Section 9.6 Sample Clauses
Section 9.6. 47 Seniority rights shall be effective within the general job classification. As used in this Agreement, general 48 job classifications are those set forth in Article I, Section 1.4.
Section 9.6. 16 Seniority rights shall be effective within the general job classifications are those set forth in Article 1, 17 Section 1.3.
Section 9.6. 43 The employee with the earliest seniority date shall have preference regarding promotions, assignment 44 to new or open jobs or positions and layoffs when ability and performance are equal with those 45 individuals junior to the employee. When determining ability and performance, objective criteria such 46 as the following will be considered: technical skill level, interpersonal and communication skill level, 47 customer service skill level, organizational and teamwork skill levels related to the position. Such skill 1 levels shall be determined by an assessment, interview results, annual performance evaluations, and
Section 9.6. 37 Seniority rights shall be effective within the bargaining unit; except as provided in Section 9.9. of this 38 Article.
Section 9.6. 40 The District shall publicize for five (5) working days the availability of new or open job positions as 41 soon as possible after the District is apprised of the opening. 42
Section 9.6. 31 Seniority rights shall be effective within the general job classification. As used in this Agreement, 32 general job classifications are listed on Schedule A of the Agreement.
Section 9.6. 9 Seniority shall be the first consideration in all matters of job promoting, assignment to new or open 10 jobs and positions, layoff, addition or reduction in hours, rehire, and special services (including 11 overtime), providing the employee meets the qualifications.
Section 9.6. 17 Seniority rights shall be effective within the general job classification except as is outlined in Section
Section 9.6. 2 - Applicability The new evaluation system described in Sections 9.6 through 9.10 shall 8 replace the provisions of Sections 9.1 through 9.5 and apply to employees meeting the legal definition 9 of “classroom teachers,” specifically those nonsupervisory certificated staff who provide academically 10 focused instruction to students and hold one or more of the certificates identified in WAC 392-191A- 11 030. The term “classroom teacher” does not include Librarian, OT, PT, SLP, Psychologist, teachers on 12 special assignment (TOSA) and Counselors. Those bargaining unit members who do not meet this 13 definition will remain under the evaluation system defined in Sections 9.1 through 9.5 of the current 14 collective bargaining agreement. 15 16 Section 9.6.3 - Alternate Evaluator An employee believing he/she cannot receive an unbiased 17 evaluation from the designated administrator may request in writing to the Superintendent that an 18 alternate evaluator be appointed. The Superintendent shall evaluate the information provided by the 19 employee and make the decision. 20
Section 9.6. The District shall, as soon as the District determines that a vacancy exists, publicize within 1 the bargaining unit for five (5) working days the availability of open positions. A copy of the job posting 2 shall be forwarded to the president of the Association. The District may use a temporary to cover such a 3 position for the time it takes to post and fill the position.