Card Limit definition
Card Limit refers to the limit imposed by the Bank on the Principal Cardmember and any Supplementary Cardmember at any one time for the use of the Card, and which limit shall be set by the Bank from time to time and notified by the Bank to the Cardmember in writing from time to time;
Card Limit means a limit set by Shell for each Card, up to which the User may use the Card for purchases in a calendar month. Purchases in excess of this limit shall not be allowed by the technology of the Shell systems.
Card Limit in relation to any Card, means the limit nominated by the Cardmember to DBS in writing from time to time or specified by DBS at its discretion from time to time up to which the total amount debited (or attempted to be debited) to the Card Account for the purpose of any Card Transaction by or through the use of such Card and/or the Card Particulars of such Card effected (including the use of the Card to effect a Transaction via the terminals operated by Network for Electronic Transfers Pte Ltd and/or Electronic Services), may reach before DBS refuses to authorise or approve any further Card Transactions by or through the use of such Card and/or the Card Particulars of such Card.
Examples of Card Limit in a sentence
In the event that the Operator receives money on the basis of a return operation, if there is such a return operation on the date of processing by the Operator - if the Payment Card Limit is exceeded, the Operator has the right to issue a new Payment Card for the amount of such a return operation, while the Operator’s obligation to the Client also increases by this amount and the right of the Client's claim to the Operator, respectively.
More Definitions of Card Limit
Card Limit means the amount set by the Bank (whether at the request of the Firm or the Cardmember or on the Bank’s own accord) as the card limit in relation to the Card Account.
Card Limit means the spending limit granted by the Institution applicable to the relevant Card Account, up to which limit funds may be drawn down by the Cardholder (and, where applicable, each Supplementary Cardholder) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and as further included in the Statement;
Card Limit means the maximum permissible limit prescribed by TEPL or the Card Issuer in connection with the use of the Card, and whether with reference to time periods, total Card Transaction values, types of transaction, types of accounts or with reference to any other factors that TEPL may deem fit or a combination of one or more of the aforesaid factors.
Card Limit means the credit limit imposed by RHB Bank on the Card and notified by RHB Bank to the Cardmember upon the issuance of the Card or in accordance with this Agreement from time to time.
Card Limit means the maximum amount that we at our sole discretion may make available to a Cardholder to spend in respect of the Card issued to the Cardholder, provided that the limit will not exceed the amount of the Facility;
Card Limit means, subject to your Payment Source, the Boost eWallet limit at present sharing the same maximum regulatory limit and maximum amount of funds that can be topped up to your Boost eWallet at any time and retained in your Card Account for usage, as approved by Boost for you, or your approved Boost PayFlex limit by Axiata Digital Capital Sdn Bhd (“Boost Credit”), or any other limit as may be allowed by regulation from time to time;
Card Limit means the lower of the Debit Limit or the amount in the Account available for the Cardmember's use;