Comprehensive plan means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the governing body of a local government that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, including but not limited to sewer and water systems, trans- portation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality management programs. “Comprehensive” means all-inclusive, both in terms of the geographic area covered and functional and natural activities and systems occurring in the area covered by the plan. “General nature” means a summary of policies and proposals in broad catego- ries and does not necessarily indicate specific locations of any area, activity or use. A plan is “co- ordinated” when the needs of all levels of governments, semipublic and private agencies and the citizens of Oregon have been considered and accommodated as much as possible. “Land” includes water, both surface and subsurface, and the air.
Comprehensive agreement means the comprehensive agreement between the private entity and the responsible public entity that is required prior to the development or operation of a qualifying project.
Comprehensive assessment means the gathering of relevant social, psychological, medical and level of care information by the case manager and is used as a basis for the development of the consumer service plan.
Comprehensive means an assistance program that focuses on
Insurance means (i) all insurance policies covering any or all of the Collateral (regardless of whether the Collateral Agent is the loss payee thereof) and (ii) any key man life insurance policies.
FHA Insurance means the Federal mortgage insurance authorized pursuant to Section 220, 221(d)(3), 221 (d)(4) or 223(f) of Title II of the National Housing Act of 1934, as amended.
Medical malpractice insurance means insurance against legal liability incident to the practice and provision of a medical service other than the practice and provision of a dental service.
Fidelity Insurance means insurance coverage with respect to employee errors, omissions, dishonesty, forgery, theft, disappearance and destruction, robbery and safe burglary, property (other than money and securities) and computer fraud in an aggregate amount acceptable to Seller’s regulators.
General Liability Insurance Subcontractor shall carry minimum primary General Liability Insurance for the following amounts:
Comprehensive resource analysis means an analysis including,
Travel Insurance means coverage for personal risks incidental to planned travel, including one or more of the following:
Co-insurance means the percentage of the usual, reasonable, customary, and fair market value expense that a covered person must pay.
Adopt a comprehensive land use plan means to enact a new
Other Insurance means insurance available to any covered person that covers a loss to which this policy applies, other than either primary insurance or insurance specifically purchased by you to be excess of the insurance afforded by this policy.
Company Insurance Policies has the meaning set forth in Section 4.15.
Blanket travel insurance means a policy of travel insurance issued to any eligible group providing coverage for specific classes of persons defined in the policy with coverage provided to all members of the eligible group without a separate charge to individual members of the eligible group.
Liability Insurance means compulsory professional liability errors and omissions insurance required by a governing body;
Captive insurance company means any pure captive insurance company, association captive
Property Insurance is defined in Section 6.10(a).
Primary insurance means the policies listed in this policy’s Umbrella Schedule.
Professional liability insurance means insurance against legal liability incident to the practice of a profession and provision of a professional service.
Basic Comprehensive User Guide means the Ministry document titled Basic Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air) User Guide” dated April 2004 as amended.
First party insurance means an insurance policy or contract in which the insurer
Association captive insurance company means a company that insures risks of the member organizations of the association and their affiliated companies.
Insurance producer means a person required to be licensed under the laws of this state to sell, solicit or negotiate insurance, including annuities.
General Liability means:Your legal liability in respect of Personal Injury and/or Property Damage and/or Advertising Injury caused by or arising out of an Occurrence happening in connection with the Business other than Products Liability.