Sanctions Vzorová ustanovení

Sanctions. In case of breach of the Contract, the Rules or the PDRD by the PD, the sanctions complying with the Rules shall be drawn.
Sanctions. In case of breach of the Contract, the Rules or the RDRD by the RD, the sanctions complying with the Rules shall be drawn.
Sanctions. 10.1. The contracting parties have agreed that in the event that the Client is overdue with payment of the price for the work, he shall be required to pay to the Contractor a contractual penalty of 0,1% of the amount owed for each day overdue. The maximum total penalty against the Client in the event if delay of payment of the work price is 5% of the total price for the work. 10.2. The contracting parties have agreed that in the event of failure to meet the completion date for the work by fault of the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay the Client a contractual penalty of 0,1% of the price for the work for each day overdue. The maximum total penalty against the Contractor in the event of delay in completion of the work is 5% of the total price for the work.
Sanctions. In the event of the Customer's delay in paying the monthly invoice within the due date, the provider is entitled to interest on arrears in the amount determined by Government Decree no. 21/2013 Coll., Which implements the provisions of the Commercial Code as amended by Government Regulation no. 303/2014 Coll. In the event of a breach of any obligation under this Agreement by the Provider, the Client shall be entitled to pay a contractual penalty by the Provider of 100.00 € for each case of breach of an obligation under this Agreement. In the event of the provider's delay in providing the service within the agreed period, the customer is entitled to payment of a contractual penalty by the provider in the amount of 0.25% of the price of the service with which the provider is in delay, for each day of delay. The application of a fine under this Article of the Agreement shall not affect the right of the Customer to compensation for damages above the contractual penalty. Article VIII. Withdraw from the Agreement and Termination Either Party may withdraw from this Agreement immediately in the event of a substantial breach of its obligations under this Agreement and seek compensation for damage caused by the other Party. The Parties agree to consider as a substantial breach of the obligation: breach of duty under the conditions specified in para. § 345 par. 2 of the Commercial Code, or a repeated breach of this Agreement. The Customer is entitled to withdraw from this framework agreement immediately in accordance with Art. VI par. 10 of the Framework Agreement. Withdrawal from the Agreement shall be notified to the other Party in writing, stating the reasons for the withdrawal why the party withdraws from the agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties or by termination without giving any reason, which shall be in writing and delivered to the other Party. The notice period is one month and begins on the first day of the month following the delivery of the notice. Article IX. Final provisions This Agreement may be amended or amended following generally binding legislation only by written and numbered amendments which, upon signature by both parties to the Agreement and into force, shall form an integral part of this Agreement. Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature by both parties to the Agreement and shall take effect on the day following the day of its publication in the Central Register of Contracts of the Office o...
Sanctions. V případě prodlení prodávajícího s dodáním zařízení oproti lhůtě sjednané v čl. III. odst. 1 této smlouvy je prodávající povinen zaplatit kupujícímu smluvní pokutu ve xxxx 0.000,- Xx xx každý i započatý den prodlení. Should the Seller be in default in delivering the Equipment compared to the deadline agreed in Article III, paragraph 1 hereof, the Seller shall be obliged to pay a contractual penalty to the Purchaser in the amount of CZK 1,000 per commenced day of default. Sjednáním smluvní pokuty podle tohoto článku není dotčeno právo kupujícího na náhradu škody vzniklé z porušení povinnosti x xxxx. 0 xxxxxx xxxxxx, xxx., xx smluvní strany se dohodly, že § 2050 občanského zákoníku se nepoužije. The agreement on the contractual penalty pursuant to this article shall be without prejudice to the Purchaser’s right to compensation for damage arising from breaching the obligation set forth in paragraph 1 of this article, and namely that the parties agree that Section 2050 of the Civil Code shall not apply.
Sanctions. 24.1. If the Supplier is in default of removing any defects in the goods the Buyer may request a contractual fine amounting to CZK 1,000 for each day of the default. 24.2. If the Supplier breaches an obligation that establishes the Buyer's right to withdraw from the contract, the Buyer may charge to the Supplier a contractual fine amounting to CZK 100,000 for every breach of such an obligation regardless of whether they intend to apply their right to withdraw from the contract, or not. 24.3. The Buyer may charge to the Supplier a contractual fine amounting to CZK 1,000,000 for every specific breach of the obligation laid down under Articles 9 and 20 of the present General Terms and Conditions of Purchase. 24.4. If the Buyer defaults in payment of duly issued and delivered invoices, the Buyer must pay late interest to the Supplier as specified under Government Regulation No. 351/2013 Coll., as in force and effect. 24.5. The application of any contractual fine shall be without prejudice to the right to compensation for any damage incurred.
Sanctions. A contractual penalty for the default by the Seller in performance of the subject of the Contract is stipulated in favour of the Buyer and amounts to 0.5% of the Unit Purchase Price for each day of default after the elapse of the period specified in Article IV. Section 1 of this Contract. Compensation of damages caused by the breach of obligations by the Seller, for which a contractual penalty applies under this Contract, may be requested by the Buyer without restrictions and regardless of claiming or payment by the contractual penalty by the Seller. 3. The Seller shall be entitled to require a contractual penalty of 0.05% from the amount due by the Buyer for each day of default (in case of default by the Buyer with the payment of the Unit Purchase price). 4. No other contractual penalties or sanctions are allowed by and between the Seller and the Buyer.
Sanctions. In case of non-handling contract term by the seller under Article III of this contract the purchaser is entiteled to charge contractual penalty 0,05 % in the amount of the subject price for each day of delay.
Sanctions. Should either Party be in delay with the payment of any amount pursuant to the Contract, the other Party shall be entitled to charge default interest at the rate stipulated in applicable legal regulations. Should the Seller be in delay with the fulfilment of its obligation to deliver the subject of purchase to the Purchaser or to remove any defects of the subject of purchase, it shall be obliged to pay a contractual penalty to the Purchaser in the amount of 0.2% of the purchase price, exclusive of VAT, for each commenced day of delay. In the event of a breach of any confidentiality obligation (including obligation to use the confidential information only for certain purposes) under Article IX. of these General Terms of Purchase, the breaching Party shall be obliged to pay a contractual penalty to the other Party in the amount of CZK 100,000 for each individual breach. The entitled Party shall be entitled to issue a tax document – invoice for any contractual penalty. All contractual penalties shall be payable within 14 days after the delivery of a notice claiming such penalty to the other Party. Neither the agreement on or the payment of any contractual penalty shall affect the right to compensation of any damage that may occur.
Sanctions. We will not provide any benefit under this insurance to the extent of providing cover, payment of any claim or the provision of any benefit where doing so would breach any sanction, prohibition or restriction imposed by law or regulation.