Xxxxx Settlement Amount Sample Clauses

Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the maximum Gross Settlement Amount that Defendant is obligated to pay under this Settlement Agreement is Three Hundred Twenty- Five Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($325,000.00).
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Gross Settlement Amount that Defendant will pay under this Settlement is One Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,750,000). This amount is all- inclusive of all payments contemplated in this resolution, excluding any employer- side payroll taxes on the portion of the Settlement Shares allocated to wages which shall be separately paid by Defendant (or the Related Entities, as applicable) to the Settlement Administrator. All of the Gross Settlement Amount will be disbursed pursuant to this Agreement without the need to submit a claim form and none of the Gross Settlement Amount will revert to Defendant.
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the maximum Gross Settlement Amount that Defendant is obligated to pay under this Settlement Agreement is Two Million Dollars and Zero Cents ($2,000,000).
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. The total value of the Settlement is a non- reversionary One Million and Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,900,000). This is the gross amount Defendant can be required to pay under this Settlement Agreement, which includes without limitation: (1) the Net Settlement Amount to be paid to Participating Class Members; (2) the Attorney Fee Award and Cost Award to Class Counsel for attorneys’ fees and costs, as approved by the Court;
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the maximum Gross Settlement Amount that Defendants are obligated to pay under this Settlement Agreement is Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($700,000.00).
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. In full satisfaction of any claims asserted in this Litigation by Plaintiffs or Class Members who do not opt out of the Settlement pursuant to Section XI below, Defendant will pay the sum of Five Million, Two-Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,200,000), which shall constitute the Gross Settlement Amount. Defendant shall pay the Gross Settlement Amount into the Administration Account no later than sixty (60) days after the Effective Date. Under no circumstances will Defendant be required to pay anything more than the Gross Settlement Amount, which shall provide the sole source to pay all settlement benefits to be paid to the Claimants, Notice and Administrative Costs, Co-Lead Counsels’ and other Plaintiffs’ Attorneys’ Fees and Costs (to the extent awarded by the Court), Service Awards (to the extent awarded by the Court), and payment of any necessary taxes and expenses incurred in connection with the maintenance of the Administration Account.
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the maximum amount that Defendants will pay under this Settlement is Five Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,500,000). This amount is all-inclusive of all payments contemplated in this resolution, excluding any employer payroll taxes on the portion of the Settlement Shares allocated to wages which shall be separately paid by Defendants to the Settlement Administrator.
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Gross Settlement Amount that Defendants will pay under this Settlement is Three Million Seven Hundred Forty Thousand One Hundred Sixteen Dollars ($3,740,116.00). The entirety of the Gross Settlement Amount will be disbursed pursuant to this Agreement, with no reversion to Defendants.
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. The total value of the Settlement is a non- reversionary Two Million Dollars and Zero Cents ($2,000,000). This is the gross amount Defendant can be required to pay under this Settlement Agreement, which includes without limitation: (1) the Net Settlement Amount to be paid to Participating Class Members; (2) the Attorney Fee Award and the Cost Award to Class Counsel for attorneys’ fees and costs, as approved by the Court; (3) the Class Representative Enhancement Payment paid to the Class Representative, as approved by the Court; (4) Administration Costs, as approved by the Court; and (5) the PAGA Payment to the LWDA and to Eligible Aggrieved Employees, as approved by the Court. Defendant’s portion of payroll taxes as the Class Members’ current or former employer is not included in the Gross Settlement Amount and will be a separate obligation of Defendant. In no event shall Defendant be liable for the payment of any amounts exceeding the Gross Settlement Amount with the exception of the employer’s share of payroll taxes due and payable as a result of the Settlement. No portion of the Gross Settlement Amount will revert to Defendant for any reason.
Xxxxx Settlement Amount. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, and in consideration for settlement of the Lawsuit and the release of claims of the Settlement Class, Defendant agrees to pay the Gross Settlement Amount as defined in Section I.M. above. Any Class Representative Payment, Settlement Class Counsel Fees Payment and Settlement Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment, PAGA Allocation (including PAGA Payments), Settlement Shares, and the Settlement Administrator’s reasonable fees and expenses in administering the Settlement shall be deducted from the Gross Settlement Amount. The entire Gross Settlement Amount will be disbursed pursuant to this Agreement, and none of it will revert to Defendant. The Gross Settlement Amount shall be paid into an appropriate interest maximizing, Qualified Settlement Fund (“QSF”) created by the Settlement Administrator in accordance with the timing set forth in Section III.B.2 herein. The Settlement Administrator shall handle such monies pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.