Common Rules definition
Examples of Common Rules in a sentence
Consistent with the applicable U.S. DOT Common Rules, the Recipient agrees that license fees and royalties for patents, patent applications, and inventions produced with federal assistance provided through the Underlying Agreement are program income, and must be used in compliance with federal applicable requirements.
FINRA hereby agrees that the rules listed in the Certification are Common Rules as defined in this Agreement.
The Recipient agrees that disposition of its Project property may be made as provided in FTA’s enabling legislation, 49 U.S.C. § 5334(h), U.S. DOT Common Rules, and the most recent edition of FTA Circular 5010.1, to the extent consistent with applicable federal laws, regulations, requirements, and guidance.
The Recipient agrees to permit, and to require its Third Party Participants to permit, FTA to have access to the sites of performance of its Award, the accompanying Underlying Agreement, and any Amendments thereto, and to make site visits as needed in compliance with the U.S. DOT Common Rules.
The Recipient agrees to comply with the applicable U.S. DOT property management provisions as provided in the U.S. DOT Common Rules and this Master Agreement.