Duration of the Agreement Musterklauseln

Duration of the Agreement. The present agreement is concluded for an indefi- nite period. It may be terminated in writing by ei- ther party with 30 days' notice to the last day of the month. The right of the parties to extraordinary termination remains unaffected. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular in the event of a material breach of the provisions of this Agreement by one of the contracting parties, insofar as the contrac- tual condition is not restored within a reasonable period of time despite a prior written request by the contracting party giving notice of termination. Im- portant reasons are in particular - the opening of bankruptcy proceedings against the assets of the Contractor, the rejection of the opening of bankruptcy proceedings for lack of as- sets covering the costs of the Contractor or the fil- ing of a petition for the opening of bankruptcy pro- ceedings against the Contractor; - breach of the customer protection clause; - Continued improper handling of or damage to the transported goods despite prior warning; - Fortgesetzte unsachgemäße Behandlung oder Beschädigung der beförderten Xxxx trotz vorheriger Abmahnung; - strafbare Handlungen (insbes. Warendiebstahl/ Unterschlagung) durch den Auftragnehmer bzw. der begründete Verdacht solcher Handlungen, wie auch Verstoß gegen einschlägige Sozialvorschriften und Gesetze (LSD-BG usw.) - Unregelmäßigkeiten bei der Auftragsabwicklung oder Unterschlagung von Dokumenten - Handlungen des Auftragnehmers oder seiner Mitarbeiter, die geeignet sind, den Ruf oder das Geschäft des Auftraggebers zu beeinträchtigen - Verletzungen wesentlicher Vertragspflichten, die das Festhalten am Vertrag für den Auftraggeber unzumutbar machen
Duration of the Agreement. This contract comes into effect once the registration has been confirmed by the provider or on behalf of the provider through an authorized party. It can be terminated at any time without specifying the reasons for termination.
Duration of the Agreement. 12.1 This Contract terminates with the completion of the project.
Duration of the Agreement. The contractual relationship with the firm is to end upon the expiry of the duration of access and/or after consumption of the data volume granted, at the latest however upon checking out from the firm.