Annual Accounts A copy of the final audited financial statements including Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Accounts with associated accounting policies and notes to the accounts within the 10 Months of the end of the accounting period, as per the deadline imposed by Companies House, for Contractors registered in the UK. Where Contractors are not registered with Companies House, they must forward the information detailed in Annex 1. Where Annual Accounts are not signed off, we may request a copy of the latest Financial Year Draft Accounts prior to Annual Accounts being signed off. The draft accounts should include Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account with associated accounting policies and notes to the Accounts.
User Accounts End User shall ensure that only Authorized Users can access the Services. User accounts may not be shared among individuals or used to provide access to the Services to individuals who are not the individual associated with the corresponding user account.
Joint Accounts If any of your accounts accessed under this Agreement are joint accounts, all joint owners, including any authorized users, shall be bound by this Agreement and, alone and together, shall be responsible for all EFT transactions to or from any share and share draft or loan accounts as provided in this Agreement. Each joint account owner, without the consent of any other account owner, may, and is hereby authorized by every other joint account owner, make any transaction permitted under this Agreement. Each joint account owner is authorized to act for the other account owners, and the Credit Union may accept orders and instructions regarding any EFT transaction on any account from any joint account owner.