Obligation of confidentiality Musterklauseln

Obligation of confidentiality. All transports are subject to an obligation of confi- dentiality, which strictly prohibits the contractor from disclosing any information that becomes known to him in the course of the execution of the order to third parties. The contractor is liable for all vicarious agents. In the event of unauthorised dis- closure of information to third parties, a contractual penalty regardless of fault of € 10 000,- which is ex- cluded from the judicial right to reduce the penalty, is due. The principal expressly reserves the right to assert claims for further damages.
Obligation of confidentiality. All transports are subject to an obligation of confi- dentiality, which strictly prohibits the contractor from disclosing any information that becomes known to him in the course of the execution of the order to third parties. The contractor is liable for all vicarious agents. In the event of unauthorised disclosure of schuldensunabhängige, vom richterlichen Mäßi- gungsrecht ausgeschlossene, Vertragsstrafe in Hö- he von € 10.000,00 fällig. Die Geltendmachung ei- nes darüberhinausgehenden Schadens behält sich der Auftraggeber ausdrücklich vor.
Obligation of confidentiality. All transports are subject to an obligation of confidentiality, which strictly prohibits the contractor from disclosing any information that becomes known to him in the course of the execution of the order to third parties. The contractor is liable for all vicarious agents. In the event of unauthorised disclosure of information to third parties, a contractual penalty Kundenschutz gilt als vereinbart; bei Entgegennahme oder Vermittlung von Aufträgen oder sonstiger Kontaktaufnahme mit Kunden des Auftraggebers und sämtlichen Unternehmen, die in irgendeiner Weise am Transportauftrag beteiligt sind, verfallen sämtliche Forderungen des Auftragnehmers gegen den Auftraggeber. Darüber hinaus wird für die Verletzung dieser Wettbewerbs- bzw. Kundenschutzklausel eine verschuldensunabhängige, vom richterlichen Mäßigungsrecht ausgenommene Konventionalstrafe in Höhe von € 10.000,00,- unabhängig von der tatsächlichen Schadenshöhe, vereinbart. Ein darüberhinausgehender Schadenersatzanspruch wird davon nicht berührt.
Obligation of confidentiality. All transports are subject to an obligation of confidentiality, which strictly prohibits the contractor from disclosing any information that becomes known to him in the course of the execution of the order to third parties. The contractor is liable for all vicarious agents. In the event of unauthorised disclosure of information to third parties, a contractual penalty regardless of fault of € 10 000,- which is excluded from the judicial right to reduce the penalty, is due. The principal expressly reserves the right to assert claims for further damages.
Obligation of confidentiality. All transports are subject to an obligation of confidentiality, which strictly prohibits the contractor from disclosing any information that becomes known to him in the course of the execution of the order to third parties. The contractor is liable for all vicarious agents. In the event of unauthorised disclosure of unerlaubten Weitergabe von Informationen an Dritte wird eine verschuldensunabhängige, vom richterlichen Mäßigungsrecht ausgeschlossene, Vertragsstrafe in Höhe von € 10.000,00 fällig. Die Geltendmachung eines darüberhinausgehenden Schadens behält sich der Auftraggeber ausdrücklich vor.

Related to Obligation of confidentiality

  • Confidentiality The contracting parties undertake to treat all confidential information, knowledge and trade secrets of the other contracting party, obtained in the course of the execution of the contract, as strictly confidential for an unlimited period of time, in particular even after the termination of the contract. Confidential information is in particular any technical and non-technical information, documentation, data, business information, inventions, business secrets, business relationships and know-how, as well as any other information that is marked as confidential or recognizable as such.

  • Termination The operator of a heavy unmanned free balloon shall activate the appropriate termination devices required by