CONSENT Musterklauseln

CONSENT. Please read the following legal information carefully. By accessing the Restaurant Zum See AG (referred to below as “Restaurant Xxx Xxx”) website, you signify your consent to the following conditions. Restaurant Zum See reserves the right to amend those conditions from time to time.
CONSENT. Certain Tranches of Notes with a denomination of less than €100,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency) may be offered in circumstances where there is no exemption from the obligation under the Prospectus Directive to publish a prospectus. Any such offer is referred to as a Non-exempt Offer. Subject to the conditions set out below, each of the Issuer and the Guarantor consents to the use of this Base Prospectus in connection with a Non-exempt Offer of Notes by UniCredit Bank AG and any financial intermediary which is authorised to make such offers under applicable legislation implementing the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2004/39/EC) and publishes on its website the following statement (with the information in square brackets being completed with the relevant information): "We, [insert legal name of financial intermediary], refer to the offer of USD 100,000,000 USD 2,35% Fixed Rate Notes due March 2020 (the Notes) described in the Final Terms dated 20 February 2015 (the Final Terms) published by UniCredit Bank Ireland p.l.c (the Issuer) and unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by UniCredit S.p.A. (the Guarantor). In consideration of the Issuer offering to grant its consent to our use of the Base Prospectus (as defined in the Final Terms) in connection with the offer of the Notes in Germany. Austria and Luxembourg during the Offer Period and subject to the other conditions to such consent, each as specified in the Base Prospectus, we hereby accept the offer by the Issuer in accordance with the Authorised Offeror Terms (as specified in the Base Prospectus), and confirm that we are using the Base Prospectus accordingly." Offer period: The Issuer's consent referred to above is given for Non-exempt Offers of Notes during the period starting from 23 February 2015 until 27 February 2015 (the Offer Period). Conditions to consent: The conditions to the Issuer’s and the Guarantor's consent (in addition to the conditions referred to above) are that such consent (a) is only valid during the Offer Period; and (b) only extends to the use of this Base Prospectus to make Non-exempt Offers of the relevant Tranche of Notes in Germany. Austria and Luxembourg . AN INVESTOR INTENDING TO ACQUIRE OR ACQUIRING ANY NOTES IN A NON-EXEMPT OFFER FROM AN AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL DO SO, AND OFFERS AND SALES OF SUCH NOTES TO AN INVESTOR BY SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL BE MADE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY TERMS AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS IN PLACE BETWEEN SUCH AU...
CONSENT. Certain Tranches of Notes with a denomination of less than EUR 100,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency) may be offered in circumstances where there is no exemption from the obligation under the Prospectus Directive to publish a prospectus. Any such offer is referred to as a Non- exempt Offer. Subject to the conditions set out below, each of the Issuer and the Guarantor consent to the use of this Base Prospectus in connection with a Non-exempt Offer of Notes by UniCredit Bank AG and any financial intermediary which is authorised to make such offers under applicable legislation implementing the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2004/39/EC) and publishes on its website the following statement (with the information in square brackets being completed with the relevant information): "We, [insert the name of financial intermediary], refer to the issue of up to Element Euro 200,000,000 Step up Fixed Rate Notes due March 2019 (the Notes) described in the Final Terms dated 7 February 2014 (the Final Terms) published by UniCredit Bank Ireland p.l.c. (the Issuer). We hereby accept the offer by each of the Issuer and the Guarantor of its consent to our use of the Base Prospectus (as defined in the Final Terms) in connection with the offer of the Notes in accordance with the Authorised Offeror Terms and subject to the conditions to such consent, each as specified in the Base Prospectus, and we are using the Base Prospectus accordingly." (each an Authorised Offeror). Offer period: The Issuer's consent referred to above is given for Non-exempt Offers of Notes during the period starting from 10 February 2014 until 25 March 2014 (the Offer Period). Conditions to consent: The conditions to the Issuer's and the Guarantor's consent (in addition to the conditions referred to above) are that such consent (a) is only valid during the Offer Period; and (b) only extends to the use of this Base Prospectus to make Non-exempt Offers of the relevant Tranche of Notes in Austria, Germany and Luxembourg. AN INVESTOR INTENDING TO ACQUIRE OR ACQUIRING ANY NOTES IN A NON-EXEMPT OFFER FROM AN AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL DO SO, AND OFFERS AND SALES OF SUCH NOTES TO AN INVESTOR BY SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR WILL BE MADE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY TERMS AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS IN PLACE BETWEEN SUCH AUTHORISED OFFEROR AND SUCH INVESTOR INCLUDING AS TO PRICE, ALLOCATIONS AND SETTLEMENT ARRANGEMENTS. THE RELEVANT INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORISED OFFEROR AT THE TIME O...
CONSENT. The Tenant agrees that news of the signing of this lease may be published in the real-estate trade press, mentioning the property, the size of the space rented, and the name of the user/contracting party.

