VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. ServiceNow maintains a vendor risk management program that assesses all vendors that access, store, process, or transmit Customer Data for appropriate security controls and business disciplines.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. Snowflake maintains a vendor risk management program for vendors that process Customer Data designed to ensure each vendor maintains security measures consistent with Snowflake's obligations in this Security Addendum.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. (a) OneStream maintains a vendor risk management program that is in line with industry best practices. On an annual basis, OneStream performs a review of critical vendors for the Service to validate the design and operating effectiveness of their controls.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. Supplier maintains a vendor risk management program that assessesall vendors that access, store, process, or transmit Buyer Data for appropriate security and privacy controls and business disciplines.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. Xxxxxx maintains a vendor risk management program for vendors that process Customer Data designed to ensure each vendor maintains security measures consistent with Apollo’s obligations in this Security Policy.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. (a) Management of third-party vendors and service providers is addressed through the vendor management policy and procedures.
(b) On an annual basis, OneStream performs a review of critical 3rd and 4th party vendors to validate the design and operating effectiveness of their controls.
(c) OneStream will advise customers of any significant and material changes to key suppliers that may have an impact on customer data and implementation.
(d) Vendor Management practices are in line with industry best practices.
1. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM. Customer and OneStream may enter into one or more statements of work ("SOWs") under which OneStream will perform, and Customer will pay for, the Professional Services described in each SOW.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. Kensu maintains a vendor risk management program that assesses all vendors that access, store, process, or transmit Customer Data for appropriate security controls and business disciplines.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. ServiceNow maintains a vendor risk management program that assesses all vendors that access, store, process or transmit Customer Data for appropriate security controls and business disciplines. 3.3. 管理上のセキュリティ対策 (a) データセンター調査 ServiceNow は、各データセンターについて、本セキュリティ・プログラムを遵守するために必要なセキュリティコントロールが維持され続けることを確実にするため、日常的な検査を行うものとします。 (b) 人的セキュリティ ServiceNow は、 顧客データにアクセスする従業員およびその他の人員に対して、その時点で最新の ServiceNow の標準運用規則および適用される法律に基づき、経歴および薬物のスクリーニングを行います。 (c) セキュリティ啓発およびトレーニング ServiceNowは 、 本 セ キ ュリ テ ィ ・ プ ロ グ ラム に 基 づ き 、 ServiceNow 人員に対する適切なトレーニングを含むセキュリティ啓発プログラムを保持します。トレーニングは、雇用時および ServiceNow での雇用中定期的に行われるものとします。 (d) ベンダーリスク管理 ServiceNow は、顧客データへのアクセス、保存、処理または移転を行うすべてのベンダーに対して、適切なセキュリティコントロールおよびビジネス規律のため、 ベンダーリスク管理プログラムを通し、継続してベンダーの査定を 行います。
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT eGain maintains a vendor risk management program for vendors that process Customer Data. The program is designed to ensure that each vendor maintains security measures consistent with eGain’s obligations in this Security Policy.
VENDOR RISK MANAGEMENT. All vendor engagements must be approved by Armis, Infosec, Legal, Finance and Procurement Teams, who review each vendor with respect to risk associated with Armis data and risk associated with vendor relations. Vendors are otherwise required to enter comprehensive confidentiality and quality controls commitments, commit to comprehensive information security standards, agree to reasonable vendor audits & respond to annual security vendor risk assessment questionnaire Systems Development and Maintenance: Armis’ policy continuously considers the security properties and implications of applications, systems, and services used or provided by Armis throughout a given project lifecycle. The policy requires individuals to implement appropriate security measures in applications, systems, and services being developed, commensurate with identified security and concerns. The Company’s Infosec Team is responsible for providing security-related guidance and risk assessment. a Comprehensive procedure is also in place for code development, code review, Q&A cycle, change request process, code freezing and rollout.