Liability of the lessee Musterklauseln

Liability of the lessee. The Lessee is liable for all culpable damage to the Lessor or third parties caused by the Lessee, his or her employees, representatives, or companions. Furthermore, the Lessee is liable for culpable soiling and damage to the parking lots.
Liability of the lessee. (1) In the event of any damage to the rented vehicle, any loss of the vehicle or any violation of the provisions of the rental agreement, the Lessee shall, as a general rule, be liable in accordance with the general liability regulations. If any reduction of liability as provided by a fully comprehensive insurance is agreed with the Lessee and the Lessee has paid the fee owed in this respect when due, the Lessee as well as the authorised drivers included in the scope of protection of the contractual reduction of liability shall be liable for any event of damage up to the amount of the agreed excess. The Lessor shall exempt the aforementioned persons in this respect in accordance with the principles of a fully com- prehensive insurance with the agreed excess plus an all-in fee in the amount of EUR 47.00. The excess for any event of damage which is to be borne by the Lessee shall be specified in the rental agreement. The retrospective agreement on any reduction of liability shall be excluded. (2) In the event that any damage mentioned in (1) has been caused by the Lessee/driver in a grossly negligent manner and in a way attributable to them or if any damage not covered by the third-party liability insurance policy taken out for the vehicle has been caused in a grossly negligent manner to any other object which is the property of the Lessor, or in the case that any contractual obligation to be fulfilled by the Lessee and/or the driver has been violated in a grossly negligent manner, in particular pursuant to section XIII, the Lessor shall be entitled to make a claim on the liable party in accordance with the degree of negligence of the former, beyond the agreed reduction of liability, unless, in the case of the violation of obligations, the reprehensible action or the reprehensible omission is not the root cause of either the event of damage nor of it being detected or its scope. This limitation shall not apply if the obligation has been fraudulently violated. In the event of any premeditated act or omission, the reduction of liability shall not be applicable in any regard whatsoever, subject to the proviso of the aforementioned limitation, in the case of violations of obligations. (3) The reduction of liability shall end on the expiry of the contractually agreed rental period and, in the case of any termination without notice of the rental agreement, upon receipt of the notice of termination. The Lessee shall thus be liable without limitation, irrespective o...
Liability of the lessee a) The lessee is fully liable for the damage he has caused to the rented vehicle, for damage resulting from loss of the vehicle and its operational downtime, as well as for any culpable violation of these general rental conditions in accordance with the statutory liability regulations. If the lessee leaves the vehicle to a third party, he is liable for any damage caused by this third party while using the vehicle, unless the damage would have occurred anyway. b) There is a fully comprehensive insurance for the rental object with a deductible of € 1,500. A reduction in the deductible is not offered. In the event of accidental damage, the lessor will only claim against the tenant up to the agreed amount and otherwise indemnify the lessee. Accidental damage is damage caused by a sudden external event with mechanical force; In particular, brake damage and pure breakage damage as well as operational damage caused by improper handling, for example switching errors or incorrect refueling, are not accidental damage. The reduction of liability is limited to the geographical borders of Europe as well as the non- European areas that belong to the scope of the European Union. c) The above reduction of liability (b) does not apply if the tenant caused the damage willfully. The reduction of liability also does not apply if the lessee has deliberately violated his obligations in the event of damage in accordance with Section 7 of these General Rental Conditions, insofar as this makes it impossible for the landlord to objectively clarify the damage. d) If the lessee caused the damage through gross negligence, the lessor is entitled to claim against the lessee beyond the agreed deductible, but only in a proportion corresponding to the severity of the fault. This also applies in the event that the renter has grossly negligently breached an obligation under these General Rental Conditions, insofar as this breach of duty is the cause of the occurrence of the damage. In the case of damage events without outside participation, gross negligence is generally assumed.
Liability of the lessee the Lessee shall be held liable for any damage which it itself, its employees or its agents culpably cause to the Lessor or to any third parties. In this respect, the Lessee shall also be liable for culpably caused contamination of the parking facility due to conduct which goes beyond that expected for public use of the parking facility. This also includes dumping waste within the parking facility.