Related to CONSENT

  • Consent to use of Prospectus The Issuer consents to the use of the Base Prospectus and these Final Terms by all financial intermediaries (general consent). General consent for the subsequent resale or final placement of Securities by the financial intermediaries is given in relation to the Offer State(s) during the Offer Period during which subsequent resale or final placement of the Securities can be made, provided however, that the Base Prospectus (and/or Succeeding Base Prospectus) is still valid according to Article 12 of the Prospectus Regulation. In the case of an Offer Period which exceeds the duration of the validity of the Base Prospectus, the subsequent resale and final placement of the Securities by financial intermediaries can be made during the period in which a Succeeding Base Prospectus exists. In this case, the consent to the use of the Base Prospectus also applies to the use of the Succeeding Base Prospectus. The information about the relevant Underlying and/or the Basket Components consists of excerpts and summaries of publicly available sources, which may have been translated into the English language. The Issuer confirms that this information has been accurately reproduced and that – as far as the Issuer is aware and is able to ascertain from publicly available information – no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information, which may have been translated into the English language, inaccurate or misleading. Neither the Issuer nor the Offeror accepts any other or further responsibilities in respect of this information. In particular, neither the Issuer nor the Offeror accepts any responsibility for the accuracy of the information in relation to the relevant Underlying and/or the Basket Components or provide any guarantee that no event has occurred which might affect the accuracy or completeness of this information. The relevant Underlying is the EURO STOXX 50® Index (Price EUR). The EURO STOXX 50® Index (Price EUR) is a price index. The index level of a price index is determined mainly by the prices of its constituents. Dividends and capital changes are generally not considered. If dividends are paid, the price index also reflects markdowns. Information about the past and future performance and volatility of the Underlying and/or of the respective Basket Components is free of charge available on the following website(s): xxxxx:// The Issuer accepts no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy or for the continuous updating of the content contained on the specified website(s). • STOXX and its licensor do not make any warranty, express or implied, and disclaim any and all warranty about: • The results to be obtained by the Securities, the owner of the Securities or any other person in connection with the use of EURO STOXX 50® Index and the data included in the EURO STOXX 50® Index and results not obtained; • The accuracy or completeness of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and its data; • The merchantability and the fitness for a particular purpose or use of the EURO STOXX 50® Index and its data; • STOXX and its licensor will have no liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions in the EURO STOXX 50® Index or its data; • Under no circumstances will STOXX and its licensor be liable for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if STOXX or its licensor knows that they might occur. The Settlement Amount under the Securities is calculated by reference to the Underlying, which is provided by the responsible administrator. As at the date of these Final Terms, the administrator is included in the register of administrators and benchmarks established and maintained by the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") pursuant to article 36 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/1011. Except for the notices referred to in the Conditions, the Issuer does not intend to publish any post- issuance information. The U.S. Treasury Department has issued regulations under which amounts paid or deemed paid on certain financial instruments that are treated as attributable to U.S.-source dividends could be treated, in whole or in part depending on the circumstances, as a "dividend equivalent" payment that is subject to tax at a rate of 30 per cent. (or a lower rate under an applicable treaty). The Issuer has determined that, as of the issue date of the Securities, the Securities will not be subject to withholding under these rules. In certain limited circumstances, however, it is possible for United States alien holders to be liable for tax under these rules with respect to a combination of transactions treated as having been entered into in connection with each other even when no withholding is required. United States alien holders should consult their tax advisor concerning these regulations, subsequent official guidance and regarding any other possible alternative characterisations of their Securities for United States federal income tax purposes. See "United States Tax Considerations – Dividend Equivalent Payments" in the Base Prospectus for a more comprehensive discussion of the application of Section 871(m) to the Securities.

  • Vermittler Soweit Sie hinsichtlich Ihres Versicherungsvertrags von einem Vermittler betreut werden, verarbeitet Ihr Vermittler die zum Abschluss und zur Durchführung des Vertrags benötigten Antrags-, Vertrags- und Schaden-/Leistungsfalldaten. Auch übermittelt unser Unternehmen diese Daten an die Sie betreuenden Vermittler, soweit diese die Informationen zu Ihrer Betreuung und Beratung in Ihren Versicherungs- und Finanzangelegenheiten benötigen.

  • Incident-Response-Management Unterstützung bei der Reaktion auf Sicherheitsverletzungen

  • Risikomanagement Die Verwaltungsgesellschaft hat ein Risikomanagementverfahren zu verwenden, das es ihr ermöglicht, das mit den Anlagepositionen verbundene Risiko sowie ihren jeweiligen Anteil am Gesamtrisikoprofil des Fonds- vermögens jederzeit zu überwachen und zu messen. Das Gesamtrisiko ist nach dem Commitment Ansatz oder dem Value-at-Risk-Ansatz zu ermitteln. Die Verwaltungsgesellschaft hat angemessene und dokumentierte Risikomanagement-Grundsätze festzule- gen, umzusetzen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Risikomanagement-Grundsätze haben Verfahren zu umfassen, die notwendig sind, um Markt-, Liquiditäts- und Kontrahentenrisiken sowie sonstige Risiken, einschließlich operationeller Risiken, zu bewerten.

