Zealand Law Society Sample Clauses

Zealand Law Society. If a Dispute is not referred to mediation within twenty Working Days after being notified by one party to the other party then clause 23.2 will apply unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.
Zealand Law Society. Apart from being the creator and therefore automatic owner of most of the above IP rights, you can also own IP rights by buying or acquiring the intellectual property directly from the creator or present owner. You have been prompt, efficient, diligent, of a high standard. If the Parties cannot mutually agree upon the selection of an arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the rules of the then effective Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. What is IP and how do I use it? The specified sum may be reduced to the extent the breaching pabecome grossly excessive in relation to the actual damages resulting from the breach. One of the most valuable assets many companies possess is their intellectual property. What does the Business Sale Agreement cover? The clauses should be set out to ensure that the intentions of both parties are pure, in that there are no ulterior motives or underlying issues along those lines. Xxxx subject inventions made during the course of federally supported research. NOTENO INDEMNIFICATION ON THE PART OF THE STATE WILLOCCUR FOR ANYTHING IP RELATED. DO UNDERGRADUATES NEED TO HAVE AN IP ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT ON FILE AT THE INNOVATION INSTITUTE? Tooling item be provided to . Who has the rights to intellectual property? To put it plainly, a joint venture agreement is a type of a partnership agreement. Examine your employment agreement. What Do Graduate Employee Unions Have to Do with Academic Freedom? You have the option of choosing whether to officially register your design and by choosing to do so, you can license, mortgage and sell your design rights. What does the Shareholders Agreement cover? Thus, the employee in the shower at home who suddenly conceives of the long sought after solution he has been working on at his job cannot claim ownership of the idea simply because the idea arose in the shower. Some of the files may be in PDF format and can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Note that this document differs from the License Agreement. This agreement is effective as of the date shown at the top of the first page, even if any signatures are made after that date. The insurance, tax and super obligations of both parties for the activities to be performed should be covered in the Service Agreement. Although simple, it is as legally strong as documents drawn for more complicated deals. This Intellectual Property Rights Agreement this gaze is apparent and. Usually, i...

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  • Letter of Understanding Grievance Commissioner System This is to confirm the discussion of the parties during collective bargaining that they are committed to encouraging early discussion and resolution of labour relations issues at the local level and seek to resolve grievances in a timely and cost-efficient manner. To that end, this is to confirm that pursuant to Article 8, the parties agree that the Employer and Union at individual Homes may agree to utilize the following process in order to resolve a particular grievance through the utilization of a joint mediation-arbitration procedure:

  • Operating Rules 6.1 Merchant must comply with the Operating Rules, as the same may be amended from time to time. The Operating Rules may change with little or no advance notice to Merchant and Merchant will be bound by all such changes. If Merchant objects to any change in the Operating Rules, it must immediately stop accepting new Transactions for Cards governed by the change. The Operating Rules will govern in the event that there is any inconsistency between the Merchant Agreement and the Operating Rules. However, nothing in the Merchant Agreement shall be construed to impose on Merchant a requirement (including a requirement under the Operating Rules) which is prohibited by mandatory provisions of applicable law (i.e., where the applicability of such provisions of law to the Merchant Agreement, and of the law’s prohibition to the particular requirement which otherwise would be imposed on Merchant hereunder, cannot lawfully be waived by agreement), but the requirement hereunder shall be construed to continue in effect and to be imposed on Merchant in all respects and at all times to the fullest extent possible without violating the law’s prohibition, with only those particular applications of the requirement which would violate the law’s prohibition deemed severed from the provisions hereof. 6.2 Operating Rules of the Debit Networks may differ among them with respect to the Transactions they allow. Bank, at its discretion, may require that the most restrictive requirements of one Debit Network apply to all of Merchant’s On-line Debit Card Transactions, regardless of Card type.

  • Joint Health and Safety Committee (a) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of occupational health and safety in the organization, in order to prevent accidents, injury and illness. The parties agree to promote health and safety throughout the organization. The employer shall provide orientation and training in health and safety to new and current employees on an ongoing basis, and employees shall attend required health and safety training sessions. (b) Recognizing its responsibilities under the applicable legislation, the Employer agrees to accept as a member of its Joint Health and Safety Committee, at least one representative from the bargaining unit. The number of committee members will be no less than that determined by legislation and the bargaining unit will be entitled to the same membership as any other employee group on the committees. The Union shall notify the employer of their representatives. (c) Such Committee shall identify potential dangers and hazards, institute means of improving health and safety programs, and recommend actions to be taken to improve conditions related to occupational health and safety. (d) The Employer agrees to cooperate reasonably in providing necessary information to enable the Committee to fulfill its functions. The Committee shall respect the confidentiality of the information. (e) The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full cooperation of its membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices. (f) Meetings shall be held every third month or more frequently at the call of either co-chair, if required. The Committee shall keep Minutes of all meetings and make the Minutes available for review. (g) All time spent by a member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee attending meetings of the Committee and carrying out the members duties, shall be deemed to be time worked for which the member shall be paid by the Employer at the member's applicable rate of pay, and the member shall be entitled to such time from the member's work as necessary for those duties. (h) The employer shall take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker. [Occupational Health and Safety Act, s. 25

  • Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

  • Joint Safety Committee (a) The Union and the Company shall cooperate in selecting one or more Safety Committees, which will meet at least once a month to consider all safety and occupational health problems. (b) The local Joint Safety Committee shall consist of equal representation from Company and Union. This Committee shall meet at least once a month to consider all safety and occupational health problems.

  • Health and Safety Committee Where required a committee will be formed and will meet where required by the Employer’s safety policies and by statute.

  • Summary of Policy and Prohibitions on Procurement Lobbying Pursuant to State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k, this Contract includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between OGS and a Vendor during the procurement process. A Vendor is restricted from making contacts from the earliest notice of intent to solicit offers/bids through final award and approval of the Procurement Contract by OGS and, if applicable, the Office of the State Comptroller (“restricted period”) to other than designated staff unless it is a contact that is included among certain statutory exceptions set forth in State Finance Law §139-j(3)(a). Designated staff, as of the date hereof, is identified in Appendix G, Contractor and OGS Information, or as otherwise indicated by OGS. OGS employees are also required to obtain certain information when contacted during the restricted period and make a determination of the responsibility of the Vendor pursuant to these two statutes. Certain findings of non-responsibility can result in rejection for contract award and in the event of two findings within a four-year period; the Vendor is debarred from obtaining governmental Procurement Contracts. Further information about these requirements can be found on the OGS website: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/aboutOgs/regulations/defaultSFL_139j-k.asp.

  • WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD Clause 14.01 (a) When a probationary or regular employee, through employment with the Employer, suffers an injury or disability, or a recurrence of an injury or disability, the Employer shall pay the employee an amount, when combined with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment, equals the employee’s regular wage less deductions required by law, for a period of nine (9) months from the first day of absence. (b) Pending receipt of payment from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, an employee shall receive advances up to the amount of the employee’s regular wage rate, less income tax deductions and shall continue to receive their regular wage rate during the period of absence up to nine (9) months provided that: (i) the employee will make reasonable effort to ensure prompt completion of necessary forms and information required to receive approval of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment; (ii) the employee will be expected to fully participate in alternate work, if recommended, by the employee’s medical doctor; (iii) the employee’s claim has not been disallowed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, and; (iv) the employee agrees in writing, to sign over to the Employer the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payments. (a) The Employer shall continue to pay for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) months from the first day of an injury or disability, the premium cost for health and insurance benefits as covered by Clauses 16.03 and 16.04. (b) Should an employee return to work from an injury or disability for a period of six (6) continuous months and subsequently suffers a recurrence of an injury or disability, then the provisions of Clauses 14.02(a) and 14.03(a) shall apply. (c) Notwithstanding Clause 14.02(b), if an employee having ceased to be disabled returns to work and again becomes disabled from the same or related cause within six (6) months, it would be considered as one (1) continuous period of disability as per Clauses 14.02(a) and 14.03(a). (a) For a period of up to thirty (30) months from the first day of injury or disability, the employee shall be eligible to return to their same position classification if capable of performing the required work. If unable to perform the required work, the employee shall be given all reasonable consideration for any available job for which the employee is able and qualified to perform. (b) Notwithstanding Part (a), if any employee’s position is declared redundant while on WSIB leave, the employee upon their return shall exercise normal bumping procedures as per Article 8.

  • Data Protection Impact Assessment and Prior Consultation Processor shall provide reasonable assistance to the Company with any data protection impact assessments, and prior consultations with Supervising Authorities or other competent data privacy authorities, which Company reasonably considers to be required by article 35 or 36 of the GDPR or equivalent provisions of any other Data Protection Law, in each case solely in relation to Processing of Company Personal Data by, and taking into account the nature of the Processing and information available to, the Contracted Processors.

  • Health and Safety Representative Meetings 13.1 A health and safety representative will be allowed reasonable paid time during working hours to attend occupational health and safety matters, including meetings affecting employees they represent, providing that the Representative informs their manager.