Transfer of Business Where a transfer of business occurs, an Employee who worked with the old employer and who continues in the service of the new employer will be entitled to count her/his service with the old employer as service with the new employer for the purposes of this clause.
Transfer of Control E.1.1 Transfer of control shall take place at the AoR boundary, unless otherwise specified in paragraph E.3.
Transfer of Sick Leave Any employee with prior service with another public agency of the State of Ohio shall be credited with the balance of accumulated but unused sick leave upon proper certification of the accumulated but unused sick leave from the previous public employer.
Transfer of Service A charge applied to LSR’s that involve account changes (e.g., CLEC to CLEC transfers, DA & CPE billing changes on Unbundled Ports).
Transfer of Funds From such funds as may be available for the purpose in the relevant Fund Custody Account, and upon receipt of Proper Instructions specifying that the funds are required to redeem Shares of the Fund, the Custodian shall wire each amount specified in such Proper Instructions to or through such bank or broker-dealer as the Trust may designate.
Transfer of Agreement Without prior written consent of the WFOE, the Existing Shareholders or the Domestic Company may not assign its rights and obligations hereunder to any third party.
Permitted Transfers Within Escrow 5.1 Transfer to Directors and Senior Officers