Authorized Release Certificate definition
Examples of Authorized Release Certificate in a sentence
Canada Authorized Release Certificate Form 1 belgeleri, malzemenin dizayn otoritesi/üst asamble/ana silah sistemi üreticisinden getirilebilir.C.O.C./FAA/JAA/EASA/Canada Authorized Release Certificate Form 1 may be submitted by design authority/higher assembly/main weapon system manufacturer of the goods.
Bu paket listesi ile fatura, garanti, kalite kontrol/uygunluk belgesi (C.O.C veya FAA/JAA/EASA/Canada Authorized Release Certificate Form 1 belgelerinden biri) ve malzemenin özelliğine göre her bir kalem malzeme için kalibre, teknik analiz raporu vb.
Canada Authorized Release Certificate Form 1 belgelerinden birini getirdikleri sürece teslim edilen malzemenin üzerinde bulunan CAGE/MFRC kodunun farklılığı bir aksaklık olarak değerlendirilmeden muayeneye devam edilecektirThe tenderers may state company (CAGE) code of design authority or manufacturer of the main weapon system on the proforma invoice.
Submission of the invoice, packing list, any of the C.O.C/FAA/JAA/EASA/ Canada Authorized Release Certificate Form 1 shall be controlled.
An FAA-issued "Authorized Release Certificate" (FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag) or "Certificate of Conformity" (as the case may be) will be issued and signed by personnel authorized for such purposes.
If Buyer holds the CAA certification/approval/authorization, the Seller shall assign serialization as specified in Buyer’s order.For product with Seller-held TSOA/PMA, the Seller shall provide an Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130–3 (Airworthiness Approval Tag) or other CAA equivalent Airworthiness Approval Tag with each product.
FAA Order 8130.21, Procedures for Completion and Use of the Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag, paragraph 3-3, Approval for Return to Service—Products and Articles.
Aviation Authority in Listed EU Member State PRODUCTS, EXPORT DOCUMENTATION, AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ACTIVITIES • New engines and propellers conforming to an FAA-approved design, manufactured under an Austrian POA, and accompanied by an EASA Form 1, Authorized Release Certificate, or a JAA Form One issued before September 28, 2005.
An FAA Form 8130-3, Authorized Release Certificate (Airworthiness Approval Tag), is issued for aircraft engines, and propellers, TSO appliances and replacement and modification parts which are manufactured under an FAA production approval.
For the optional equipment delivered packed and spare parts: • A Certificate of Conformity or other equivalent document issued by the Seller’s authorized certifying staff, for standard components, • An Authorized Release Certificate (EASA Form 1) issued on behalf of the National Civil Aviation Authority as per the above mentioned Production Organisation Approval, for other certified components.