Applicability Musterklauseln

Applicability. 1.1. These general terms and conditions of sales (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") apply exclusively to all our present and future contractual relations concerning the purchase of movable goods between us, BTC Automotive GmbH (hereinafter "BTC" or "we") and our customers ("Buyer"). The GTC apply only if the Buyer is an entrepreneur (§ 14 BGB), a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law. They shall apply in their respective valid version as a framework agreement on the purchase of movable goods without us having to refer to them again in each individual case.
Applicability. These general terms and conditions (the “Terms”) are an integral part of all commercial or technical proposals, quotations, orders and agreements (each, an “Order”) by Thermon Deutschland GMBH, having its address at 6th Floor, Xxxx-Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx 0x, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx, 00000, Xxxxxxxxxxx, with registration number HRB 51846 (“Thermon”) for the sale or rental of goods and/or services (the “Work”) to the buyer identified in the Order (the “Customer” and, together with Thermon, the “Parties”). By signing or executing an offer, quotation or sales order, placing an Order or receiving Work from Thermon, Customer agrees that these Terms supersede any prior written or oral agreement and any terms and conditions contained in Customer’s request for quote, purchase order, invoice, order acknowledgment, change order or similar document and the Order is subject to the Thermon Terms only. To the extent that there is a conflict between these Terms and a valid signed master agreement between the Parties, the specific conflicting terms of such master agreement shall prevail. These Terms supersede any prior written or oral agreement and any terms and conditions contained in Customer’s request for quote, purchase order, invoice, order acknowledgment, change order or similar document. To the extent that there is a conflict between these Terms and another set of Thermon terms and conditions issued to the Customer as part of the order or quotation process, the specific conflicting terms of the order or quotation document shall prevail. Any other variation from these Terms shall require the signed consent of an authorized Thermon representative.
Applicability. Unless otherwise individually agreed, the legal relationship with respect to the aforementioned transactions between SCHOTT and the Supplier, if the Supplier is an entrepreneur (§ 14 BGB) (“BGB”=Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch=German Civil Code) or a corporate body under public law, will be based exclusively on the following terms and conditions. The general terms of business of the Supplier do not apply unless SCHOTT has agreed to them in writing with explicit reference to the terms of business of the Supplier. This also applies if SCHOTT unquestioningly accepts ordered goods or services knowing the general terms of business of the Supplier.
Applicability. 1.1. These terms and conditions apply to the contractual relationship. The contractual relationship is func- tionally connected to the contracts with blocknox and Solarisbank if you have fully registered accord- ing to Sections 3.2 to 3.7. Therefore, these terms and conditions together with the GTC of blocknox and Solarisbank form the framework of "BISON".
Applicability. 1.1 The conditions of this Special Part B, Section I shall apply to the purchase or rental of standard software and/or hardware (including embedded firmware), as well as the maintenance and servicing of software and/or hardware by the Contractor.
Applicability. The provisions of this Special Part B, Section II shall apply to all service and performance contracts, including those relating to the creation of individual software and consulting services.
Applicability. The provisions of this Special Part B, Section III shall apply to the commissioning of architects and engineers according to the Ordinance on Architects’ and Engineers’ Fees [Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure] (HOAI) and construction services according to the Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations [Vergabe und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen] (VOB) Part B and C. The object of the contract is the construction and architectural services specified in the contract and transferred to the Contractor for full performance, including the ancillary services required for this purpose. The performance of the transferred works shall be carried out exclusively on the basis of the relevant legal provisions in accordance with HOAI and VOB Part B and C, as well as this Special Part B, Section III and Paragraphs 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of General Part A of these Conditions, unless otherwise agreed in an individual contract.
Applicability. 1.1 These conditions apply to the relationship between the seller of this object and the prospective buyer who makes an offer for this object via the Catawiki online platform. Certain terms in these Terms are defined in the Catawiki Terms of Use, which apply fully to the relationship between Catawiki and the users of its online platform. If and to the extent that any provisions in these Terms affect the correct and full application of any provisions in the Catawiki Terms of Use, the relevant provisions in these Terms shall not apply.
Applicability. 1.1. These terms apply to the contractual relationship between you and blocknox. The contractual relationship is functionally connected to the contracts with EUWAX and Solarisbank. Therefore, these terms together with the EUWAX-GTC and Solaris-GTC form the framework of "BISON".
Applicability. 1. The general terms of sale (“GTS”) of TheKnot below apply exclusively; TheKnot does not accept any customer terms that conflict with or diverge from these GTS – save TheKnot explicitly accepts the applicability of divergent terms in writing. These GTS also apply even if TheKnot is aware of customer terms that conflict with or diverge from these GTS and nevertheless executes delivery or renders a service to the customer without reservation.