Examples of Conversion Terms in a sentence
Check this box if there are no outstanding promissory, convertible notes or debt arrangements: ☐ Date of Note Issuance Outstanding Balance ($) Principal Amount at Issuance ($) Interest Accrued ($) Maturity Date Conversion Terms (e.g. pricing mechanism for determining conversion of instrument to shares)Name of Noteholder (entities must have individual with voting / investment control disclosed).
The Conversion Price shall be subject to adjustment pursuant to Clause 10.3 (Redemption at the Option of a Bondholder due to a Change of Control Event), Clause 12 (Conversion Terms) and Clause 13 (Adjustment of the Conversion Price).
Check this box if there are no outstanding promissory, convertible notes or debt arrangements: ☐ Date of Note Issuance Outstanding Balance ($) Principal Amount at Issuance ($) Interest Accrued ($) Maturity Date Conversion Terms (e.g. pricing mechanism for determining conversion of instrument to shares) Name of Noteholder (entities must have individual with voting / investment control disclosed).
Indicate by check mark whether there are any outstanding promissory, convertible notes, convertible debentures, or any other debt instruments that may be converted into a class of the issuer’s equity securities: No: ☒ Yes: ☐ (If yes, you must complete the table below) Date of Note Issuance Outstanding Balance ($) Principal Amount at Issuance ($) Interest Accrued ($) Maturity Date Conversion Terms (e.g. pricing mechanism for determining conversion of instrument to shares) Name of Noteholder.
At the date of this Agreement, the Best Terms include, inter alia, conversion of cash or debt into securities at the rate of $0.02 per share of common stock par value $.0001 of Magnitude (the "Common Stock") and accompanying every two shares of Common Stock is one three-year warrant to purchase one share of Common Stock at $0.05 (the "Original Conversion Terms").