FUTURES TRADING. Order Execution Service
FUTURES TRADING. Order Execution Service “Give-Up” Order Execution “Give-Up” Agreements “Give-Up” Execution Payment
FUTURES TRADING. 9.1. To conduct futures trading, you must register for and successfully open a crypto-futures trading sub-account with the Company. When registering for a futures trading sub-account, you acknowledge and represent that:
● 9.1.1. You fully understand the inherently high risks of futures trading, including but not limited to the risk of major fluctuations in the value of virtual assets in futures trading, and the risk of intensifying adverse outcomes when leverage is used.
● 9.1.2. You have sufficient investment knowledge and experience and the capacity to take risks arising from futures trading and agree to independently assume all the risks arising from engaging in futures trading.
● 9.1.3. Before engaging in futures trading, you have read and understood all the contents of the Company’s Futures Trading Services Terms of Use and the relevant Company Futures Platform Policies and have consulted relevant professionals to make informed decisions on whether and how to engage in futures trading, according to their recommendations and your own reasonable judgment and individual initiative.
● 9.1.4. You agree and authorize the Company to take various reasonable measures at its discretion (including but not limited to forced liquidation and forced position reduction under specific circumstances) to protect the legitimate interests of all futures trading participants.
FUTURES TRADING. Order Execution Service · The MSC Futures Desk can provide the CTA with order execution facilities. The CTA should contact the Futures Desk for information on trade execution procedures. “Give-Up” Order Execution · The CTA shall ensure that a “give-up” execution agreement is in place prior to the execution of any trade through a floor broker in accordance with this Agreement or as otherwise provided in writing to the CTA by the General Partner. · On exchanges allowing “give-up” execution, the CTA may have orders executed away from MSC and give-up trades to MSC for clearing. The CTA should contact MSC Futures Operations for information on trade “give-up” procedures. The CTA should ensure that executing brokers give trades up on a timely basis. The CTA should ensure that executing brokers make timely payment on price adjustments, when applicable. For futures trades at exchanges where give-up execution is not allowed, the CTA must use the execution facilities provided by the Clearing Commodity Broker. “Give-Up” Agreements A-2 · The three party FIA/FOA uniform “give-up” agreement is the acceptable form for futures “give-ups”. The trader version FIA/FOA EFP agreement is the acceptable form for EFP “give-ups”. The CTA should initiate all give-ups on EGUS or contact MSC Futures Operations for assistance. “Give-Up” Execution Payment · Give-Up Fee Bills in amounts specified in fully approved give-up agreements, or in the absence of such an agreement, in amounts up to the Execution Allowance, will be processed by MSC Futures Operations, with notice provided to the CTA. To the extent that such bills will be greater than the Execution Allowance, the CTA will obtain the prior written consent of the General Partner. · The CTA shall provide that information which may reasonably be requested by the General Partner to verify the Give-Up Fees processed by MSC Futures Operations. ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE: Trade Allocations · The CTA is responsible for determining the trade allocation procedure for Fund trading accounts, in accordance with CFTC regulations. The CTA should ensure that the procedure was followed correctly, and that trades are booked accordingly in Fund accounts. Trade Reporting; (Futures) · The CTA is responsible for reporting all trades to MSC Futures Operations on a timely basis to facilitate clearing and reduce operational risk. The CTA should contact MSC Futures Operations for additional information. Daily Trade Checkout · The CTA is responsible for daily, end o...
FUTURES TRADING. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.22 --------------- to the Key Disclosure Schedule, Key does not engage in any natural gas or other futures or options trading or is a party to any price swaps, xxxxxx, futures or similar instruments.