  • Confidentiality The contracting parties undertake to treat all confidential information, knowledge and trade secrets of the other contracting party, obtained in the course of the execution of the contract, as strictly confidential for an unlimited period of time, in particular even after the termination of the contract. Confidential information is in particular any technical and non-technical information, documentation, data, business information, inventions, business secrets, business relationships and know-how, as well as any other information that is marked as confidential or recognizable as such.

  • Installation Das Netzabschlussgerät wird auf dem Postweg versendet. Der Anschluss des Netzabschlussgerätes und der Anschluss der kundeneigenen Endgeräte er- folgt durch den Verbraucher selbst.

  • Datenschutz-Management Technische Maßnahmen Organisatorische Maßnahmen

  • Compliance 32.1 Der Spediteur verpflichtet sich, Mindestlohnvorschriften und Vorschriften über Mindestbedingungen am Arbeitsplatz einzuhalten und bestätigt dies auf Verlangen des Auftraggebers in Textform. Der Spediteur stellt den Auftraggeber von seiner Haftung auf den Mindestlohn frei, wenn der Spediteur oder ein im Rahmen des Verkehrsvertrages mit dem Auftraggeber eingesetzter Nachunternehmer oder Entleiher Arbeitnehmern nicht den gesetzlichen Mindestlohn zahlt und der Auftraggeber in Anspruch genommen wird. 32.2 Der Spediteur hat im Fall von Beförderungen sicherzustellen, dass er oder der die Beförderung ausführende Unternehmer 32.2.1 im Anwendungsbereich des GüKG Inhaber einer Erlaubnis nach § 3 GüKG oder einer Berechtigung nach § 6 GüKG oder einer Gemeinschaftslizenz ist oder eine solche Erlaubnis, Berechtigung oder Lizenz nicht unzulässig verwendet, 32.2.2 im Anwendungsbereich des GüKG bei der Beförderung Fahrpersonal einsetzt, das die Voraussetzungen des § 7b Abs. 1 Satz 1 GüKG erfüllt, 32.2.3 auf Anforderung alle bei der Beförderung gesetzlich mitzuführenden Dokumente vorlegt, soweit der Auftraggeber oder Dritte gesetzlichen Kontrollpflichten genügen müssen. 32.3 Der Spediteur oder der die Beförderung ausführende Unternehmer ist verpflichtet, die Tätigkeit seines Fahrpersonals so zu organisieren, dass die vorgeschriebenen Arbeits-, Lenk- und Ruhezeiten eingehalten werden können. Es besteht ein generelles Alkohol- und Drogenverbot beim Führen des Fahrzeugs. 32.4 Beide Parteien verpflichten sich, die für ihr Unternehmen geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften einzuhalten. Sie unterstützen und achten die Grundsätze des „Global Compact“ („UNGC“), der allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen und die Erklärung der International Labor Organization über grundlegende Prinzipien und Rechte bei der Arbeit von 1998 („Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work“) in Übereinstimmung mit nationalen Gesetzen und Gepflogenheiten. Insbesondere werden beide Parteien in ihren Unternehmen 32.4.1 keine Kinder beschäftigen oder Zwangsarbeiter einsetzen, 32.4.2 die jeweiligen nationalen Gesetze und Regelungen über Arbeitszeiten, Löhne und Gehälter und sonstige Arbeitgeberverpflichtungen einhalten, 32.4.3 die geltenden Arbeits- und Gesundheitsbestimmungen einhalten und für ein sicheres und gesundheitsförderliches Arbeitsumfeld sorgen, um die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten zu erhalten und Unfälle, Verletzungen sowie arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen zu vermeiden, 32.4.4 jegliche Diskriminierung aufgrund Rasse, Religion, Behinderung, Alter, sexueller Orientierung oder Geschlecht unterlassen, 32.4.5 die internationalen Antikorruptionsstandards, wie sie im UNGC und lokalen Antikorruptions- und -bestechungsgesetzen festgelegt sind, beachten, 32.4.6 alle geltenden Umweltgesetze und -regelungen einhalten, 32.4.7 ihren Geschäftspartnern und Nachunternehmern antragen, die zuvor genannten Grundsätze auch ihrem Handeln zugrunde zu legen.

  • Informationspflicht Vor Beginn der Kurzarbeit, spätestens jedoch mit der Vorlage dieser Vereinbarung zur Unterfertigung, ist von dem/der ArbeitgeberIn eine schriftliche Begründung über die wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit der Kurzarbeit jeder zuständigen Gewerkschaft zu übermitteln. Auf Aufforderung der zuständigen Gewerkschaft ist nach Beendigung der Kurzarbeit vom Betrieb eine schriftliche Information über die tatsächliche Inanspruchnahme bzw Aus­schöpfung der Kurzarbeit an diese zu übermitteln. Die Information hat jedenfalls die in Abschnitt I Punkt 1-4 dieser Vereinbarung genannten Punkte zu enthalten.

  • Information Die Pflegeeinrichtung wird über das Ergebnis der Überprüfung nach § 23 und die daraus resultierende Entscheidung der Pflegekasse informiert.