Communication device definition

Communication device means cell phones, personal digital assistance or combination of both or any other device used to communicate, send or transmit any text, video, audio or image;
Communication device means an item specified in section 1(3) of the Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Act 2012 (mobile telephones etc);
Communication device means any type of instrument,

Examples of Communication device in a sentence

  • Personal Communication Device (PCD): A personal communication device is any wired or wireless communication device or other prescribed device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, email, text messages, videos, or photos, internet access including but not limited to cellular/satellite telephones, pagers, personal handheld computers (PDAs) and cellular/satellite push to talk devices or similar products.

  • Personal Communication Device (PCD) A Company approved, or a Company provided and required Communication Device (e.g. cell phone, laptop, tablet).

  • City Issued Mobile Communication Device will be carried by employee(s) assigned to standby in accordance with 9.1. Employees assigned to standby who use their personal mobile communication device shall receive a stipend of thirty dollars ($30) per month until such time as a City mobile communication device is assigned by the City to the employee.

  • There will be a seventy (70) mile radius limit from the City of Pinole for persons assigned a City Issued Mobile Communication Device or persons who receive a stipend.

  • Communication Device As of Effective Date, Manager shall have obtained and shall continue to maintain, at Manager’s personal expense, a mobile device (e.g. smart phone) with cell phone, e-mail, and VPN functionality.

More Definitions of Communication device

Communication device means the communication device as defined in clause (ha) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Act;
Communication device means any type of instrument, device, machine, or equipment which is capable of transmitting, acquiring, decrypting, or receiving any telephonic, electronic, data, Internet access, audio, video, microwave, or radio transmissions, signals, communications, or services, including the receipt, acquisition, transmission, or decryption of all such communications, transmissions, signals, or services provided by or through any cable television, fiber optic, telephone, satellite, microwave, radio, Internet-based, data transmission, or wireless distribution network, system or facility; or any part, accessory, or component thereof, including any computer circuit, security module, smart card, software, computer chip, electronic mechanism or other component, accessory or part of any communication device which is capable of facilitating the transmission, decryption, acquisition or reception of all such communications, transmissions, signals, or services.
Communication device means cell phones, personal digital assistants or combination of both or any other device used to communicate, send or transmit any text, video, audio or image.
Communication device means a hardware device capable of transmitting analog or digital signal over the telephone and other communication devices, whether wired or wireless.
Communication device means the device used in or for access to the Mobile Application.
Communication device means a machine, device, or thing for communicating at a distance and using any technology (including telecommunication, radiocommunication, and broadcasting technology).
Communication device is defined to include all portable devices that send or receive calls or text messages, allow the retrieval of email, or provide access to the Internet. Communication devices shall include, but may not be limited to cell phones, smart phones, iPads, and tablets. “Use/Using” for the purposes of this policy mean answering or talking on the phone; sending or responding to a text, e-mail, or other communication; opening and viewing pictures or digital recordings; opening and listening to music or audio communications; accessing social media websites; playing games on such device; continuously checking a communication device; or any activity with a communication device that interferes with the employee’s job duties or appropriate supervision of students. General Use The district prohibits employees from using any communication device that interrupts or disrupts the performance of duties by the employee or otherwise interferes with district operations, as determined by the employee’s supervisor. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the communication device used is owned by the employee or provided by the district. Employees are responsible for keeping communication devices secure and, if possible, password protected. Supervision of students and the provision of academic instruction are priorities in the district, and employees who are responsible for supervising and/or providing academic instruction to students must concentrate on these tasks at all times. Employees shall not use communication devices when they are responsible for supervising students or when their doing so interrupts or interferes with classroom instruction unless any of the following conditions occurs: • The device is being used to instruct the students being supervised at the time; • The use is necessary to the performance of an employment-related duty; • The employee has received specific and direct permission from a supervisor to do so; or • There is an emergency. Even when these conditions exist, the employee is responsible for obtaining assistance in adequately supervising students during the approved use so that students are supervised at all times. Us e i n Vehicles Regardless of other provisions of this policy, unless there is an emergency, employees shall not use communication devices when: • Driving district-provided vehicles; • Operating a vehicle in which a student is being transported when the transportation is provided as part of the employee's job; or • Supervising stu...