Examples of Carbon offset in a sentence
This could affect those programmes’ ability to demonstrate technical consistency with some or all the following criteria: Validation and verification procedures; Carbon offset credits must be quantified, monitored, reported, and verified; Clear methodologies and protocols, and their development process; Additionality; Realistic and credible baselines; and Leakage.
Carbon offset funding is typically collected upon completion/occupation of the scheme, so the timescales for receiving funding are uncertain.
Carbon offset payments by contrast are usually calculated on the basis of abating carbon emissions for only 30 years whereas the building lifetime should be significantly longer than that.
Carbon offset contributions should not be used by developers as a way of buying their way out of complying with adopted policy.
Thus Carbon offset funding must be secured through Section 106 legal agreements on planning consents, and every planning obligation must pass three legal tests, that it is necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; directly related to the development; and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.