USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. To the degree that either or both of the Parties hereto find it convenient to employ their standard forms of purchase order or acknowledgment of order in administering the terms of this MOA, it or they may do so but none of the terms and conditions printed or otherwise appearing on such form shall be applicable except to the extent that it specifies information required to be furnished by either Party hereunder. The terms proposed by any such form are specifically objected to and shall not be used as a basis for any contract.
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. If either or both of the Parties employs any purchase order, invoice, acknowledgment of order, or other form in carrying out the transactions contemplated under this Agreement, none of the terms contained on such form will be applicable except to the extent that they specify information required to be furnished under this Agreement. Each Party hereby objects to any other terms contained on any such form; such other terms will not be a basis for any contract and neither Party should take any action or fail to take any action in reliance on such other terms.
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. Any purchase order or other instrument of Customer provided prior to the acceptance of this Agreement or accompanying a Customer payment is for Customer's internal use only and its terms shall not alter or amend the terms of this Agreement, and any additional or varying terms contained in such instrument are expressly rejected.
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. If either or both Parties employ purchase order or acknowledgment forms or other commercial forms in the administering of this Agreement, none of the terms and conditions printed or otherwise appearing on such forms will be applicable
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. Any purchase order or other instrument of Business Partner provided prior to the acceptance of this Agreement or accompanying either an Order Form or a Business Partner payment is for Business Partner's internal use only and its terms shall not alter or amend the terms of this Agreement, and any additional or varying terms contained in such instrument are expressly rejected.
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. Solely for administrative convenience of the parties in ordering hereunder, Partner may issue a purchase order in lieu of the Parties signing the HCL Order form (HCL Program License and Support Order Schedule) and such purchase order shall then be deemed an Order for ordering purposes. Such purchase order shall be subject to this Master Agreement, and any different terms in such purchase order (whether payment terms, taxes, warranty, scope of Support, limitation of liability, termination, or otherwise) will not apply as the purpose of the purchase order is solely for identifying pricing, product/service selected, Customer, and quantity for ordering hereunder. All references in this Master Agreement to differing or additional terms that may apply in an Order do not apply to purchase orders used as the Order. Subject to this paragraph, HCL (or its Affiliates) may accept the purchase order by processing it.
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. Any purchase order or other instrument of Licensee provided prior to the acceptance of this License or accompanying either an Order Form or a Licensee payment is for Licensee's internal use only and its terms shall not alter or amend the
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. To the degree that either or both of the parties hereto find it convenient to employ their standard forms of purchase order or acknowledgment of order in administering the terms of this Agreement, it or they may do so but none of the terms and conditions printed or otherwise appearing on such form shall be applicable except to the extent that it specifies information required to be furnished by either party hereunder. The terms proposed by any such form are specifically objected to and shall not be used as a basis for any contract. The parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representative. TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION GALVESTON ISLAND PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES By: By: Name: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Name: Title: Director, Contracts & Grants Title: Date: Date: This purpose of this Agreement is to construct and monitor an 800-ft prototype dune at Xxxxxx Park on Galveston Island's east end. This pilot project will test the applicability of using baled and compressed seaweed (Sargassum) wrack material to fortify sand dunes and spur vegetation growth. A successful project could help shape policies on beach maintenance and Sargassum treatment on Galveston Island and other parts of the Texas coast.
a. Obtain and pay for all necessary permits.
b. Provide horizontal baling system for optimized Sargassum pick-up and compaction into xxxxx or utilize existing equipment to pick-up and compact Sargassum.
c. Collect and compress Sargassum wrack with minimal beach sand disturbance.
d. Restore/build 800-ft long prototype dune section on Galveston Island for continued research and monitoring regarding re-application of seabales.
e. Survey and monitor the project location over the 1.5-year duration of the project (quarterly beach and dune profiles, and hydrodynamic forcing conditions).
f. Sample dune sediment and vegetation quarterly to track sediment composition, seabale compaction and plant growth.
g. Assimilate all collected data and make available to the GLO, Park Board officials and the public through meeting presentations and a final project report.
a. Provide beach materials (seaweed) and help with sand sourcing for the project.
b. Provide topographic survey data.
c. Assist with permitting as needed (COG, GLO, USACE)
d. Provide free access to the Park for students and professors related to the project.
e. In-kind contributions (equipment and operators with prior coordination and scheduling)
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. Customer agrees that any purchase order or other Customer documentation issued to KMBS covering the Products shall be issued for purpose of authorization and Customer’s internal use only. Any terms and conditions contained in any such Customer documentation shall not modify or add to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. Customer agrees that any purchase order or other Customer documentation issued to Konica Minolta funding the Service shall be issued for the purpose of authorization and will be in accordance with DIR-CPO-4439 Appendix A Standard Terms and Conditions, Section 4 General Provisions. B. Modification of Contract Terms and/or Amendments.