Yearly Dues. The Eastside Transportation Partnership members shall pay a minimum $100 per full voting representative in annual dues to remain in good standing. The Lead Agency will xxxx annually at the end of each year, and dues are to be paid within ninety days after receipt of the invoice. Members not in good standing shall lose voting rights until the required dues are paid. Additional dues above $100, and any dues required by limited or non-voting members, will be determined by the Eastside Transportation Partnership and included in the operating procedures. Revenue from dues shall be used for special events, public education, or other expenses authorized by the Eastside Transportation Partnership. The designated Lead Agency shall not be required to pay yearly dues.
Yearly Dues. All Members will pay yearly dues, except Pounds Group LLC. Yearly dues are one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800) per Unit of ownership. A Member’s payment of yearly dues will not be added to his or her Capital Account or Capital Contributions. The Members may alter the amount of yearly dues by a Super-Majority Vote in favor of any such adjustment. However, the Member’s agree that Pounds Group LLC will not pay any yearly dues on the Units it owns. While Pounds Group LLC, owns Units, Xxxxx Pounds, and his successors and assigns, agrees to pay the difference between the yearly dues owed by the Members, and the yearly maintenance and storage cost for the Houseboat, but not to exceed $23,000. Any planned maintenance, repairs, fees, expenses, etc. that exceed $23,000 will be shared among all the Member’s pro rata.