Examples of Accumulated Benefit in a sentence
Arbitrage will take place to take the benefit of the inherent opportunities such that market pressure will close the gap of the differential market values until a state of market equilibrium is reached between the values of the two firms.
At no time shall the Accumulated Benefit Obligations under any Plan that is not a Multiemployer Plan exceed the fair market value of the assets of such Plan allocable to such benefits by more than $10,000,000.
At no time shall the Accumulated Benefit Obligations under any Plan that is not a Multiemployer Plan exceed the fair market value of the assets of such Plan allocable to such benefits by more than $500,000.
At no time shall the Accumulated Benefit Obligations under any Plan that is not a Multiemployer Plan exceed the fair market value of the assets of such Plan allocable to such benefits by more than $250,000.
At no time shall the Accumulated Benefit Obligations under any Plans that are not Multiemployer Plans exceed the fair market value of the assets of such Plans allocable to such benefits by more than $5,000,000.