Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22
Substantial Completion Section 7.4.1 When Supplier believes that it has achieved the requirements of Substantial Completion, Supplier shall provide written notice (the “Notice of Substantial Completion”) to System Owner stating that Supplier has achieved Substantial Completion, together with copies of all documents (as identified in the definition of Substantial Completion) that are required to be delivered to System Owner to meet Substantial Completion that have not been previously delivered. Section 7.4.2 Upon receipt of the Notice of Substantial Completion, System Owner shall promptly proceed to obtain Independent Engineer’s review and approval of the Notice of Substantial Completion and the Commissioning Report within a reasonable time, but in no event more than ten (10) Business Days following receipt of the Notice of Substantial Completion and all accompanying documents or such longer period of time as specified in the Construction Schedule (the “Substantial Completion Review Period”). Section 7.4.3 Supplier shall provide System Owner with reasonable notice of the date and time of the inspection or review of the System by a representative of the applicable Governmental Authority or Host Utility, if required, for purposes of achieving Substantial Completion, and System Owner shall have the right to have one or more representatives and the Independent Engineer present during such inspection or review. If the representative of the applicable Governmental Authority or Host Utility notifies Supplier or System Owner that the requirements for achieving Substantial Completion have not been achieved, then Supplier shall promptly take such action as necessary to achieve such requirements and, to the extent applicable, schedule another inspection or review of the System. Such procedure shall be repeated until such inspection or review has been satisfactorily completed and approved. Section 7.4.4 If System Owner and the Independent Engineer approve the Notice of Substantial Completion, System Owner shall, within the Substantial Completion Review Period, (a) notify Supplier of its approval and (b) issue written notice to Supplier to complete the Work (the “Notice to Complete”). Section 7.4.5 If System Owner or the Independent Engineer has a reasonable basis not to approve the Notice of Substantial Completion because the requirements for Substantial Completion have not been met, System Owner shall, within the Substantial Completion Review Period, notify Supplier of its non-approval and include a detailed explanation for the basis thereof. Supplier shall promptly undertake such action or work as necessary to achieve such requirements and shall then issue another Notice of Substantial Completion to System Owner stating that Supplier believes that such requirements have been achieved. Such procedure shall be repeated until Substantial Completion is achieved. If Supplier disputes the reasons stated in System Owner’s notification, then such dispute shall be resolved in accordance with Article XIX.
Final Completion The full and final completion of all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Work Load The professional obligation of academic employees comprises both scheduled and non-scheduled activities. The Guild and the District recognize that it is part of the professional responsibility of faculty to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner and place. As part of this responsibility faculty are expected to play an important role in the recruitment and retention of students, campus and departmental governance, program review, accreditation, planning and mentoring. Faculty commitment to retention will be demonstrated by informing students that they are to talk with the instructor prior to dropping the course. Faculty are encouraged to include a statement to this effect in their course syllabi. While it is understood that course syllabi content falls within the purview of the individual faculty member’s academic freedom, the parties also understand that items required to be part of syllabi in order to maintain college or continuing education accreditation must also be included. Tenured/tenure-track faculty who have less than a full-time contract are not eligible to work any additional assignments including long-term substitution (day-to-day substitution is allowed provided the limits specified in Section are not exceeded). Faculty assignments shall be made in the following priority order: Tenured/tenure-track, pro- rata, overload, Priority of Assignment (POA) adjunct faculty assignments, then non-POA adjunct faculty.
Project Completion The Contractor agrees to schedule a final job walk with the County. If required, the County will prepare a list of incomplete items, the “Punch List”. The Contractor agrees to complete the “Punch List” corrections and schedule a final project completion job walk. The County will sign the “Punch List” as completed when determined, the project is finished. The Contractor agrees to submit the following along with its final payment request:
Construction Completion The related Construction shall have been completed substantially in accordance with the related Plans and Specifications, the related Deed and all Applicable Laws, and such Leased Property shall be ready for occupancy and operation. All fixtures, equipment and other property contemplated under the Plans and Specifications to be incorporated into or installed in such Leased Property shall have been substantially incorporated or installed, free and clear of all Liens except for Permitted Liens.
Workload An employee who believes that her workload is unsafe or consistently excessive shall discuss the problem with her immediate supervisor. If the problem is not resolved in this discussion, the employee may seek a remedy by means of the grievance procedure. If the matter is not resolved in the grievance procedure, it may be referred to troubleshooter who shall: a) investigate the difference; b) define the issue in the difference; and c) make written recommendations to resolve the differences.
Project Schedule Construction must begin within 30 days of the date set forth in Appendix A, Page 2, for the start of construction, or this Agreement may become null and void, at the sole discretion of the Director. However, the Recipient may apply to the Director in writing for an extension of the date to initiate construction. The Recipient shall specify the reasons for the delay in the start of construction and provide the Director with a new start of construction date. The Director will review such requests for extensions and may extend the start date, providing that the Project can be completed within a reasonable time frame.
Work Year The full-time work year for all employees employed in EA and ECE job classes shall be a minimum of 194 work days to correspond with the school year calendar.
Project Commencement The Grantee shall begin the grant-funded project <<on or before insert date>> <<within 90 days of the original start date of the grant term or grant execution date, whichever is later,>>, unless otherwise approved by System Agency. If project commencement is delayed, the Grantee must submit in writing to the assigned contract manager, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for the delay, and the expected start date. System Agency may require Grantee to take immediate remedial or corrective action in response to any delay.