Examples of Civic education in a sentence
Rectangular fields denote energy conversion units and elliptical fields denote energy carriers and distribution networks.
Civic education should lead people towards mutual respect and tolerance, responsible behaviour, to critical thinking and to an active interest in public affairs and life around them.
Civic education also is important to civil society—that historicallyessential sector of society composed of nongovernmental voluntary, community, and fraternal organizations, clubs, and religious institutions.
Civic education focuses on knowledge and understanding of formal institutions and processes of civic life (such as voting in elections).
Civic education, therefore, is essential to the preservation and improvement of American representative government.
Civic education and discussions on constitutional issues were facilitated by the establishment of documentation centres in every district.
Civic education campaigns are difficult to implement without the assistance of the media.
ISCED levels are mostly distinguished by a range of expected competences.Development of TKC – Personal, Social and learning competence, Civic competence, Entrepreneurship competence and Cultural awareness and expression – is supported by compulsory general teaching subjects and they are especially targeted in Civic education, Ethic education as an alternative to Religion, and History.
Civic education in a constitutional democracy is the preparation of citizens to fulfill their responsibilities to sustain and enhance self-government.
Civic education will have to teach the culture of working, of tolerance, respecting public projects, respecting private life, etc.