Examples of Consistency review in a sentence
The Project also requires a Federal Consistency review by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).
Five pins are sold; one of which is a metal pin that when purchased enters the participant in a drawing for a Cadillac, as well as providing privileges such as access to special areas of the event.
None of the information within this section varies from the intent of the Rocky Habitat Management Strategy.Enforceable policiesThe following subset of policies will be submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for approval to use during Federal Consistency review under the Coastal Zone Management Act (see Federal Consistency Regulations 15 CFR Part 930).
Adoption of PRCZMP policies and guidelines to support local governments with integration of EbA strategies into their territorial ordainment or land use plans, in partnership with the PRPB (PRCZMP Federal Consistency review lead).
Lastly, while often acting as a non-regulatory agency when dealing with restoration projects, and displayed as such in Figure 2.1, NHCP could play a regulatory role if a proposed living shoreline project required Coastal Federal Consistency review.
Consistency review is required for any project that:• Is in, or is expected to affect the resources or land or water uses of, the New York coastal zone; and• Requires a state- or federal-listed permit, is federally, state, or locally funded, or is a direct activity of a federal, state, or local agency.The District is located within the coastal zone designated by New York City (Figure 13-1).
Make necessary Program Changes to strengthen and expand Maryland’s use of Federal Consistency (e.g., expand list of federal activities, receive approval for interstate Federal Consistency review, update policies to incorporate legislative and regulatory changes).
This includes a general plan land use conformity determination and CAP Consistency review checklist.
Make necessary Program Changes to strengthen and expand Maryland’s use of Federal Consistency (e.g. expand list of federal activities, receive approval for interstate Federal Consistency review, update policies to incorporate legislative and regulatory changes).
Pursuant to the methodology provided in Chapter 12 of the 1993 SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, consistency with the South Coast Air Basin 2012 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) is affirmed when a project (1) does not increase the frequency or severity of an air quality standards violation or cause a new violation and (2) is consistent with the growth assumptions in the AQMP.6 Consistency review is presented below: 6 South Coast Air Quality Management District.