Card Type definition
Examples of Card Type in a sentence
I hereby authorize Midwest Orthopaedic Consultants to use my credit card for copays, co-insurance, non-covered services, or other balances that are my financial responsibility if not paid within 45 days of service.Credit Card Type # Expiration .
Cardholder Name (Please Print):Billing Address (where billing statements are mailed):Cardholder’s Phone Number: Cell Phone Home Phone Number & Area Code: Card Type (Circle)VisaMasterCardDebit / CheckCardCreditAcct No: EXP.
Patient(s) Name(s): _ _ Name on Account: Bank Name: Account #: Routing #: Card Type: MasterCard Visa Discover Amex Cardholder Name: Billing Zip Code: Card #: Security Code: Expiration: / I authorize Integrate Internal Medicine, P.C., to automatically bill the checking account or credit/debit card listed above, as specified.
Routing #: Checking Account #: Credit Card Type: Credit Card # CVV: Exp.
Card Type Card Number Expiration CV Code Card Holder Name A signed lease agreement must be faxed to LDS in order to reserve the next available rental.