Research and Monitoring Sample Clauses

Research and Monitoring. 5.1 Parties shall endeavour to carry out survey work in poorly known areas, which may hold important concentrations of the populations listed in Table 1. The results of such surveys shall be disseminated widely. 5.2 Parties shall endeavour to monitor the populations listed in Table 1. The results of such monitoring shall be published or sent to appropriate international organizations, to enable reviews of population status and trends. 5.3 Parties shall cooperate to improve the measurement of bird population trends as a criterion for describing the status of such populations. 5.4 Parties shall cooperate with a view to determining the migration routes of all populations listed in Table 1, using available knowledge of breeding and non-breeding season distributions and census results, and by participating in coordinated ringing programmes. 5.5 Parties shall endeavour to initiate and support joint research projects into the ecology and population dynamics of populations listed in Table 1 and their habitats, in order to determine their specific requirements as well as the techniques which are the most appropriate for their conservation and management. 5.6 Parties shall endeavour to undertake studies on the effects of wetland loss and degradation and disturbance on the carrying capacity of wetlands used by the populations listed in Table 1 and on the migration patterns of such populations. 5.7 Parties shall endeavour to undertake studies on the impact of hunting and trade on the populations listed in Table 1 and on the importance of these forms of utilization to the local and national economy. 5.8 Parties shall endeavour to cooperate with relevant international organisations and to support research and monitoring projects.
Research and Monitoring. 4.1 Parties shall seek to undertake research and monitoring in order to fulfil the requirements of Article III, both at sea and on land. Where appropriate, they shall do so co-operatively, and shall seek to facilitate the development of improved research and monitoring techniques. 4.2 The Parties shall, through the use of at-sea observers on fishing vessels or through other appropriate methods, collect reliable and, where possible, verifiable data to enable the accurate estimation of the nature and extent of albatross and petrel interactions with fisheries.
Research and Monitoring. 5.1 Parties shall endeavour to carry out survey work in poorly known areas, which may hold important concentrations of the populations listed in Table 1. The results of such surveys shall be disseminated widely. 5.2 Parties shall endeavour to monitor the populations listed in Table 1. The results of such monitoring shall be published or sent to appropriate international organizations, to enable reviews of population status and trends. 5.3 Parties shall cooperate to improve the measurement of bird population trends as a criterion for describing the status of such populations.
Research and Monitoring. 1. The Parties shall co-ordinate their research programmes and projects and their monitoring of the seal population to increase their knowledge of the biology and the habitats including harmful effects of human activities on the seal population to provide a basis for measures to improve its conservation status. 2. They shall, in particular, monitor and co-ordinate their research on, a) population trends e.g. through periodic aerial surveys and counts; b) seal migration; c) seal population parameters, e.g. diseases, survival, age structure, sex ratio.
Research and Monitoring. The United States v. Oregon Parties have agreed to a series of species-specific harvest management regimes described in Part II. Implementing those management regimes requires continuation of essential monitoring activities. Additional research and monitoring is needed to improve the accuracy and precision of management. Important components of a comprehensive research and monitoring program include, but are not limited to, those described below. The Parties agree that maintaining a vigorous research and monitoring program is essential to continued implementation of the harvest regimes as envisioned in this Agreement. The Parties therefore agree to work together to maintain funding for current programs, and seek additional funding that are considered essential to increase certainty in the conservation effectiveness of the harvest strategies contained within this Agreement.
Research and Monitoring. Status of research and monitoring programmes for species 5.1 How are priorities for research identified in your country? Please briefly describe your country’s research programmes, including any bilateral or multilateral co-operative action, for wetland habitats and for species covered by the Agreement (e.
Research and Monitoring. Parties shall undertake co-ordinated, concerted research on cetaceans and facilitate the development of new techniques to enhance their conservation. Parties shall, in particular: a) monitor the status and trends of species covered by this Agreement, especially those in poorly known areas, or species for which little data are available, in order to facilitate the elaboration of conservation measures; b) co-operate to determine the migration routes and the breeding and feeding areas of the species covered by the Agreement in order to define areas where human activities may need to be regulated as a consequence; c) evaluate the feeding requirements of the species covered by the Agreement and adapt fishing regulations and techniques accordingly; d) develop systematic research programmes on dead, stranded, wounded or sick animals to determine the main interactions with human activities and to identify present and potential threats; and e) facilitate the development of passive acoustic techniques to monitor cetacean populations.
Research and Monitoring. The Secretary shall— (1) continue a program of research and monitoring of the impacts of fish stocking on the resources of the applicable unit of the North Cascades National Park Service Complex; and (2) beginning on the date that is 5 years after the date of enactment of this Act [July 25, 2014] and every 5 years thereafter, submit to the Committee on En- ergy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Rep- resentatives a report that describes the results of the research and monitoring under paragraph (1).’’ 1. Administration of recreation areas (a) Statement of purposes; utilization of authori- ties for administration of national park sys- tem and for conservation and management of natural resources (b) Lands withdrawn from location, entry, and patent under mining laws; removal of min- erals
Research and Monitoring. Ongoing research programmes relating to the conservation of albatrosses and petrels
Research and Monitoring. AEWA Action Plan