Banca Finint definition

Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., breviter Banca Finint S.p.A., a bank incorporated as a joint stock company (società per azioni) under the laws of the Republic of Italy, having its registered office in Xxx X. Xxxxxxx, 1, 31015 Conegliano (TV), Italy, share capital of Euro 91,743,007.00 fully paid up, tax code and enrolment in the companies' register of Treviso-Belluno no. 04040580963, VAT Group "Gruppo IVA FININT S.P.A." – VAT no. 04977190265, registered in the banks' register held by the Bank of Italy pursuant to article 13 of the Consolidated Banking Act under no. 5580 and in the register of the banking group held by the Bank of Italy as parent company of the Banca Finanziaria Internazionale Banking Group, member of the "Fondo Interbancario xx Xxxxxx dei Depositi" and of the "Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia".
Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., breviter "BANCA FININT S.P.A.", a bank incorporated as a società per azioni under the laws of the Republic of Italy, whose registered office is at Via Vittorio Alfieri, No. 1, 31015 Conegliano (Treviso), Italy, share capital of Euro 91,743,007.00 fully paid up, fiscal code and enrolment with the Companies Register of Treviso-Belluno No. 04040580963, VAT Group "Gruppo IVA FININT S.P.A." - VAT number 04977190265, registered in the Register of the Banks under number 5580 pursuant to Article 13 of the Consolidated Banking Act and in the Register of the Banking Groups as Parent Company of the Banca Finanziaria Internazionale Banking Group, member of the "Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi” and of the “Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia".
Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., a joint stock company (società per azioni) incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Italy, having its registered office at Via Vittorio Alfieri, n.1, 31015 Conegliano, Italy, Share Capital Euro 71,817,500.00 fully paid in, fiscal code and enrolment with the companies register of Treviso - Belluno under number 04040580963. VAT number No. 04977190265.

Examples of Banca Finint in a sentence

  • Banca Finint S.p.A. is hereby appointed as the first Representative of the Noteholders .

  • For 2020, the peer group includes:- Banco Posta- Credem Group- Banca Sistema- Generali Group and Banca Generali- Banca Finint Group- Intesa Sanpaolo Group- Iccrea Group Cooperative Bank- Mediobanca Group- Banco BPM Group- Mediolanum Group- BNL Group- UBI Banca Group- BPER Group- Unicredit GroupIn addition to what mentioned above, a role benchmark has been realized for the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, with respect to an international panel (5 banks belonging to STOXX600 index).

  • Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, under the Securitisation (i) Findomestic will act as Originator, Servicer, Cash Manager and Subordinated Loan Provider; (ii) BNP Paribas Securities Services, Milan branch will act as Account Bank and Paying Agent; and (iii) Banca Finint S.p.A. will act as Back-up Servicer Facilitator, Calculation Agent, Corporate Servicer and Representative of the Noteholders.

  • Representative of the NoteholdersBanca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., breviter Banca Finint S.p.A., a bank incorporated as a joint stock company (societá per azioni) under the laws of the Republic of Italy, having its registered office in Via V.

  • Corporate Servicer Banca Finint will act in its capacity as corporate servicerpursuant to the Corporate Services Agreement (theCorporate Servicer).

  • Representative of the NoteholdersBanca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., breviter Banca Finint S.p.A., a bank incorporated as a joint stock company (societá per azioni) under the laws of the Republic of Italy with a sole shareholder, having its registered office in Via V.

  • For further details, see the section headed “Fiditalia”.Master ServicerBanca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., breviter Banca Finint S.p.A., a bank incorporated as a joint stock company (società per azioni) under the laws of the Republic of Italy with a sole shareholder, having its registered office in Via V.

  • The 4.75% fixed rate Bond Issue, placed by Banca Finint, will expire on 30 June 2024 with half-yearly coupon and amortising repayment, and with a two-year pre-amortisation period.

  • RELAIS and RELAIS LeaseCo were established by Banca Finint, that also had the role of Corporate Servicer, Monitoring Agent, Calculation Agent, Representative of Noteholders and Back-up Servicer for both.

  • Among others, the amendments include:• Update of the risk factors;• Adaptation of the programme to the regulations in force;• Amendments to the Framework Assignment agreement in order to extend the period for publication of the Notice of Assignment in the Official Gazette;• Withdrawal from the "Back-up Servicing Agreement" entered into with Banca Finint S.p.A;• Transfer of the current accounts from BNP Paribas Securities Services, Milan branch to Credito Emiliano S.p.A.

More Definitions of Banca Finint

Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A..
Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., a joint stock company (società per azioni) incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Italy, having its registered office at Via Vittorio Alfieri, n.1, 31015 Conegliano, Italy, share capital Euro 71,817,500 i.v., fiscal code and enrolment with the companies register of Treviso - Belluno under No. 04040580963.
Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., a joint stock company (società per azioni) incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Italy, having its registered office at Via Vittorio
Banca Finint means Banca Finanziaria Internazionale S.p.A., a joint stock company (società per azioni) incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Italy, having its registered office at Via Vittorio Alfieri, n.1, 31015 Conegliano, Italy, fiscal code and enrolment with the companies register of Treviso - Belluno under number 04040580963.

Related to Banca Finint

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  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

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