Undeliverable Notices Sample Clauses
Undeliverable Notices. In the event that a Class Notice sent by U.S. Mail is returned as undeliverable, the Settlement Administrator will make reasonable efforts to obtain a valid mailing address and promptly resend the Class Notice to the Class Member by U.S. Mail.
Undeliverable Notices. Any Notice of Class Action Settlement returned to the Settlement Administrator as undeliverable on or before the Response Deadline shall be re-mailed once to the forwarding address affixed thereto. If no forwarding address is affixed, the Settlement Administrator shall promptly attempt to determine a correct address by use of skip-tracing, or other search using the name, address and/or social security number of the Settlement Class Member whose notice was undeliverable, and shall then re-mail all returned, undelivered mail within ten (10) days of receiving notice that a notice was undeliverable. Settlement Class Members who receive a re- mailed Notice of Class Action Settlement shall have their Response Deadline extended twenty (20) days from the original Response Deadline.
Undeliverable Notices. In the event that a Class Notice sent by mail is returned as undeliverable, City shall make reasonable efforts to obtain a valid mailing address within fifteen calendar days of the date of the return of the Class Notice. Following each search that results in a corrected address, City shall promptly resend the Class Notice to the Class Member by first-class mail, postage prepaid.
Undeliverable Notices. If a Notice is returned as undeliverable to the Settlement Administrator, and a forwarding address is provided by the U.S. Postal Service, then the Settlement Administrator shall re-mail the Notice to such forwarding address within ten (10) calendar days of receipt. If a Notice is returned as undeliverable to the Settlement Administrator, and no forwarding address is available, the Settlement Administrator shall check for a more current address through a recognized database, such as Accurint, and if a more recent address is obtained through this method, re-mail the Notice to such an address within ten (10) calendar days of receipt.
Undeliverable Notices. Any Notice Packets returned to the Settlement Administrator as non-delivered on or before the Response Deadline shall be re-mailed to the forwarding address affixed thereto. If no forwarding address is provided, the Settlement Administrator shall promptly attempt to determine a correct address by lawful use of skip-tracing, or other search using the name, address and/or Social Security number of the Settlement Class Member involved, and shall then perform a re-mailing, if another mailing address is identified by the Settlement Administrator. Settlement Class Members who received a re-mailed Notice Packet shall have their Response Deadline extended fifteen (15) days from the original Response Deadline.
Undeliverable Notices. If the Settlement Administrator is unable to locate a better address through a database search or skip trace, the Settlement Administrator shall the Class Notice shall be re- mailed to the original address. If the Class Notice is re-mailed, the Settlement Administrator will note for its own records the date and address of each remailing. Those Class Members who receive a re-mailed Class Notice, whether by skip-trace or forwarded mail, will have an additional ten (10) days to postmark an Exclusion Form, or file and serve an objection to the Settlement or dispute the information provided in their Class Notice. The Settlement Administrator shall mark on the envelope whether the Class Notice is a re-mailed notice.
Undeliverable Notices. Any Notice of Settlement and Claim Form returned to Class Counsel as undeliverable shall be sent to the forwarding address affixed thereto. If no forwarding address is provided, Class Counsel shall perform one (1) standard skip trace to attempt to determine the most current mailing address and shall resend the Notice of Settlement and Claim Form to that address. The Parties agree that the deadlines contained herein shall not be extended for Settlement Class Members whose Notices of Settlement and Claim Forms were returned as undeliverable and re-mailed pursuant to this paragraph.
Undeliverable Notices. Any Notices returned to the Settlement Administrator as non- delivered on or before the Response Deadline shall be re-mailed to the forwarding address affixed on it. If no forwarding address is provided, the Settlement Administrator shall promptly attempt to determine a correct address by lawful use of standard search techniques, and shall then perform a re-mailing if another mailing address is identified by the Settlement Administrator. If any Notices sent to SCMs currently employed by Defendants are returned to the Settlement Administrator as non-delivered and no forwarding address is provided, the Settlement Administrator shall notify Defendants. Defendants will request that the currently employed SCM provide a corrected address to the Defendants to forward to the Settlement Administrator. Class Members who received a re-mailed Notice shall have their Response Deadline extended fifteen calendar (15) days from the original Response Deadline.
Undeliverable Notices. If the Settlement Administrator is unable to locate a better address through a database search or skip trace, the Settlement Administrator shall promptly provide the contact information of the Class Member with the undeliverable Notice to Class Counsel. Class Counsel will provide this contact information to a third-party investigator to perform a TLOxp search using the available contact information. The TLOxp search performs a “deep skiptrace” of the Class Member and will have a greater chance of locating a better address to provide the Class
Undeliverable Notices. Any physical mailing returned as undeliverable shall be sent weekly via First Class U.S. Mail to any available forwarding address, using publicly available databases as practical to update mailing addresses. If no forwarding address is available, then the Settlement Administrator shall attempt to determine the correct address by using a computer-based skip-trace search, and shall then perform, if feasible, a re-mailing via First Class U.S. Mail weekly. If no current address is available for a Class Member, then the Postcard Notice for that Class Member will be deemed undeliverable.