Training Funds. (a) Effective January 1, 1996, a training fund contribution at the rate of $25 per annum shall be made to the District Council 37 Education Fund on behalf of each full-time employee in a title listed in the Clerical Group, Reprographics Group, Xxxxxxxxx Group, Accounting Group, Engineering and Architectural Group and EDP Group, in Section 7a of this Article. This subsection shall be subject to the provisions, including the waiver election language, of Article IV, section 3 of this Agreement.
(b) Effective January 1, 1996, a training fund contribution shall be made to the District Council 37 Education Fund on behalf of each full-time per annum employee in a title listed in the Accounting group in section 7a of this Article. Such contribution shall be at a rate determined by the City of New York (Office of Labor Relations) in accordance with the contract between the City of New York and District Council 37 for Accounting titles. This Subsection shall be subject to the provisions, including the waiver, of Article IV, Section 3 of this Agreement.
Training Funds. The Board will provide a professional development fund of $75,000 per year with a maximum of $1500 per support staff employee for courses, workshops, or conferences. Such professional development shall be relevant to the current job assignment of the employee and must be approved in advance by the Administration. Professional development funds shall be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. This benefit shall not apply until an individual, classified as a new employee, has completed one (1) full school year of employment.
Training Funds. Law Department funds that are budgeted for training will be made available to employees at the discretion of the City Attorney or designee, provided that the City Attorney or designee may reapportion such funds to address special training needs or opportunities that may arise.
Training Funds. The Contractor shall remit monthly contributions to the Union’s Training Trust Fund in recognition of the benefit to the industry of training provided by the Union’s Training Centre to persons working under the terms of this Agreement from the Industry Funds collected and administered by the Trim Association of Ontario in the amount of 8% of the Industry Funds collective monthly, plus any applicable taxes.
Training Funds. In accordance with Article Trust Funds of the Master Agreement, the Employer agrees to contribute to the Training Plan, at rate provided for in Article Rates of Wages, for each hour earned each employee covered by this Appendix, or as provided for in Article Union Security, Section of this Appendix.
Training Funds. The Employer shall contribute the amount specified in Article 3:00 to the Millwright Local Union 1460 Training Trust Fund for all hours WORKED by employees covered by this Agreement. All monies so accrued during a calendar month will be payable not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following.
Training Funds. The Society will reimburse laid off employees for tuition and the cost of books for courses, or outplacement services, initiated within the recall period that are focused on assisting the employee’s external redeployment up to a maximum of $5,000.
Training Funds. 12.1 Each contractor shall contribute to the Local 46 Training Fund, established to further the training of Local 46 members, a sum equal to forty six cents ($0.46) per hour earned by each employee.
12.2 Each contractor shall contribute to the Provincial Training Fund, a sum equal to two cents ($.02) per hour earned by each of his employees.
12.3 Each contractor shall contribute to the International Training Fund, a sum equal to five ($0.05) per hour earned by each of his employees.
Training Funds. 23.1 The District shall endeavor to set aside training funds to be used by employees to attend job- related conferences or training seminars designed to improve skills.
23.2 Coaches shall maintain their WIAA Coaching Standards and provide the District with clock hour records and proof of First Aid/CPR certification prior to the beginning of their season.
23.3 The District will offer training for new coaches at least once a year. The training will include district procedures, coach certifications, safety/first aid, fund-raising issues, roles of head/assistant, and how to deal with parent and community issues.
Training Funds. 1. The Company will participate in the UNlFOR National Health, Safety and lndustrial Relations Training Fund by contributing $60.00 per year for each permanent employee belonging to the Union as of December 31. Payments will be made to the fund in January of the following year.
2. The Company will participate in the UNlFOR Local 649 Education and Training Fund by contributing $30.00 per year for each permanent employee belonging to the Union as of December 31. Payments will be made to the fund in January of the following year.
3. Monies contributed to these funds will be used primarily for SaskEnergy, Local 649 employees.
4. The Union will provide, on an annual basis, a listing of the courses supported by these funds.
5. The training supported by these funds shall be consistent with SaskEnergy's values.
6. The Union will provide an audit of the funds on request.