Notice and Administrative Costs definition

Notice and Administrative Costs means all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses of disseminating and publishing the Class Notice in accordance with the Preliminary Approval Order, and all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in administering the Settlement, including but not limited to costs and expenses associated with assisting Settlement Class Members, processing claims, escrowing funds, and issuing and mailing Settlement Relief.
Notice and Administrative Costs means all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses of disseminating and publishing the Class Notice in accordance with the Preliminary Approval Order, and all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in administering the Settlement, including but not limited to costs and expenses associated with providing any notices required by the Class Action Fairness Act, assisting Settlement Class Members, processing claims, escrowing funds, and issuing and mailing Settlement Relief.

Examples of Notice and Administrative Costs in a sentence

  • The Settlement Funds shall be returned to Xxxxxxx less interest accrued on the Escrow Account, Notice and Administrative Costs paid, incurred, or due and owing Notice and Administrative Costs, and Taxes or Tax Expenses paid, incurred, or due and owing (the “Termination Refund”), pursuant to written instructions from Xxxxxxx’x Counsel.

  • Upon the Effective Date, any and all remaining interest or right of Xxxxxxx in or to the Settlement Funds, if any, shall be absolutely and forever extinguished, and the Settlement Funds (less any Notice and Administrative Costs, Taxes, Tax Expenses, or Fee and Expense Award paid) shall be transferred from the Escrow Agent to the Notice and Claims Administrators as successor Escrow Agent within ten (10) business days after the Effective Date.

  • For purposes of clarification, the payment of Taxes and Tax Expenses (as set out in Section IV.D), any Fee and Expense Award, the Notice and Administrative Costs, and any other costs associated with the implementation of this Agreement, shall be exclusively paid from the Settlement Funds.

  • The Escrow Agent may disburse up to five million U.S. Dollars ($5,000,000.00) to the Notice and Claims Administrators for reasonable Notice and Administrative Costs as approved by the Court.

More Definitions of Notice and Administrative Costs

Notice and Administrative Costs means the reasonable and authorized costs and expenses of disseminating and publishing the Emailed Class Notice; Mailed Class Notice; Published Class Notice; Reminder Notice; and any other forms of notice authorized or required under the Court-approved notice program, and all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in administering the Settlement, including, but not limited to, costs and expenses associated with assisting members of the Settlement Class, processing claims, holding Class Account funds, and issuing and mailing payments to eligible Settlement Class Members.
Notice and Administrative Costs means the reasonable sum of money not in excess of four hundred thousand U.S. Dollars ($400,000) to be paid out of the Gross Settlement Fund to pay for notice to the Class and related administrative costs.
Notice and Administrative Costs means the reasonable and authorized costs and expenses of disseminating and publishing Class Notice, as defined below, and all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in administering the Settlement, including but not
Notice and Administrative Costs means the reasonable and Court-authorized costs and expenses of disseminating and publishing Class Notice in accordance with the Preliminary Approval Order, and all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in administering the Settlement, including but not limited to costs and expenses of escrowing funds, mailing the settlement benefits to the Claimants, and performing all other tasks assigned to the Settlement Administrator pursuant to this Agreement, including the costs of a Special Master to assist in evaluating Tier 2 Claims (defined below) and the costs of the Lien Administrator.
Notice and Administrative Costs means all amounts owed to the Settlement Administrator for administering this Agreement. All Administrative Costs shall be paid from the Settlement Fund.
Notice and Administrative Costs means the reasonable and authorized costs and expenses of disseminating and publishing Class Notice in accordance with the Preliminary Approval Order and all reasonable and authorized costs and expenses incurred by the Settlement Administrator in administering the Settlement, including but not limited to the fees of the Settlement Administrator and its costs and expenses incurred in mailing of the settlement consideration described below to Class Members. Payment of any expenses of the Settlement Administrator in excess of $385,000 shall require application and approval by the Court (that is, costs in excess of 110% of the Settlement Administrator’s estimate for the implementation of the notice plan, distribution of class member payments, and other tasks set forth in this Agreement, but not including costs associated with dissemination of residual funds). All Notice and Administrative Costs, however, shall be paid out of the Settlement Fund, and Defendants and each of them shall have
Notice and Administrative Costs means the reasonable and authorized costs