General Terms. On placing an order, the following conditions become part of the contract unless conditions to the contrary are agreed upon in writing. The terms stipulated hereafter invalidate deviating conditions of the purchase even when such conditions on which the purchase bases his order are not expressly challenged. If General Terms of Business are not referred to in an offer to a purchaser or merchant, they nevertheless are still applicable if there has been a reference to General Terms of Business in a former business contract.
General Terms. 1. Application of Terms of Use
General Terms. 1. For the sake of simplicity and better readability, only the masculine form is used in these General Terms of Sale (hereinafter: Terms). However, the terms always refer to persons of all genders.
2. These Terms govern the relationship between the purchaser and Z-Systems AG (hereinafter: Z-SYSTEMS) (the purchaser and Z-SYSTEMS together: the contracting parties) and apply to all offers, deliveries and other services of Z-SYSTEMS. These Terms shall apply for the entire duration of the business relationship of the contracting parties.
3. These Terms apply in their version valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
4. In the event of any inconsistency, these Terms shall prevail over any other agreement or understanding between the contracting parties unless Z-SYSTEMS has expressly confirmed in writing that a different agreement or understanding shall prevail over these Terms. This also shall hold true if, in knowledge of purchaser’s terms contrary to or different from these Terms, Z-SYSTEMS performs a delivery to the purchaser unconditionally.
5. General terms and conditions of the purchaser shall not apply, even if Z-SYSTEMS does not object to their application in each individual case.
6. Should any provision of these Terms be or become wholly or partially invalid or illegal, the validity of the remaining provisions hereof shall not be affected. In place of the invalid or illegal provision, the contracting parties agree on a provision that approximates as closely as possible to the wholly or partially invalid or illegal provision in legal and economic terms. The same shall apply in the event of a necessary addition.
General Terms. 1. With consent of the client the contractor is entitled to mention his company name in a suitable manner on the contract products. The client can only refuse the consent, if he has a predominant interest.
2. All disputes arising hereunder shall be settled before a court of law in the city where the contractor has his headquarters.
3. The right and duties from a contract relationship can be transferred to a third party. The contractor guar- antees in this case the proper fulfilment of all contract duties towards the clients.
4. The client entitles the contractor to use the client name as client of the contractor in publications.
5. If single regulations of these agreements should be ineffective, the effectiveness of the remaining stays untouched by this.
General Terms. 2.1. The Principal undertakes to conduct all business transactions with the respect and fairness prescribed by the Principal’s Code of Business Conduct, which has also been made available to the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with the Principal’s commitment to ethical practices with respect to environmental impact, employment conditions, taxes, occupational health & safety and adherence to anti‐corruption laws. The Principal does not engage in any business relations with contactors that violate the Principal’s policy referenced above. The Contractor’s electronic consent to these GTC on the Principal’s supplier portal shall effectively constitute the Contractor’s approval and signature thereof.
2.2. Significance of Contractor’s Supplies and Services
General Terms. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinaf- ter GTC) shall apply to all future business. Any agreements to the contrary must be entered into in writing in individual cases. Deliveries shall take place solely on the basis of our GTC. Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer shall not apply unless they have been accepted in writing by XXXXXXX. Our General Terms and Condi- tions shall apply in all cases, even if the orderer expressly excludes the application of our GTC in its sales terms and we do not declare these void. The scope of our services shall be determined by the customer’s order. Changes to orders after receipt of order shall require our express consent. Order acceptance and conclusion of contract All offers made by XXXXXXX shall be subject to confirmation and shall be without obligation. Offers constitute merely an invitation to the orde- rer to submit an offer. All orders shall materialize when written order confirmation is sent. Order confirmations will be sent within two weeks of the order being received. The invoice may replace an order confirmation in the event of delivery at short notice. We reserve the right to make technical modifications to the products and alterations to the visual product design that do not reduce the utility value of the products, and do not constitute a defect in quality. Specified packaging units must be adhered to.
General Terms. 1. Scope of application, deviating terms and conditions, future business, priority agreements 1.1. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply even if no explicit reference is made thereto. The General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply in their respective version within the framework of ongoing business relations also to all future contracts, even if they are not expressly agreed again.
General Terms