Waiver Authority. The Secretary may issue regulations waiv- ing any payment required under paragraph
(1) in a manner consistent with the practices established in accordance with the require- ments under subsection (d)(3).
Waiver Authority. 3.2.1. The Services grant waiver authority to DLA based on the severity of the failure and the item’s established shade criticality.
Waiver Authority. Permits the Secretary to waive the prompt pay provision or the state reporting provision during any period in which there are exigent circumstances, including natural disasters, that prevent the timely processing of claims or the submission of the reports. Application to Nursing Facilities and Hospitals ▪ Applies the provisions relating to practitioners to nursing facilities and hospitals that are paid on the submission of claims. ▪
Waiver Authority. Under Section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (“Secretary”) may waive such requirements of Titles XI and XVIII and of sections 1902(a)(1), 1902(a)(13), and 1903(m)(2)(A)(iii) as may be necessary solely for purposes of carrying out section 1115A with respect to testing models described in 1115A(b). For this model and consistent with this standard, the Secretary may consider issuing waivers of certain fraud and abuse provisions in sections 1128A, 1128B, and 1877 of the SSA. Waivers are not being issued in this document; waivers, if any, would be set forth in separately issued documentation. Thus, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, all individuals and entities must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, except as explicitly provided in any such separately documented waiver issued pursuant to section 1115A(d)(1) specifically for the Model . Any such waiver would apply solely to the Model and could differ in scope or design from waivers granted for other programs or models. The Secretary has no authority to waive state fraud and abuse laws that may be implicated by the testing of this Model. The State shall ensure that all individuals and entities participating in this Model comply with state fraud and abuse laws or issue waivers of any applicable state laws.
Waiver Authority. Under Section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act, the Secretary may waive such requirements of Titles XI and XVIII and of Sections 1902(a)(1), 1902(a)(13), 1903(m)(2)(A)(iii), and 1934 (other than subsections (b)(1)(A) and (c)(5) of such section) of the Act as may be necessary solely for purposes of carrying out Section 1115A with respect to testing models described in Section 1115A(b). CMS may withdraw or modify any waivers issued by CMS if the State does not comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement or with the terms and conditions of waivers as set forth in this Agreement or in separately issued documentation.
Waiver Authority. Consistent with the RE Act and other applicable laws, any requirement, condition, or restric- tion imposed by this subpart, or sub- part S of this part, on a borrower, pri- vate lender, or application for a lien accommodation or subordination may be waived or reduced by the Adminis- trator, if the Administrator determines that said action is in the Government’s financial interest with respect to en- suring repayment and reasonably xxx- xxxxx security for loans made or guar- anteed by RUS.
Waiver Authority. In accordance with section 651(b)(2) of the act, MARAD is authorized to waive the ap- plication of paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section if MARAD, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, deter- mines that the waiver is in the na- tional interest.
Waiver Authority. Permits the 1 The "Prompt Pay" provision in the Medicaid statute provides that states must ensure that 90% of clean claims, those provide for claims, those for which no further written information or substantiation is required in order to make payment are paid within 30 days of the date of receipt of the claims and that 99% of claims are paid within 90 days of the date of receipt. States must also provide for procedures of prepayment and postpayment claims review, including review of appropriate data with respect to the recipient and provider of a service and the nature of the service for which payment is claimed, to ensure the proper and efficient payment of claims and management of the program.
Waiver Authority. The Secretary of De- fense may, for any purchase of a defined fuel source, waive the application of any provision of law prescribing procedures to be followed in the formation of contracts, prescribing terms and conditions to be included in contracts, or regu- lating the performance of contracts if the Sec- retary determines—
(1) that market conditions for the defined fuel source have adversely affected (or will in the near future adversely affect) the acquisi- tion of that defined fuel source by the Depart- ment of Defense; and
(2) the waiver will expedite or facilitate the acquisition of that defined fuel source for Gov- ernment needs.
Waiver Authority. The conference agreement includes broad new waiver authority allowing states to request waivers for welfare reform, work, or multi-program conformity projects, with some restrictions. The major restrictions include: no new cash-out projects; no transfer of food stamp or employment and training funds to other assistance programs; no non-time-limited projects; a limitation to 15% of the caseload and five years duration if the project would reduce benefits by more than 20% for more than 5% of households in the project; no adverse effect on