Beneficial Reuse means the utilization of reclaimed water in a beneficial manner and for the purpose of conservation of the State's water resources by reducing the use of other water resources (potable water, surface water, groundwater).
Beneficial Reuse means the use of scrap tires for purposes other than its original intended use and that have been approved by the Division prior to reuse.
Beneficial Reuse means reuse of sediment from the site, or a separated portion of the sediment (such as the gravel fraction), that utilizes the physical characteristics and properties of the sediment in place of other material without requiring the use of engineered or institutional controls to protect human health or the environment. Examples of beneficial reuse include habitat restoration or enhancement, mine reclamation, landfill cover material, asphalt or concrete aggregate, or use of organic fines in manufactured topsoil.
More Definitions of Beneficial Reuse
Beneficial Reuse means use of material for beneficial reuse which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Alternative Daily Cover, Alternative Intermediate Cover, final cover foundation layer, liner operations layer, leachate and landfill gas collection system, construction fill, road base, wet weather operations pads and access roads, and soil amendments for erosion control and landscaping.
Beneficial Reuse means the use or reuse of special wastes, other than solids, residues, and precipitate separated from or created in sewage from humans, households, or commercial establishments by the processes of a wastewater treatment plant that are subject to the provisions of 401 KAR 45:100, in a manner that complies with the environmental performance standards of 401 KAR 30:031 and all other applicable requirements of 401 KAR Chapter 45.
Beneficial Reuse. The beneficial use of reclaimed water (treated effluent) from Dripping Springs’ Wastewater Plant which may be substituted for potable water and/or raw water (a) pursuant to Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 210, (b) as a direct potable reuse system, or (c) pursuant to any other legal method that does not result in the discharge of effluent from a permitted outfall authorized pursuant to TPDES No. WQ0014488003 into Walnut Springs. The term “Beneficial Reuse” does not include any treated effluent from the Dripping Springs’ Wastewater Plant that is discharged from a permitted outfall authorized pursuant to TPDES No. WQ0014488003 into Walnut Springs.
Beneficial Reuse means the utilization of reclaimed water in a beneficial manner and for the
Beneficial Reuse means using or reusing materials (such as construction and demolition waste, food residuals, clean wood, and leaf and yard residual) for purposes other than disposal. Beneficial reuse includes but is not limited to, roadway bedding, drainage bedding, and materials to be used for landfill operations only.
Beneficial Reuse means the reuse at a landfill of material for the following purposes:
Beneficial Reuse means “beneficial use” as defined in Maine’s Solid Waste Management Regulations, Code Me. R. tit. 06-096 Ch. 400, § 1(T), and/or as used in Chapter 418 of Maine’s Solid Waste Management Regulations, Code Me. R. tit. 06-096 Ch. 418.