Článek IV Sample Clauses

Článek IV. Závazky Držitele Držitel se zavazuje, že počínaje dnem vykonatelnosti či předběžné vykonatelnosti rozhodnutí Ústavu v předmětném správním řízení zajistí sběr dat minimálně v rozsahu dle § 43 vyhlášky a způsobem, který je nezbytný k zajištění průběžného hodnocení terapie Přípravkem ve smyslu § 39d odst. 3 písm. a) zákona o veřejném zdravotním pojištění, přičemž konkrétní obsah dat bude odpovídat přijaté projektové dokumentaci k Přípravku Radou VILP Kanceláře zdravotního pojištění, z.
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Článek IV. Tento Dodatek č. 2 nabývá platnosti dnem jeho podpisu všemi Stranami a účinnosti dnem jeho uveřejnění v registru smluv. Tento Dodatek č. 2 byl vyhotoven ve čtyřech stejnopisech, přičemž xxxxx smluvní strana obdrží po jednom. Na důkaz souhlasu se zněním Dodatku č. 2 připojují Strany své podpisy. Podepsáno společností Quintiles Czech Republic s.r.o., na základě plné moci v zastoupení X. Xxxxxxx – Xx Xxxxx Ltd: Jméno: Funkce: Podpis: Na základě plné moci Quintiles Czech Republic, s.r.o. Datum: Jméno: MUDr. XXXXXXXXXXX Podpis: Datum: Jméno: MUDr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Funkce: Předseda představenstva Podpis: Datum: Jméno: Ing. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Funkce: člen představenstva Podpis: Datum: Jméno: Funkce: Podpis: Na základě plné moci Quintiles Czech Republic, s.r.o. Datum: Amendment No. 2 to Contract on Clinical Trial/ Dodatek č. 2 ke Smlouvě o klinickém hodnocení
Článek IV. Cena Přípravku Smluvní strany se dohodly na Dohodnuté ceně Přípravku, která je specifikována Přílohou č. 1 této Smlouvy. Článek V. – Práva a povinnosti smluvních stran 1. Držitel se zavazuje a. obchodovat Přípravek na trhu v České republice tak, aby maximální úhrada Přípravku Pojišťovnou nepřesáhla Dohodnutou cenu Přípravku specifikovanou Přílohou č. 1 Smlouvy, a za tímto účelem upravit svoji cenovou politiku vůči všem subjektům distribučního řetězce, včetně lékáren; b. zajistit dostupnost Přípravku u Poskytovatelů tak, aby bylo možné uspokojit poptávku po Přípravku ze strany Pojištěnců s přihlédnutím k dosavadní potřebě Přípravku na trhu v České republice. Za porušení tohoto odstavce se nepovažují případy, kdy Přípravek nebude dostupný po dobu 14 dnů v důsledku neočekávaného výpadku výroby Přípravku, prokáže-li Držitel, že mu ve splnění této povinnosti dočasně zabránila mimořádná nepředvídatelná a nepřekonatelná překážka vzniklá nezávisle na jeho vůli; c. neprodleně písemně informovat Pojišťovnu o předpokládaném nebo nastalém výpadku dodávek Přípravku; d. zajistit, že ke dni účinnosti této Smlouvy bude ve zdravotnických zařízeních a distribučním řetězci Přípravek obchodován výhradně do výše Dohodnuté ceny; - Institute means the State Institute for Drug Control.
Článek IV. 1. This Amendment No. 1 shall become valid and effective upon its signing by last Party. The Parties hereby agree that performance under Article 1. of this Amendment will be applied retroactively from 13 Apr 2016. 1. Tento Dodatek č. 1 nabývá platnosti a účinnosti dnem jeho podpisu poslední smluvní stranou. Smluvní strany tímto souhlasí, že plnění dle Článku 1. tohoto Dodatku bude uplatněno zpětně od 13. 4.
Článek IV. Medical Facility, Sponsor and IQVIA hereby acknowledge that this Amendment will be published in the Agreements Register pursuant to Act no. 340/2015 Sb., on Agreements Register. As and between the Parties, Institution agrees to publish the Amendment and the Agreement pursuant to the foregoing. Any information which constitutes trade secret of either Party is exempted from such publication. For the purposes of the Agreement and the Amendment, trade secrets include, but are not limited to, Attachment A to the Agreement - Budget and payment schedule, minimum enrollment goal, expected number of Study subjects enrolled and the expected duration of the Study. Furthermore, personal data of individuals are also exempted from such publication, unless they have been previously published in another public register. The Institution is obliged to publish this Amendment in accordance with the article herein above. Should the Institution fail to publish this Amendment within 5 working days from its full execution, it may be published by the Sponsor or IQVIA. The estimated value of financial payment under the Agreement, as amended, shall be approximately 1,115,997.50 Kč. Zdravotnické zařízení, Zadavatel a IQVIA tímto berou na vědomí, že tento Dodatek bude zveřejněn v souladu xx xxx. č. 340/2015, o registru smluv. Za zveřejnění dle předchozí věty odpovídá Zdravotnické zařízení. Takovémuto zveřejnění nepodléhají ty údaje, které tvoří obchodní tajemství některé ze smluvních stran. Pro účely tohoto Dodatku se obchodním tajemstvím rozumí zejména Příloha A Smlouvy - Rozpočet a platební přehled, minimální cílový počet zařazení, očekávaný zařazený počet subjektů a očekávaná délka trvání Studie. Xxxx nebudou takovémuto zveřejnění podléhat osobní údaje fyzických osob, ledaže jsou již zveřejněny v jiném veřejně přístupném registru. Za zveřejnění tohoto Dodatku dle předchozího odstavce odpovídá Zdravotnické zařízení. Není-li Dodatek zveřejněn Zdravotnickým zařízením ve lhůtě 5 pracovních dní od podpisu Dodatku všemi smluvními stranami, jsou k jeho zveřejnění oprávněni IQVIA či Zadavatel. Předpokládaná hodnota finančního plnění dle Smlouvy ve znění tohoto Dodatku činí přibližně 1,115,997.50 Kč.
Článek IV. Limit a Zpětná platba / Článek IV. – Limit a Zpětná platba
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Related to Článek IV

