USE OF CITY FACILITIES A. The Association may use City facilities with prior approval for the purpose of holding meetings to the extent that such facilities are made available to the public, and to the extent that such use of the facility will not interfere with normal departmental operations. With the prior approval of the Area commanding officer, roll call rooms may be made available for Association meetings. Participating employees will attend said meetings on their own time. B. If the use of a facility requires a fee for rental or special set-up, security, and/or cleanup service, the Association will provide or assume the cost of such service(s) or facility.
Use of Interconnection Facilities by Third Parties 494950 9.9.1 Purpose of Interconnection Facilities 494950 9.9.2 Third Party Users. 50 9.10 Disturbance Analysis Data Exchange. 50 ARTICLE 10. MAINTENANCE 50 10.1 Participating TO Obligations. 50 10.2 Interconnection Customer Obligations. 50 10.3 Coordination 505051
Use of School Facilities 1. The Association will have the right to use school buildings at reasonable times for meetings in accordance with Committee policy on the Use of School Facilities. The principal of the building in question will be notified in advance of the time and place of all such meetings. 2. There will be one (1) bulletin board in each school building, which will be placed in the faculty lounge, for the purpose of displaying professional notices, circulars, and other Association material. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal, but his advance approval will not be required.
Use of Facilities 34.1. In situations where the CLEC has the use of the facilities (i.e., local loop) to a specific customer premise, either through resale of local service or the lease of the local loop as an Unbundled Network Element, and Sprint receives a good faith request for service from a customer at the same premise or from another carrier with the appropriate customer authorization, the procedures below will apply. 34.1.1. Sprint will process such orders and provision services consistent with the terms contained in Section 82, of this Agreement. 34.1.2. Where CLEC is using a single facility to provide service to multiple end user customers, Sprint will not disconnect that facility as a result of the following procedures. 34.1.3. Sprint will follow methods prescribed by the FCC and any applicable state regulation for carrier change verification. 34.1.4. Customer with Existing Service Changing Local Service Provider In situations where a CLEC submits an order for an end user customer that is changing local service providers for existing service, and is not adding service (i.e., an additional line), Sprint will process the service request without delay, and provide the losing local service provider a customer loss notification consistent with industry standards. 34.1.5. Customer with Existing Service Adding New Service In situations where an order is submitted for an end user customer adding service to existing service (i.e., an additional line), the order should be marked as an additional line and CLEC’s facilities will not be affected. 34.1.6. Customer Requesting New Service where Previous Customer has Abandoned Service In the case where an end user customer vacates premises without notifying the local service provider and a new end user customer moves into the vacated premises and orders new service from a local service provider neither Sprint nor the previous local service provider are aware that the original end user customer has abandoned the service in place. When a carrier requests service at a location and marks the order as abandoned and CLEC is the previous local service provider, Sprint shall notify CLEC via fax that it has had a request for service at the premise location that is currently being served by CLEC; If available to Sprint, Sprint shall include the name and address of the party receiving service at such locations, but at a minimum shall provide local service address location information; 34.1.7. If CLEC does not respond within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving Sprint’s notification or if CLEC responds relinquishing the facilities, Sprint shall be free to use the facilities in question and Sprint shall issue a disconnect order with respect to the CLEC service at that location. If CLEC responds stating that the service is working and should not be disconnected, Sprint will notify the carrier ordering service and request verification of the address and location or the submission of an order for an additional line.
Toilet Facilities The Employer provides the Contractor access to toilet facilities. Temporary chemical toilets are provided by the Contractor where deemed necessary.
Use of School Buildings The ASSOCIATION and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings. This use must be within the hours when custodians are regularly employed and within accepted school policy.
Use of Facilities and Services Subject to the rules of the University and the terms of this Agreement, the UFF shall have the right to use University facilities for meetings and all other services on the same basis as they are generally available to other university-related organizations which are defined as follows: University-Related Groups and Organizations. These groups and organizations may or may not receive budgetary support. Examples of such groups include student organizations, honor societies, fraternities, sororities, alumni associations, faculty committees, University Support Personnel Systems council, direct support organizations, the United Faculty of Florida, etc.
PUBLIC FACILITIES Supplier’s employees may be required to perform work at government- owned facilities, including schools. Supplier’s employees and agents must conduct themselves in a professional manner while on the premises, and in accordance with Participating Entity policies and procedures, and all applicable laws.
Use of State Facilities Where there is available appropriate meeting space in buildings owned or leased by the State, MSEA-SEIU shall be allowed reasonable use of such space at reasonable times for specific meetings, including space suitable for meetings in private between MSEA-SEIU staff representatives or stewards and employees in the investigation and processing of grievances. In addition, in buildings owned or leased by the State that have video conferencing facilities, MSEA-SEIU may be allowed reasonable use of those facilities. Advance arrangements for the use of State facilities shall be made with the department or agency concerned. MSEA-SEIU shall reimburse the State for any additional expense incurred in allowing use of such space. No other employee organization, except such as have been certified or recognized as the bargaining agent for other State employees, shall have the right to meeting space in State facilities for purposes pertaining to terms and conditions of employment of employees. The use of State facilities for meetings shall be in non-work areas or where work is not in progress. Other than meetings in private between MSEA- SEIU staff representatives or stewards and employees in the investigation and processing of grievances, all meetings in State facilities shall be during the off- duty time of employees attending and, in all instances, attendance shall be voluntary. Arrangements for any meetings in State facilities will be made so as to avoid interference with the department's or agency's operations or violation of the department's or agency's security.
Use of Attachment Facilities by Third Parties Purpose of Attachment Facilities. Except as may be required by Applicable Laws and Regulations, or as otherwise agreed to among the Parties, the Attachment Facilities shall be constructed for the sole purpose of interconnecting the Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System and shall be used for no other purpose.