Examples of Annual Product Review in a sentence
At the Client’s request, Patheon will provide a copy of the Annual Product Review Report to the Client at no additional cost.
Annual Product Review (APR)A retrospective review of the history of a drug, required by the FDA for products manufactured in or importedinto the USA, undertaken on an annual basis.APISee Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient APRSee Annual Product Review AAuditInspection or survey of a site (e.g. a company, a production site) for the purpose of verifying compliance with the requirements it is supposed to fulfil (here: compliance with the GMP regulations and their specifications).
COMPANY shall receive a copy of DPT’s Annual Product Review for each Product as long as DPT is continuing to produce such Product for COMPANY and for as long as COMPANY’s account is current.
In addition, the grant award obligates Federal funds for Category C projects and constitutes approval of Category C projects that are not identified at the time of award but have met or will meet all applicable Federal requirements.
Upon request, Patheon will supply on an annual basis a copy of the Annual Product Review Report which includes all Product data in its control, including release test results, complaint test results, and all investigations (in manufacturing, testing, and storage), that Client reasonably requires in order to complete any filing under any applicable regulatory regime, including any Annual Report that Client is required to file with the FDA.