Tuition and Financial Aid. Students admitted as degree candidates to W&M under the provisions of this agreement will pay tuition to W&M. Students seeking Virginia In-State Tuition privileges apply for them when they apply for admission to W&M. Transfer students should follow Office of Financial Aid deadlines for submitting the FAFSA and CSS profile. The Office of Financial Aid considers transfer students in the same category as returning students who are first-time aid recipients at W&M.
Tuition and Financial Aid. A. During the three years in residence at GVSU-LSP, students will pay tuition to GVSU- LSP at the GVSU-LSP rate. During the three years in residence at MSU Law, students will pay tuition to MSU Law at the MSU Law rate.
B. During the three years in residence at GVSU-LSP, financial aid will be calculated in accordance with GVSU-LSP’s then-current student eligibility policies and will be provided through GVSU-LSP. During the three years in residence at MSU Law, financial aid will be provided at the graduate level in accordance with MSU Xxx’s then-current student eligibility policies and will be provided through MSU Law.
C. All GVSU-LSP LEAP students will be fully eligible for scholarships and grants provided to incoming students at MSU Law.
Tuition and Financial Aid a. The home institution will assume responsibility for processing, awarding, and disbursing financial aid, to the extent that students are eligible, during the semesters in which the students are enrolled at that institution.
b. The home institution will also assume responsibility for monitoring student eligibility, satisfactory academic progress, refund/repay calculations, record retention, and reporting including the National Student Loan Data System and FISAP.
c. Financial aid refunds received by students through either institution may be used to help cover the costs of tuition and fees for coursework at the host institution during co-enrolled periods.
d. Students will be able to concurrently register at both institutions in the same semester. The home institution will be the institution that pays the financial aid for the student.
e. The institutions will notify each other of any concurrently enrolled students receiving financial aid through this agreement so that they will not be dropped for non-payment prior to the start of the session and so that each institution will provide each other with credit hours in which students are enrolled and about enrollment changes, including drops and withdrawals, and grades received for enrolled courses at the end of the sessions.
f. Students are responsible for knowing the rules and deadlines for registration and tuition payment at each institution.
g. Student enrollment status and financial aid will be reported by the home institution throughout the program.
Tuition and Financial Aid. The HTC ISRAEL OPTION is the first year of a baccalaureate degree program at HTC and only HTC students are eligible to participate in the ISRAEL OPTION. Accordingly, you are expected to be enrolled at a HTC Campus in the Fall 2022 semester and complete your undergraduate studies at HTC. Students may not hold a deferral at another institution during their time in the HTC Israel Option program. If you are holding a deferral at another college, you are not eligible to participate in the HTC ISRAEL OPTION.
Tuition and Financial Aid. A. During the three years in residence at NMU, students will pay tuition to NMU at the NMU rate. During the three years in residence at MSU Law, students will pay tuition to MSU Law at the MSU Law rate.
B. During the three years in residence at NMU, financial aid will be calculated in accordance with NMU’s then-current student eligibility policies and will be provided through NMU. During the three years in residence at MSU Law, financial aid will be provided at the graduate level in accordance with MSU Xxx’s then-current student eligibility policies and will be provided through MSU Law.
C. All NMU LEAP students will be fully eligible for scholarships and grants provided to incoming students at MSU Law.
Tuition and Financial Aid. Students matriculating in the Law School will pay the then applicable tuition of the Law School for their work in the Law School. Such students will be eligible to apply for all Law School need-based and merit scholarships and for all loan programs otherwise available to students at the Law School. Students who are early matriculants to the Law School will also be eligible for AES scholarships (funded by the Honors College) for one year in addition to Law School funded financial aid. The Law School will provide early matriculation students with a single room in the Law School dormitories at normal rental rates. The Law School will give preference to early matriculants for positions as paid research assistants to members of the law faculty during their second and third years of enrollment in the Law School.
Tuition and Financial Aid a. For academic years 1-2, while in residence at College, students will pay the standard tuition rates to College and be eligible for all standard scholarships, grants and loan programs from College.
b. For academic years 3-6, while in residence at The University at Buffalo, students will pay The University at Buffalo standard tuition rate to The University at Buffalo and be eligible for all standard scholarships, grants and loan programs from The University at Buffalo.
c. During the two years in residence at College and the four years in residence at The University at Buffalo, financial aid will be calculated in accordance with the host school’s then-current eligibility policies and will be provided by the host institution.
d. All College students will be fully eligible for scholarships and grants provided to incoming students at The University at Buffalo.
Tuition and Financial Aid. Once admitted to the BALS program, transfer students may be eligible for financial aid (pending standard review and approval by the Office of Student Financial Services) and are subject to the same tuition charges as other BALS students in the School of Continuing Studies. Tuition is posted with annual updates on the School of Continuing Studies Tuition page at: xxxxx:// V. Academic, Enrollment, and Student Conduct Policies Students are responsible for knowing the academic, enrollment, and student conduct policies and procedures outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the SCS Academic Rules and Regulations, and through the Office of Student Conduct. All students are also expected to read and abide by the Honor System at Georgetown University.
a. The Undergraduate Bulletin is updated annually and available online at: xxxxx://
b. The SCS Academic Rules and Regulations is updated annually and available online at: xxxxx://
c. The Code of Student Conduct is updated annually and available online at: xxxxx://
d. The Honor System is updated annually and available online at: xxxxx://
Tuition and Financial Aid. A. During the three years in residence at OU, students will pay tuition to OU at the OU rate. During the three years in residence at MSU Law, students will pay tuition to MSU Law at the MSU Law rate.
B. During the three years in residence at OU, financial aid will be calculated in accordance with OU’s then-current student eligibility policies and will be provided through OU. During the three years in residence at MSU Law, financial aid will be provided at the graduate level in accordance with MSU Xxx’s then-current student eligibility policies and will be provided through MSU Law.
C. All OU LEAP students will be fully eligible for scholarships and grants provided to incoming students at MSU Law.
Tuition and Financial Aid. Students admitted as degree candidates to W&M under the provisions of this agreement will pay tuition to W&M. Under the College’s Gateway program, Virginia students whose family income is less than $40,000 per year will qualify for a grant that covers all unmet financial need, eliminating the need for students to assume any debt. Other aid packages are available for those who do not meet the $40,000 threshold. Virginians admitted as transfer students will be eligible for aid according to the same standards as students admitted as freshmen. Transfer students should follow Office of Financial Aid deadlines for submitting the FAFSA. The Office of Financial Aid considers transfer students in the same category as returning students who are first-time aid recipients at W&M.