FUTURES TRADING. Unless otherwise speci:ied by Binity, to conduct Futures Trading, you must open a special Collateral Account, following the completion of registration and identity veri:ication for your Binity Account. You acknowledge and agree that:
a. You fully understand the high risks of Futures Trading, including but not limited to the risk of major :luctuations of Digital Assets in Futures Trading, and the risk of exacerbated adverse outcome when leverage is used;
b. You have suf:icient investment knowledge and experience and the capacity to take risks arising from Futures Trading, and agree to independently assume all the risks arising from the investment of Futures Trading;
c. Before performing Futures Trading, you have read and understood the relevant Binity Platform Rules, and have consulted relevant professionals to make informed decisions on whether and how to complete Futures Trading according to their recommendations and your own reasonable judgment;
d. You agree and authorize Binity to take various reasonable measures in its discretion (including but not limited to forced liquidation and forced position reduction under speci:ic circumstances) the relevant Binity Platform Rules to protect the legitimate interests of you, Binity and other Users;
e. Binity shall not be deemed liable for loss of your deposit.
FUTURES TRADING. To the extent that You choose to use the Services for the purposes of trading futures, You do so at Your own risk. We disclaim any responsibility or liability to You hereunder in connection with the performance or non-performance of the Services, and of Our obligations hereunder directly or indirectly caused by the occurrence of any contingency beyond Our control including, but not limited to, the unscheduled closure of an exchange or market or delays in the transmission of orders due to breakdowns or failures of transmission or communication facilities, execution and/or trading facilities or other systems, it being understood that We shall be excused from performance of Our obligations hereunder for such period of time as is reasonably necessary after such occurrence to remedy the effects therefrom.
FUTURES TRADING. 8.1 Risks Futures Trading are highly risky. As a futures trader, you acknowledge and agree that you shall access and use the margin trading and borrowing service at your own risks: • Trading markets are extremely volatile and shift quickly in terms of liquidity, market depth, and trading dynamics. The use of leverage can work against you as well as for you and can lead to large losses as well as gains. • Under certain market conditions, you may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position. This can occur, for example, there is insufficient liquidity in the market or due to technical issues on DynEx. • Placing contingent orders will not necessarily limit your losses to the intended amounts, since market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. • There is no guaranteed measure against losses on futures trading. As a borrower, you may sustain a total loss beyond what you have deposited to your contract account.
8.2 To enter into Futures Trading • You should fully understand the risks associated with the futures trading and lending and solely responsible and liable for any and all trading and non-trading activity on your DynEx account. Do not enter into a transaction or invest in funds that are above your financial abilities. • You are solely responsible and liable for knowing the true status of any position, even if presented incorrectly by DynEx at any time. • You agree to maintain in your DynEx futures account a sufficient amount of blockchain assets required by DynEx for users to engage in futures trading and return your loan in full timely. Failure to maintain a sufficient amount of assets or fail to return outstanding loan duly can result in the forced-liquidation of assets in your futures account. • DynEx cannot guarantee to stop losses even with the ability to force-liquidate any of your positions. If, after your positions are liquidated, your assets are insufficient to cover the outstanding loan, you are still responsible for any additional assets shortfall. • DynEx may, in its sole discretion, perform measures to mitigate potential losses to you on your behalf, including, but not limited to, transferring balances from your contract to your exchange account and/or from your exchange to your futures account. • During DynEx system maintenance, you agree that you are solely responsible and liable for managing your futures account under risk, including but not limited to, keep or close your position and repay your loan. • You a...
FUTURES TRADING. The trading which covers the legally binding contracts incorporating the receipt and delivery of a commodity, security,
2.2. Bu Sözleşme’nin kapsamına MÜŞTERİ’nin alım ve satımını yaptığı Vadeli İşlem Sözleşmeleri ve Opsiyon Sözleşmelerinin ilgili sözleşmelerin hükümlerine ve Borsa veya Tezgahüstü Piyasa Kuralları’na göre BANKA aracılığı ile teminatların yatırılması, çekilmesi, idaresi ve nemalandırılması da girmektedir. MÜŞTERİ, bu Sözleşme kapsamındaki her türlü işlemle ilgili olarak bu işlemleri gerçekleştirmek üzere BANKA’yı tam yetkili kılar. BANKA, MÜŞTERİ’nin nam ve hesabına işlemleri gerçekleştirir. Buna karşılık MÜŞTERİ de bu hizmeti karşılığında BANKA’ya, BANKA’ca belirlenecek/belirlenen ücretleri ödemeyi kabul ve taahhüt etmektedir.