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  • Sole purpose of the Concessionaire The Concessionaire having been set up for the sole purpose of exercising the rights and observing and performing its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement, the Concessionaire or any of its subsidiaries shall not, except with the previous written consent of the Authority, be or become directly or indirectly engaged, concerned or interested in any business other than as envisaged herein.

  • Xxxxx, Haldimand, Norfolk An employee shall be granted five working days bereavement leave with pay upon the death of the employee’s spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, legal guardian, grandchild or step-grandchild.

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • Asset Management Supplier will: i) maintain an asset inventory of all media and equipment where Accenture Data is stored. Access to such media and equipment will be restricted to authorized Personnel; ii) classify Accenture Data so that it is properly identified and access to it is appropriately restricted; iii) maintain an acceptable use policy with restrictions on printing Accenture Data and procedures for appropriately disposing of printed materials that contain Accenture Data when such data is no longer needed under the Agreement; iv) maintain an appropriate approval process whereby Supplier’s approval is required prior to its Personnel storing Accenture Data on portable devices, remotely accessing Accenture Data, or processing such data outside of Supplier facilities. If remote access is approved, Personnel will use multi-factor authentication, which may include the use of smart cards with certificates, One Time Password (OTP) tokens, and biometrics.

  • Xxxxxxxx Tobacco Co [Xxxxx Progeny] Circuit Court, Levy County, (Bronson, FL) $8 million in compensatory damages; 90% of fault assigned to RJR Tobacco, which reduced the award to $7.2 million; $72 million in punitive damages. See “— Xxxxx and Xxxxx Progeny Cases” below.

  • Enterprise Information Management Standards Grantee shall conform to HHS standards for data management as described by the policies of the HHS Office of Data, Analytics, and Performance. These include, but are not limited to, standards for documentation and communication of data models, metadata, and other data definition methods that are required by HHS for ongoing data governance, strategic portfolio analysis, interoperability planning, and valuation of HHS System data assets.

