by SFRTA to the Permittee.
TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. University may terminate the Order or any part thereof for its sole Convenience. Upon notice of such termination, Supplier shall immediately stop all work and/or shipment of goods hereunder and cause its suppliers and/or subcontractors to cease their work against the Order. Supplier shall be paid a reasonable termination charge consisting of a pro rata percentage of the Order price reflecting the percentage of work performed prior to notice of termination, plus actual direct costs resulting from termination. Supplier shall not be paid for work performed or costs incurred after date of termination, nor for costs incurred by Supplier's suppliers that Supplier reasonably could have avoided. University may terminate the Order or any part hereof for Cause if Supplier defaults, fails to comply with any terms and conditions of the Order, becomes insolvent, ceases operations, liquidates or files for bankruptcy protection. Late delivery of goods or performance of services that are defective or do not conform to the Order shall, without limitation, be causes allowing University to terminate the Order for cause. In this event, University will not be liable to Supplier for any amount; but Supplier shall be liable to University for all losses, damages, and expenses, including costs of cover, resulting from the default that caused the termination.
TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. Draper reserves the right to terminate this contract, in whole or in part, at any time during the term or any additional terms whenever Draper determines, in its sole discretion that it is in Xxxxxx’x interest to do so. If Draper elects to exercise this right, Draper shall provide written notice to the Contractor at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of termination. Upon such termination, Contractor shall be paid for all services up to the date of termination. Contractor agrees that Xxxxxx’x termination for convenience or cause will not be deemed a termination for default nor will it entitle Contractor to any rights or remedies provided by law or this contract for breach of contract by Draper or any other claim or cause of action.
TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. The Department has the option to terminate this Agreement if the MPO fails to comply with any provision. A written notice of termination shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the intended date of termination and shall identify all of the MPO breaches on which the termination is based. The Department may provide the MPO a reasonable opportunity to correct the breach. If within ten (10) days after receipt of a written notice of termination, the MPO has not corrected the breach or, in the case of a breach which cannot be corrected in ten (10) days, the MPO has not begun and proceeded in good faith to correct the breach, the Department may declare the MPO in default and terminate the Agreement. The Department shall retain any and all other remedies available to it under the law.
TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. City reserves the right to terminate this contract, in whole or in part, at any time during the term or any additional terms whenever City determines, in its sole discretion that it is in the City’s interest to do so. If City elects to exercise this right, City shall provide written notice to the vendor at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of termination. Upon such termination, the vendor shall be paid for all services up to the date of termination. Vendor agrees that the City’s termination for convenience or cause will not be deemed a termination for default nor will it entitle the vendor to any rights or remedies provided by law or this contract for breach of contract by the City or any other claim or cause of action.
TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. This can be found in the attached Federal Terms and Conditions. M also be responsible for maintaining workers’ compensation insurance, unemployment insurance for its employees, and for payment of all federal, state, local and any other payroll taxes with respect to its employees’ compensation.
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TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OR CAUSE. Unless explicitly identified in the Service Agreement, the Airline may terminate the Service Agreement or any part thereof for its sole convenience without notice. Upon the effective date of termination, Service Provider shall immediately stop all work and cause its suppliers and/or subcontractors to cease their work against the Service Agreement. Service Provider shall be paid a pro rata percentage of the Service Agreement price reflecting the percentage of the work performed prior to the effective date of termination. Service Provider shall not be paid for work performed or costs incurred after the effective date of termination. The Airline may without notice terminate a Service Agreement or any part thereof for cause if the Service Provider:


  • Termination for Cause or Convenience When a participating agency expends federal funds, the participating agency reserves the right to immediately terminate any agreement in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) resulting from this procurement process in the event of a breach or default of the agreement by Offeror in the event Offeror fails to: (1) meet schedules, deadlines, and/or delivery dates within the time specified in the procurement solicitation, contract, and/or a purchase order; (2) make any payments owed; or (3) otherwise perform in accordance with the contract and/or the procurement solicitation. Participating agency also reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately, with written notice to offeror, for convenience, if participating agency believes, in its sole discretion that it is in the best interest of participating agency to do so. Bidder will be compensated for work performed and accepted and goods accepted by participating agency as of the termination date if the contract is terminated for convenience of participating agency. Any award under this procurement process is not exclusive and participating agency reserves the right to purchase goods and services from other offerors when it is in participating agency’s best interest. Does Bidder agree? _ J.O. (Initials of Authorized Representative)

  • Termination for Convenience TIPS may, by written notice to Vendor, terminate this Agreement for convenience, in whole or in part, at any time by giving thirty (30) days’ written notice to Vendor of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof.

  • Termination for Cause and Convenience As detailed within Clause No. 3 of, Form HUD-5370-C, General Conditions for Non- Construction Contracts, Section I—(Within or without Maintenance Work).

  • TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE BY CITY 4.04.1 The Director may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving 30 days’ written notice to Contractor, with a copy of the notice to the CPO. The City’s right to terminate this Agreement for convenience is cumulative of all rights and remedies, which exist now or in the future.

  • Termination for Convenience of City The City shall have the right at any time by written notice to Contractor to terminate and cancel this contract, without cause, for the convenience of the City, and Contractor shall immediately stop work. In such event City shall not be liable to Contractor except for payment for actual work performed prior to such notice in an amount proportionate to the completed contract price and for the actual costs of preparations made by Contractor for the performance of the cancelled portions of the contract, including a reasonable allowance of profit applicable to the actual work performed and such preparations. Anticipatory profits and consequential damages shall not be recoverable by Contractor.

  • TERMINATION FOR CAUSE BY CITY 4.05.1 If Contractor defaults under this Agreement, the Director may terminate this Agreement after providing Contractor written notice and an opportunity to cure the default as provided below. The City’s right to terminate this Agreement for Contractor’s default is cumulative of all rights and remedies that exist now or in the future. Default by Contractor occurs if:

  • Compensation for Convenience Termination If City shall terminate for its convenience as herein provided, City shall compensate Consulting Engineer/Architect for all Engineering/Architectural Services satisfactorily completed to date of its receipt of the termination notice and any additional Engineering/Architectural Services requested by City to bring the Project to reasonable termination. Compensation shall not include anticipatory profit or consequential damages, neither of which will be allowed.

  • Termination by Owner for Convenience (a) The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract for the Owner's convenience without cause upon the expiration of 48 hours written notice to the Contractor of such termination.

  • Termination or Suspension for Convenience The District reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or suspend all or part of the Contract for convenience following three (3) days written notice to the Contractor. In the event of termination or suspension for convenience, Contractor shall have no claims against the District, except:

  • Termination or Suspension for Convenience of City City may suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion of the Required Services, at any time and for any reason, with or without cause, by giving specific written notice to Consultant of such termination or suspension at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effective date thereof. Upon receipt of such notice, Consultant shall immediately cease all work under the Agreement and promptly deliver all “Work Product” (defined in Section 7 below) to City. Such Work Product shall be City's sole and exclusive property as provided in Section 7 hereof. Consultant shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for this Work Product in an amount equal to the amount due and payable under this Agreement for work satisfactorily performed as of the date of the termination/suspension notice plus any additional remaining Required Services requested or approved by City in advance that would maximize City’s value under the Agreement.

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