WAGE INFORMATION. In the event of a dispute between the parties to this Agreement as to whether an employee is being paid the wages under this Agreement, the Employer shall, at the request of the Union, furnish the Union information regarding the wages paid to and hours worked by the par­ ticular employee involved.
WAGE INFORMATION. The Employer shall, upon written request, promptly supply the Union with the name, address, classification, social security number, date of hire and wage rate of each employee covered under the terms of the Agreement and shall, in addition, promptly supply the Union with such wage and related information as may be necessary to comply with the law and/or to determine compliance by the Employer with the provisions of this Agreement.
WAGE INFORMATION. The employee shall be supplied in writing with the details of the manner in which wages have been calculated. Details shall also include current entitlements to annual leave, sick leave and time in lieu if reasonable and practicable to do so.
WAGE INFORMATION. The Employer shall, upon written request, promptly supply the Union with the name, address, classification, social security number, date of hire and wage rate of each employee covered under the terms of the Agreement and shall, in addition, promptly supply the Union with such wage and related information as may be necessary to comply with the law and/or to determine compliance by the Employer with the provisions of this Agreement. In the event of the imposition of wage controls during the term of this Agreement, the Association and the Employer shall cooperate fully with the Union to secure such approval of the economic provisions of this Agreement as may be necessary.
WAGE INFORMATION. In the event of a dispute between the parties to this Agreement as to whether an employee is being paid the wages under this Agreem ent, the Em ployer shall, at the request of the Union, furnish the Union infor­ mation regarding the wages paid to and hours worked by the particular employee involved.
WAGE INFORMATION. In the event of a dispute between the par­ ties to this Agreement as to whether an em­ ployee is being paid the wages under this Agreement, the Employer shall, at the request of the Union, furnish the Union infor­ mation regarding the wages paid to and hours worked by the particular employee involved.
WAGE INFORMATION. 24 Wage Increases 25 Longevity Increments........................................ 25
WAGE INFORMATION. The Employer shall, upon written request, promptly supply the Union with the name, address, classifica- tion, social security number, date of hire and wage rate of each employee covered under the terms of the Agree- ment and shall, in addition, promptly supply the Union with such wage and related information as may be neces- sary to comply with the law and/or to determine compliance by the Employer with the provisions of this Agree- ment. In the event of the imposition of wage controls during the term of this Agreement, the Association and the Employer shall cooperate fully with the Union to secure such approval of the economic provisions of this Agree- ment as may be necessary.
WAGE INFORMATION. A copy of the general prevailing rates of per xxxx xxxxx for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the Agreement, as determined by the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations, are available at the office of the City’s Director of Development Services, located at Xxxxx City Xxxx, 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx. These will be made available to any interested party upon request.