Written Documentation. Reprimands, suspensions, and discharges will be documented in written form.
Written Documentation. 19.1. Any reference to written approvals, requests, confirmation or correspondence means emails, facsimiles and posted mail only.
Written Documentation. 34 35 The Association and Employees being placed on probation will receive:
37 a. A written statement of the deficiencies or conditions from the instructional framework which, 38 if not corrected, could result in termination, 39
40 b. Written recommendations of remediation or correction of the deficiencies or conditions, and a 41 description of satisfactory performance for the deficient areas, 42
43 c. A written plan of administrative supervision for the Employee. 44
45 d. A statement indicating the duration of the probationary period and that the purpose of the 46 probationary period is to give the employee the opportunity to demonstrate improvement in 47 her/his area(s) of deficiency.
Written Documentation. All disciplinary measures, excluding counseling, but including investigatory interviews shall be reduced in writing, or electronically recorded, and a copy of the same shall be made available to the affected employee at no cost to the employee.
Written Documentation. (1) Diagnosis alternative to arterial blood gas study.—
Written Documentation. 14 Employees on probation will receive:
Written Documentation. At the conclusion of the analysis, HDR will develop a written report summarizing the water and sewer rate analysis. The report is intended to summarize the activities undertaken as a part of this project, along with our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The report will include a technical appendix that includes the exhibits developed to support the proposed rates. HDR will provide an electronic copy of the draft report to the City for its review and comment. A virtual project meeting will be held to review the draft report. Comments, suggestions, or corrections from the City concerning the draft report will be incorporated into the final report. HDR will provide an electronic version in PDF of the final report to the City. • Review the draft written report. • Participate in a virtual meeting to discuss the draft written report. • Electronic copy of the draft written report. • A virtual project meeting to review the draft report. • Electronic copy of the final written report.
Written Documentation. Employees on probation will receive:
a. A written statement of the deficiencies or conditions which, if not corrected, could result in termination,
b. Written recommendations of remediation or correction of the deficiencies or conditions, and a description of satisfactory performance for the deficient areas,
c. A written plan of administrative supervision for the Employee.
Written Documentation. Licensee shall provide written documentation to the City as follows: • Name/type of the Federal Grant received and used by Licensee, if any, and applied to payment of any monetary obligation under the Agreement (“License Monetary Obligations”); and • A verification of the amount of Adjusted License Fee, which shall include, but is not limited to, the amount and proportion of Federal Grant used by Licensee and applied to the payment of License Monetary Obligations, and the total amount of Federal Grant received (collectively “Written Verification”), if any.
Written Documentation. Section 5 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 2210 note) is amended by adding at the end the following: