Academic dishonesty definition

Academic dishonesty means employing a method or technique or engaging in conduct in an academic endeavor that contravenes the standards of ethical integrity expected at the University of Houston or by a course instructor to fulfill any and all academic requirements. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to, the following:
Academic dishonesty means knowingly performing, attempting to perform, or assisting any other person in performing any academic work that does not meet this standard of academic honesty. Assistance by another, when authorized by the Faculty Member, will not be considered academically dishonest, nor will using information that is fairly attributed to the source.
Academic dishonesty means employing a method or technique or engaging in conduct in an academic endeavor that the student knows or should know is not permitted by the University of Houston or a course instructor to fulfill academic requirements. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Examples of Academic dishonesty in a sentence

  • Academic dishonesty or misconduct is a serious breach of the school’s expectations and may ultimately result in expulsion, as detailed in the school’s Academic Honesty Policy.

More Definitions of Academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty means plagiarism, cheating on examinations, fraudulent representation of student work product or other similar acts of dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty means an action that violates a rule regarding academic work required to obtain an academic degree or certificate.1 Examples include, but are not limited to, using unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or artificial-intelligence programs; cheating; plagiarism; forgery; falsification of information; receiving unauthorized assistance on coursework; providing false information to receive an extension to complete work; any violation of a campus, departmental, program, or faculty rules relating to an academic matter that may lead to an unfair academic advantage; or complicity with another individual who has engaged in an act of academic dishonesty.
Academic dishonesty means knowingly performing, attempting to perform, or assisting any other person in performing any academic work that does not meet the standard of academic honesty.
Academic dishonesty means any emergency medical services (EMS)student who submits a license or test application, a report of continuing education requirements, student record, clinical rotation record, intent to train form, self-study document, or any other document which is material to those of a student in an emergency medical services personnel (EMSP) training program and which is fraudulent or knowingly false in any respect.
Academic dishonesty means cheating, plagiarism and other dishonesty relating to academic work.
Academic dishonesty means plagiarism, misrepre- sentation of self or student work product or representation of work of others as your own, or other acts of academic dishon- esty.
Academic dishonesty means any course-related dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating or plagia- rism.