Unauthorised. Use The Licensee shall take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to the Products, including without limitation protecting its passwords and other log-in information. The Licensee shall notify Nearmap immediately of any known or suspected unauthorised use of the Products or breach of its security and shall use best efforts to stop said breach and minimise the adverse impact of said breach on Nearmap. Audit During the Term of this Agreement and for two (2) years after termination or expiry of this Agreement, the Licensee shall maintain accurate and complete records regarding its use of the Products according to its usual record keeping policies and procedures. The Licensee shall permit Nearmap (or its auditors) access to its books and records, and employees and/or contractors pertaining to the Licensee’s use of the Products. Nearmap will give at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of an audit and will not conduct an audit more than once per calendar year unless non-compliance findings are noted and in which case the audit period may be extended. Audit Findings If an audit results in findings of non-compliance, Nearmap may, at its discretion: invoice any additional licence fees due based on the standard Nearmap Fees in place at the time of the original licence grant; recover the reasonable cost of the audit if additional Fees exceed 5% of the Fees paid during the audit period; and terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 6.2. Licensee must pay all invoices issued under this clause within thirty (30) days following the date of invoice.
Unauthorised. Use The Licensee shall take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to the Licence, including without limitation protect its passwords and other log-in information. The Licensee shall notify Nearmap immediately of any known or suspected unauthorised use of the Licence or breach of its security and shall use best efforts to stop said breach. Audit During the Term of this Agreement and for two (2) years after termination or expiry of this Agreement, the Licensee shall maintain accurate and complete records regarding its use of the Products and the Licensee shall permit Nearmap (or its auditors) access to the business location(s), books and records, employees and/or contractors pertaining to the Licensee’s use of the Products. Nearmap will give at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of an audit and will not conduct an audit more than once per calendar year unless non-compliance findings are noted and in which case the audit period can be expanded. Audit Findings If an audit results in findings of non-compliance, Nearmap may, at its discretion (a) invoice any additional licence fees due based on the standard Nearmap Fees in place at the time of the original licence grant, (b) recover the reasonable cost of the audit if additional Fees exceed five (5) per cent of the Fees paid during the audit period and (c) terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 6.3. Licensee must pay all invoices issued under this clause within thirty (30) days following the date of invoice.
Unauthorised absences
87.1 Unauthorised absence is an absence from duty that is not approved. It is not leave and employees do not have the option of taking approved leave (including flex leave), or miscellaneous leave without pay to cover periods of unauthorised absence.
87.2 Where an employee has an unauthorised absence:
a) the period of unauthorised absence shall not count as service for any purpose; and
b) the employee shall not be paid in respect of the period, or periods.
Unauthorised. Use Licensee shall take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to the Licence, including without limitation protect its passwords and other log-in information. The Licensee shall notify Nearmap immediately of any known or suspected unauthorised use of the Licence or breach of its security and shall use best efforts to stop said breach.
Unauthorised absences If an employee is absent from duty without authorisation and the absence is longer than 30 minutes in duration in total in any single occurance, the absence shall be without pay and any other benefit provided under this agreement (including but not limited to flex time) until the employee resumes duty or is granted leave or the Secretary decides otherwise. 93.