Related to Liability of the lessee

  • Liability of the Hotel 7.1 The hotel is liable for harm inflicted on life, limb and physical health. Further it is liable for other damage caused with full intent or gross negligence or due to inten- tional or grossly negligent violation of obligations typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory rep- resentative or vicarious agent. All other claims for damages are excluded, if not de- termined differently in this No. 7. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the customer made without undue delay. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum. 7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. It recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the guest wishes to bring with him money, securities, stocks, bonds or valuables with a value of more than 800 EUR or other things with a value of more than 3500 EUR, a separate safekeeping agreement is necessary. 7.3 Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is ex- changed. The hotel only assumes liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents thereof only pursu- ant to the preceding No. 7.1, sentences 1 to 4. 7.4 Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests shall be handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and, for a fee, forward such items (on request). The ho- tel only assumes liability according to the preceding No. 7, sentences 1 to 4. 8.1 Amendments and supplements to the contract, the acceptance of offers or these general terms and conditions should be made in written form. Unilateral amend- ments or supplements by the customer are invalid. 8.2 For commercial transactions the place of performance and payment as well as, in the event of litigation, including disputes for checks and bills of exchange, the exclu- sive court of jurisdiction is at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft]. Insofar as a contracting party fulfills the re- quirements of section 38, para. 2 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and does not have a place of general jurisdiction within the country, the courts at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft] shall have exclusive jurisdiction. 8.3 The contract is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with German law. The application of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods and Con- flict Law are precluded. 8.4 Should individual provisions of these general terms and conditions be or become invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected thereby. The statutory provisions shall also be applicable.

  • Liability (1) The liability clauses as agreed between the Parties in the Service Agreement are also applicable for this Data Processing Agreement. (2) Insofar as third parties assert claims against the Contractor which have their cause in a culpable breach by the Client of this Data Processing Agreement or of one of its obligations as a controller, the Client shall indemnify the Contractor against such claims.

  • Force Majeure 14.1. A party's obligations in terms of these Credit Terms shall be suspended for such period during which that party is prevented from complying with its obligations due to Force Majeure, provided such party: (a) has notified the other party of the existence of such Force Majeure, (b) does everything in its/his/her power to comply with the Loan Agreement; and (c) fulfils its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the time specified by the other party. 14.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend a party’s obligation in so far as it is impossible for such party to perform the same and shall in no case excuse such party from the obligation to perform other obligations in terms of the Loan Agreement.

  • Warranty The buyer’s statutory rights with regard to defects shall apply if the appliance is defective. The buyer may exercise any of these rights free of charge. You shall assert these rights against your contract partner, i.e. the dealer from whom you purchased the appliance. The contractual arrangements between you and the dealer shall be observed. Your statutory rights with regard to defects are in no way restricted or affected by this warranty. We as the manufacturer have voluntarily and additionally taken on the warranty service.

  • Implosion Implosion ist ein plötzlicher, unvorhersehbarer Zusammenfall eines Hohlkörpers durch äußeren Überdruck infolge eines inneren Unterdrucks.

  • Schutz personenbezogener Daten Die Vertragsparteien kommen überein zusammenzuarbeiten, um einen hohen Schutz personen- bezogener Daten im Einklang mit den in Anhang I genannten Rechtsinstrumenten und -normen der EU, des Europarats und des Völkerrechts zu gewährleisten.

  • Explosion Explosion ist eine auf dem Ausdehnungsbestreben von Gasen oder Dämpfen beruhende, plötzlich verlaufende Kraftäußerung. Eine Explosion eines Behälters (Kessel, Rohrleitung usw.) liegt nur vor, wenn seine Wandung in einem solchen Umfang zerrissen wird, dass ein plötzlicher Ausgleich des Druckunterschieds innerhalb und außerhalb des Behälters stattfindet. Wird im Innern eines Behälters eine Explosion durch chemische Umsetzung hervorgerufen, so ist ein Zerreißen seiner Wandung nicht erforderlich.