  • 240104 Vendor Agreement If responding to Part 1 the Vendor Agreement Signature Form (Part 1) must be downloaded from the “Attachments” section of the IonWave eBid System, reviewed, properly completed, and uploaded to this location. If Vendor has proposed deviations to the Vendor Agreement (Part 1), Vendor may leave the signature line of this page blank and assert so in the Attribute Questions and those shall be addressed during evaluation. Vendor must upload their current IRS Tax Form W-9. The legal name, EIN, and d/b/a's listed should match the information provided herein exactly. This form will be utilized by TIPS to properly identify your entity. Claim Form.pdf

  • Orlando, FL; Ft Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999.

  • Associates The Labor Council may designate only one Labor Council Associate and alternate at each Department/Agency facility. The Labor Council Associates are union stewards as that term is generally used. The alternate shall serve in the absence of the Associate. The Associate or alternate will be permitted reasonable time off during his/her normal tour of duty to attend to the administration of the Agreement, to investigate and process grievances for employees, and represent employees as provided for in the grievance procedure contained in Article 20. Additionally Associates will be permitted reasonable time off during his/her normal tour of duty to represent employees in predisciplinary meetings at regular rate with no loss of benefits. During such time the Associate or alternate shall continue to be paid at his/her regular rate and shall receive all fringe benefits, seniority accrual and other benefits. When not using time for such purposes, Associates and alternates will perform their regularly assigned job duties. An employee must have completed his/her probationary period before becoming an Associate or alternate. In addition to the time permitted by the grievance procedure, each Labor Council Associate or alternate shall be permitted to use a reasonable amount of paid time to consult with Labor Council representatives and represent bargaining unit members at grievance meetings. Associates and alternates, of the Ohio Department of Natural Resource, may cross division lines within each affected department to represent employees in grievance and predisciplinary meetings. Negotiating Committee members who are off duty or using banked hours under Section 10.04 (B.) may cross departmental and division lines for the same purposes. Each Associate or alternate will notify his/her supervisor of the necessity to leave his/her work assignment to carry out duties in connection with this Agreement. Associates may use a reasonable amount of working time to receive and investigate complaints and grievances of employees on the premises of the Employer only if such activity does not interfere with or interrupt Department/Agency operations and with prior approval by the grievant's supervi sor. Permission will be granted after consideration of work operations by the Employer. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. If it should become necessary to deny such paid time in connection with the investigation or processing of a grievance, the time provided in the grievance procedure for action to be taken by the Labor Council will automatically be extended. Such extensions will be calculated by adding one working day to the time limits for each day on which the Labor Council Associate or alternate is denied paid time to carry out his/her duties in connection with this Agreement. Upon entering any work area other than his/her own and prior to engaging in any xxxxxxx duties, the Associate shall report to the supervisor of the work area. He/she shall identify the nature of the activity he/she is to perform. The Labor Council shall provide written notification to the Employer of the appointment of Associates or alternates five (5) days prior to such appointment being effective. No appointment will be recognized until written notification is received by the Employer. All requests for any form of time off from work pursuant to this Article must be made by completing a form or log provided by the Employer, which may include electronic mail. Except by mutual agreement, no employee will be granted any time off pursuant to this Article, without completing the form or log prior to the utilization of such time, and securing authorization by attempting to contact all identified management representatives and obtaining permission to utilize such time. The employee shall enter on the form the time the leave commences, and upon returning, the employee shall enter the return time. Employees who do not return to their worksite prior to the end of the employee’s workday shall complete the form at the beginning of the employee’s next workday. Employees who normally work out of the office, will work out an acceptable alternative union leave request procedure with their supervisor. In the absence of a mutually agreed to form, the employee shall use state leave forms. Additionally, Delegates shall be permitted eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave to attend the Ohio Labor Council Annual One Day Conference and up to eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave shall be granted monthly to any bargaining unit employee who serves on the Ohio Labor Council Board of Directors for the purpose of attending the monthly Board of Directors meeting. Up to eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave shall be granted annually to Labor Council Associates or officers for the purpose of associate training, and paid administrative leave shall be granted for any time spent serving on the OCSEA Benefits Trust Board.

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