City Contact definition
Examples of City Contact in a sentence
If you have any questions about this determination, contact the City Contact listed above.
Bid results may be obtained by: (1) attending the bid opening; (2) e-mailing a request to the City Contact identified on the eBidding System; or (3) visiting the P&C eBidding System to review the bid results.
Prior to the Closing Date, the bidder or bidder’s authorized representative may modify or withdraw the bid by providing written notice of the bid modification or withdrawal to the City Contact via the eBidding System.
Prior to the Closing Date, the proposer or proposer’s authorized representative may modify or withdraw the proposal by providing written notice of the proposal modification or withdrawal to the City Contact via the eBidding System.
If a Proponent is in doubt as to whether there might be a conflict of interest, the Proponent should consult with the City Contact prior to submitting a proposal.