Builders Risk definition

Builders Risk. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain All Risk Builder's Risk insurance upon the entire Project to One Hundred Percent (100%) of the insurable value thereof for the benefit of the Owner and the Contractor. Such insurance shall include any and all direct damage to all structures under construction (including temporary structures) and all materials, supplies, machinery, and equipment at the work site which are or will be incorporated in the work, which is caused by hazards such as but not limited to, the hazards of fire, lightning, wind, earthquake, flood, vandalism, malicious mischief, and other hazards included in a standard Extended Coverage Endorsement. Check box if required only.
Builders Risk insurance against damage or destruction by fire and full extended coverage, including vandalism and malicious mischief, covering all improvements to be erected hereunder and all materials for the same which are on or about the Property, in an amount equal to the full insurable value of such improvements and materials; such insurance to be payable to the Owner, the Developer and the Owner's lender as their interests may appear, with a standard mortgagee endorsement to the Owner's lender or its assigns as mortgagee. The Developer shall furnish to the Owner and the Owner's lender if required by such lender, duplicate policies of insurance as set forth in subparagraphs (i), (ii), and (iii) hereof. Each of such policies shall, if the insurance carriers so permit, contain a provision to the effect that they may not be canceled except upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the Owner and the Owner's lender.
Builders Risk. An 'all risk' Builders Risk insurance policy, including earthquake and flood, shall be maintained during the course of Construction. Policy shall include coverage for materials anc equipment to be used while at the Site, offsite or while in transit to the Site. Coverage shall be written to cover the full replacement cost of the property. Limits and deductibles shall be approved by PG&E ES. PG&E ES shall be named as Loss Payee. (5) Additional Insurance Provisions: Before commencing performance of Work, SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish PG&E ES with certificates of insurance and endorsements of all required insurance for SUBCONTRACTOR. The documentation shall state that coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been give to PG&E ES. The documentation must be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and shall be submitted to: PG&E Energy Services, Contracts Department, 345 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 0000, Xxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000. XX&E ES may inspect the original polices or require complete certified copies upon request. Upon request, SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish PG&E ES the same evidence of insurance for its lower-tiered subcontractors as PG&E ES requires of SUBCONTRACTOR.

Examples of Builders Risk in a sentence

  • Collier County shall procure and maintain Builders Risk Insurance on all construction projects where it is deemed necessary.

  • Builder's Risk insurance will be on a "special causes of loss" or equivalent policy form, covering risks of direct physical loss or damage to the Work and will include, without limitation, insurance against the perils of fire (with extended coverage), theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, flood, windstorm, testing and debris removal and will cover reasonable compensation the Contractor's services and expenses required as the result of such loss.

  • The Owner shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement a "Builder's Risk Policy" completed value form as a cost of the Project, issued to provide coverages on an "all risk" basis including theft.

  • The Golf Pro, where appropriate, shall also require waivers by all contractors or subcontractors hired by the Golf Pro against the City for damage caused by fire or other perils to the extent required by insurance provided under the Builder's Risk and property insurance.

  • Insurance - Builders Risk Insurance shall be maintained by the contractor during the course of construction until final acceptance by the owner.

More Definitions of Builders Risk

Builders Risk insurance against damage or destruction by fire and full extended coverage, including vandalism and malicious mischief, covering all improvements to be erected hereunder and all materials for the same which are on or about the Premises, in an amount equal to the full insurable value of such improvements and materials; such insurance, to be payable to Owner, Contractor and Lender, if any, as their interests may appear, with, standard mortgage endorsement to Lender or its assigns as mortgagee.
Builders Risk. The City has Builder’s Risk coverage that is shared between members of the W.A.R.M. property pool. Depending upon the size of the project, the City shall have the right to require the Contractor to obtain Builder’s Risk Coverage (this would be listed as a separate pay item on the Proposal). The Contractor is responsible for obtaining insurance coverage for its own property at the job site.
Builders Risk. To cover structures being built, temporary structures at the building site, and building materials not yet having become part of the building. The building materials are covered while on the insured location, in transit, or in storage at another location.
Builders Risk insurance with respect to the Premises, reasonably satisfactory to Landlord, and (b) all of the insurance to be maintained by Tenant during the Term, including without limitation public liability and property damage insurance, fire and extended coverage insurance and special form insurance, boiler and machinery insurance, and workers compensation insurance, (ii) the provisions of the Paragraph in this Lease entitled "Indemnity and Exemption of Landlord from Liability" shall be operative, and (iii) the provisions of the Paragraph in this Lease entitled "Utilities and Services" shall be operative. Any Alterations pursuant to this Paragraph shall be subject to all the provisions of the Paragraph in this Lease entitled "Alterations". Nothing in this Paragraph shall be construed as (a) requiring Tenant to carry such insurance on the initial improvements to be performed by Landlord as Landlord's Work pursuant to Exhibit "C", or (b) granting permission to ----------- Tenant to enter the Premises, or to make any Alterations, prior to the Lease Commencement Date and no such right shall exist unless specified in Exhibit "C". -----------
Builders Risk insurance, during any material construction, repair, replacement, renovation or alteration of the Improvements, in such amounts as are reasonably approved by Beneficiary.
Builders Risk policy, “Cargo” policy and “OCIP” policies (as those terms are defined in Schedule 6.3) attached to the Borrower Guarantee Issuance Date Certificate are appropriate forms for purposes of Section I.a.1, I.a.2, and I.a.4 of Schedule 6.3. (Signature page follows)
Builders Risk insurance against damage or destruction by fire and full extended coverage, including vandalism and malicious mischief, covering all improvements to be erected hereunder and all materials for the same which are on or about the Property, in an amount equal to the full insurable value of such improvements and materials; such insurance to be payable to the Owner, the Developer and the Lender as their interests may appear, with a standard mortgagee endorsement to the Lender or its assigns as mortgagee. The Developer shall furnish to the Owner and the Lender if required by the Lender, duplicate policies of insurance or certificates of insurance as set forth in subparagraphs (i), (ii), and (iii) hereof. Each of such policies shall, if the insurance carriers so permit, contain a provision to the effect that they may not be canceled except upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the Owner and the Lender.