Subcontractors. The Supplier is required to inform the responsible purchaser of BRANO, if it is buying the contractual goods to be supplied to BRANO from one or more fixed subcontractors or from frequently changing subcontractors. If fixed subcontractors are used for contractual goods to be delivered to BRANO, the Supplier must inform the responsible purchaser and quality contact of BRANO in the event of a permanent change of its subcontractors in due time and before implementation of the change. BRANO shall then decide whether, and to what extent, measures for the validation of conformity are required (for example, re- sampling, conformity testing, test certificates etc.). The Supplier shall be responsible for conducting the validation of conformity. Bezieht der Lieferant an BRANO zu liefernde Vertragswaren seinerseits fertig hergestellt von Unterlieferanten, so müssen diese ein zertifiziertes QM-System nachweisen, das zumindest den Anforderungen der DIN EN ISO 9001 in der jeweils gültigen Fassung, oder vergleichbaren Standards, entspricht. Ist dies nicht möglich, so informiert der Lieferant den zuständigen Einkäufer von BRANO hierüber schriftlich. BRANO behält sich für diesen Fall ein Zustimmungsrecht vor. Where the Supplier procures contractual goods to be delivered to BRANO by subcontractors, they must demonstrate a certified QM system that at least meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001 in its currently valid version or of a comparable standard. If this is not possible, the Supplier shall inform the responsible purchaser of BRANO about this in writing. BRANO reserves the right of approval in this case. Bezieht der Lieferant seinerseits an BRANO zu liefernde Vertragswaren fertig hergestellt von Unterlieferanten, so hat der Lieferant geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die vollständige Konformität der gelieferten Fertigwaren gegenüber den seitens BRANO geforderten Qualitätsanforderungen zu gewährleisten. Es gelten hier die gleichen Regeln für Konformitätsnachweise, wie bei Fertigwaren aus eigener Produktion. Should the Supplier purchase contractual goods to be supplied to BRANO from subcontractors, the Supplier shall take appropriate measures to ensure the complete conformity of the delivered finished goods with the quality requirements demanded by BRANO. The same principles for proof of conformity shall apply here as for manufactured goods from in-house production. Werden Sub-Lieferanten von BRANO im Rahmen der Bestellung von Vertragswaren schriftlich vorgegeben o...
Subcontractors. Der Lieferant verpflichtet sich, die ihm obliegenden Leistungen mit ei- genem Personal zu erbringen, so- weit nicht abweichend vereinbart. Der Einsatz von Subunternehmern zur Erbringung der vertraglich ge- schuldeten Leistungen ist nur mit vorheriger schriftlicher Zustim- mung von MAHLE zulässig. Soweit der Lieferant Aufträge an Subunter- nehmer erteilen darf, geschieht dies ausschließlich im eigenen Namen und auf eigene Rechnung des Liefe- ranten. Der Lieferant stellt sicher, dass sämtliche vertraglichen Ver- pflichtungen, die für die entspre- chenden Leistungen gelten, dem Subunternehmer vollumfänglich auferlegt werden. The supplier shall provide the per- formances incumbent upon it with its own personnel, unless otherwise agreed. The use of subcontractors for the provision of the contractu- ally owed performances is only per- mitted with the prior written con- sent of MAHLE. Insofar as the sup- plier is entitled to place orders with subcontractors, this shall be done exclusively in the supplier's own name and for the supplier's own ac- count. The supplier shall ensure that all contractual obligations that apply to the corresponding perfor- mances are imposed on the subcon- tractor in full.
9. Mitarbeitereinsatz; Mindest- lohn
Subcontractors. 11.1 The Provider is entitled to transfer the contractual services in whole or in part to one or more subcontractors within the scope of the Data Processing Agreement pursuant to Article 28 para. 3 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
11.2 The contractual agreements with the subcontractors shall be designed in a way that they comply with the statutory and contrac- tually agreed requirements, in particular with regard to copyright and data protection as well as data security, applicable to the con- tract between the parties. In particular, the Provider shall make sure that the provisions set forth in the Data Processing Agreement pur- suant to Article 28 para. 3 GDPR also apply to the contractual agree- ments with the subcontractors.
11.3 Transferring the contractual services to subcontractors does not relieve the Provider of responsibility to fulfill its obligations un- der this contract or its attachments.
Subcontractors. NI may use third party subcontractors (including suppliers, service providers, etc.) in the course of the f ulf illment of the Contract, provided that NI ensures the service or supply provided by the subcontractor complies substantially with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NI is not liable for actions or omissions of any subcontractor.
Subcontractors. We shall be entitled to use subcontractors for installation services.
Subcontractors. The Contractor must, in writing, obligate the subcontractors it commissions to comply with the applicable GAT-OHS and obtain the powers and rights to issue instructions in order to be able to fulfil and enforce its obligations pursuant to the GAT-OHS (e.g. the responsible person according to Clause 2) with respect to the subcontractor and its employees. The Contractor shall also check and ensure that the subcontractor Auftragnehmer hat zudem zu überprüfen und dafür einzustehen, dass der Subunternehmer diese Bedingungen auch tatsächlich befolgt. Verstöße des Subunternehmers gegen diese AZB Arbeitssicherheit muss sich der Auftragnehmer als eigene Verstöße zurechnen lassen. actually complies with these terms. The Contractor must allow subcontractors’ violations of these GAT_OHS to be attributed to it as if it were its own violation.
4. Berufsgenossenschaft 4. Employers' Liability Insurance Association
Subcontractors. Subcontractors must be approved by the original client and similarly obliged to maintain confidentiality. Proof of compliance with the security requirements must be requested.
Subcontractors. 18.1 Without TT’s prior written consent, the Supplier is not entitled to transfer performance of this contract entirely or in part to third parties. Subcontractors of the Supplier have to be identified by name to TT on demand. The use of subcontractors does not free the Supplier from any of its obligations towards TT.
18.2 If subcontractors are used by the Supplier, then the Supplier must ensure that the subcontractors provide TT with the same rights as to notice and inspections provided by clause 12.14 (warranties).
Subcontractors. (1) The Contractor’s obligations with respect to a Purchase may be performed by a technically capable third party (Subcontractor) only with prior written approval.
(2) The Contractor is to choose any such Subcontractor with care to assure that they are sufficiently qualified and capable, and to struc-
Subcontractors. N&M is not permitted to engage subcontractors to provide the service.