  • Kategorien von Empfängern der personenbezogenen Daten Rückversicherer: Vermittler: Datenverarbeitung in der Unternehmensgruppe: Externe Dienstleister: Weitere Empfänger:

  • Haftung des Hotels 7.1 Das Hotel haftet für von ihm zu vertretende Schäden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit. Weiterhin haftet es für sonstige Schäden, die auf einer vorsätzlichen oder grob fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung des Hotels beziehungsweise auf einer vorsätzlichen oder fahrlässigen Verletzung von vertragstypischen Pflichten des Hotels beruhen. Vertragstypische Pflichten sind solche Pflichten, die die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Vertrages erst ermöglichen und auf deren Erfüllung der Kunde vertraut und vertrauen darf. Einer Pflichtverletzung des Hotels steht die eines gesetzlichen Vertreters oder Erfüllungsgehilfen gleich. Weitergehende Schadensersatzansprüche sind, soweit in dieser Ziffer 7 nicht anderweitig geregelt, ausgeschlossen. Sollten Störungen oder Mängel an den Leistungen des Hotels auftreten, wird das Hotel bei Kenntnis oder auf unverzügliche Rüge des Kunden bemüht sein, für Abhilfe zu sorgen. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, das ihm Zumutbare beizutragen, um die Störung zu beheben und einen möglichen Schaden gering zu halten. 7.2 Für eingebrachte Sachen haftet das Hotel dem Kunden nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Das Hotel empfiehlt die Nutzung des Hotel- oder Zimmersafes. Sofern der Kunde Geld, Wertpapiere und Kostbarkeiten mit einem Wert von mehr als 800 Euro oder sonstige Sachen mit einem Wert von mehr als 3.500 Euro einzubringen wünscht, bedarf dies einer gesonderten Aufbewahrungsvereinbarung mit dem Hotel. 7.3 Soweit dem Kunden ein Stellplatz in der Hotelgarage oder auf dem Hotelparkplatz, auch gegen Entgelt, zur Verfügung gestellt wird, kommt dadurch kein Verwahrungsvertrag zustande. Bei Abhandenkommen oder Beschädigung auf dem Hotelgrundstück abgestellter oder rangierter Kraftfahrzeuge und deren Inhalte haftet das Hotel nur nach Maßgabe der vorstehenden Ziffer 7.1, Sätze 1 bis 4. 7.4 Weckaufträge werden vom Hotel mit größter Sorgfalt ausgeführt. Nachrichten für die Kunden werden mit Sorgfalt behandelt. Das Hotel kann nach vorheriger Absprache mit dem Kunden die Annahme, Aufbewahrung und – auf Wunsch – gegen Entgelt die Nachsendung von Post und Warensendungen übernehmen. Das Hotel haftet hierbei nur nach Maßgabe der vorstehenden Ziffer 7.1, Sätze 1 bis 4.

  • Kategorien der personenbezogenen Daten Basierend auf der HIS-Anfrage oder der HIS-Einmeldung eines Versicherungsunter- nehmens werden von der informa HIS GmbH – abhängig von der Versicherungsart bzw. -sparte – die Daten der Anfrage oder Einmeldung mit den dazu genutzten personen- bezogenen Daten (Name, Vorname, Geburtsdatum, Anschrift, frühere Anschriften) bzw. Informationen zum Versicherungsobjekt (z. B. Fahrzeug- bzw. Gebäudeinformationen) sowie das anfragende oder einmeldende Versicherungsunternehmen gespeichert. Bei einer HIS-Einmeldung durch ein Versicherungsunternehmen, über die Sie gegebenenfalls von diesem gesondert informiert werden, speichert die informa HIS GmbH erhöhte Risiken oder Auffälligkeiten, die auf Unregelmäßigkeiten hindeuten können, sofern solche Informa- tionen an das HIS gemeldet wurden. In der Versicherungssparte Leben können dies z. B. Informationen zu möglichen Erschwernissen (ohne Hinweis auf Gesundheitsdaten) und Versicherungssumme/Rentenhöhe sein. Zu Fahrzeugen sind ggf. z. B. Totalschäden, fiktive Abrechnungen oder Auffälligkeiten bei einer früheren Schadenmeldung gespeichert. Gebäudebezogene Daten sind Anzahl und Zeitraum geltend gemachter Gebäudeschäden.