2.3. Bu Sözleşme, Borsa ve teşkilatlanmış diğer piyasalarda işlem görmeksizin standart nitelikleri haiz olmayan ve BANKA’nın aracılık hizmeti vermeksizin, doğrudan kendi nam ve hesabına taraf olduğu, BANKA ile MÜŞTERİ arasında yapılan tüm tezgahüstü türev işlemlerini de kapsamaktadır.
3.1. MÜŞTERİ’nin risk ve getiri tercihleri, yatırım amaçları ve mali durumları bilgilerinin yer aldığı form sözleşme ekinde bulunmakta olup MÜŞTERİ tarafından doldurulacaktır. Formdaki bilgilerin değişmesi halinde MÜŞTERİ tarafından güncellenecektir. Aksi takdirde MÜŞTERİ, BANKA’nın yaptığı işlemlerde söz konusu formda yer alan bilgileri esas alacağını kabul eder. MÜŞTERİ bilgilerinde yer alan değişikliklerde MÜŞTERİ’nin bilgi vermek istememesi halinde sorumluluğun kendisine ait olduğunu kabul ve beyan eder. MÜŞTERİ, bilgi vermeyi istememesi durumunda bilgi vermek istemediğine ilişkin yazılı bir beyan vermek zorundadır.
3.2. Türev Araçlar Risk Bildirim Formu ve Tezgahüstü Türev Araçlar Risk Bldirim Formu işbu sözleşmenin imzasından önce MÜŞTERİ tarafından okunmuş olup, formun bir nüshası imza karşılığında MÜŞTERİ’ye verilmiştir.
4. MÜŞTERİ’NİN TANINMASI 4.1. BANKA, Bankacılık Mevzuatı ve 5549 sayılı Suç Gelirlerinin Aklanmasının Önlenmesi Hakkında Kanun ve ilgili diğer Kanun ve Yönetmelik hükümlerine uygun olarak, hesap açmadan önce MÜŞTERİ’nin kimlik bilgilerini kontrol eder. Müşterek hesap açılışında, müşterek hesap sahibi olan kişilerin her biri için kimlik kontrolü ayrıca yapılır.
FUTURES TRADING. Unless otherwise specified by Invexcoin Exchange, to conduct Futures Trading, you must conclude with Invexcoin Exchange a separate Invexcoin Exchange Futures Service Agreement and open a special Collateral Account, following the completion of registration and identity verification for your Invexcoin Exchange Account. You acknowledge and agree:
i. You fully understand the high risks of Futures Trading, including but not limited to the risk of major fluctuations of Digital Assets in Futures Trading, and the risk of exacerbated adverse outcome when leverage is used;
ii. You have sufficient investment knowledge and experience and the capacity to take risks arising from Futures Trading, and agree to independently assume all the risks arising from the investment of Futures Trading;
iii. Before performing Futures Trading, you have read and understood all the contents of the Invexcoin Exchange Futures Service Agreement and the relevant Invexcoin Exchange Platform Rules, and have consulted relevant professionals to make informed decisions on whether and how to complete Futures Trading according to their recommendations and your own reasonable judgment;
iv. You agree, acknowledge and irrevocably authorize Invexcoin Exchange to take various reasonable measures in its sole and absolute discretion (including but not limited to forced liquidation and forced position reduction under specific circumstances) in accordance with the Invexcoin Exchange Futures Service Agreement and the relevant Invexcoin Exchange Platform Rules to protect the legitimate interests of you, Invexcoin Exchange and other Users.